Section 32 Says "Floodpront - Land Liable to Flooding". Should I Steer Clear?

Hi guys!
I've found a block of land with a small house (that I'd knock down) that I think I want to buy.
I'm just looking over the section 32 but don't really know much about it.

I can see it says "Floodprone - Land liable to flooding". This is shown on the rate notice.
The block is at the bottom of a small hill.
This now has me slightly worried about the block. What more should I do to find out how much of an issue it is?
I'll give the agent a call tomorrow but I'm guessing they won't tell me much.

Anything else to look for in the Section 32?
It is confusing at one point where it shows me the diagram for lot 89.. but then refers to it as lot 136 later on.

Edit: just read this… which puts me a bit at ease


  • +3

    See if insurance will give you flood cover for a dwelling on the land, and if so, how much it will cost a year.

    • +1

      Seconded - it's literally insurance companies' job to know and measure the risk, and how much the premiums are for flood cover will tell OP exactly how risky it is.

  • Flooding, I'm not so sure but as someone who's also looking, I've come across a S32 which claimed the property is in a bush fire zone. Taking to a neighbour
    who's lived there since 1973, never had a bush fire. It's a risk, but you decide if it's indeed 100 year event. One thing for sure, insurance will be higher as I've been told.

    As for the Lot references being different, sounds like the conveyancer messed up, ask the agent to confirm if it's a typo or two different docs inadvertently stapled together, and request an updated S32.

    Finally, I have recently learnt Google Earth is your best friend when looking for a property, can scope aerial views as far back as 2006 with the time slider view, absolutely brilliant in seeing any renos and changes over time. And you don't need to accelerate to my username to see it 😉

  • +2

    I would stay clear. Your insurance will be super high, or may even be not covered when you go to claim (since you knowingly built on a flood risk area). Your build cost may be higher to counter small floods (maybe different type of slab etc). Unless that block of land is the only block of land available in the whole search area for you, look for other places.

    Prone to bushfire depends on it's bushfire rating (in QLD at least). For example, the line of houses in my area which overlooks the big patch of trees on the foothills of Tambourine have bush fire risk hence their build includes features to increase BAL rating.

  • +1

    Yes. Steer clear. It may not flood for 20 years, but it is still more of a gamble than an investment.

  • I looked at a house around the corner owned by a guy who had lived in the area for 50 years. the houses 100 meters away were in a "flood zone". he had never seen a flood in all that time and with civil upgrades to storm water and the increase in property density then it seems stupidly remote. also given the house is located on an incline which continues to slope down to the sea.

    so it could be a historical flood warning but since corrected by human intervention.

    or not.

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