This was posted 7 years 3 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Coles $50 off Groceries or 10,000 Flybuys Points - for Spending Targeted Amount The Next 4 Weeks


Check your flybuy account to see how much you are offered, or your mailbox.

Choose your reward by Sun 16 Nov 2017
Spend "Targeted amount" (I got 60) or more in one shop, in store or online at Coles, each week for 4 weeks
Make your week 1 purchase between Fri 16 Nov and Sun 26 Nov 2017 — please note you have 10 days to shop in week 1
Scan your flybuys card each time you shop
$50 discount offer
Offer valid only at Coles and Bi-Lo Supermarkets and Coles online (excludes Coles Express). To check whether we deliver to your area visit $50 or more must be spent in one transaction, after all savings, discounts and vouchers each week for 4 weeks. $50 discount is valid for 30 days from date of issue and can't be used against your week 4 shop. $50 discount will be automatically redeemed the first time $50.05 is spent and your flybuys card is used. If discount is used at Coles online, $50 discount will show up on tax invoice at the time of delivery. Offer is available once per household. $50 transaction and $50 discount excludes purchases of all gift cards, iTunes cards, tobacco and tobacco related products. $50 discount will be loaded to your flybuys card after your week 4 qualifying shop. Standard flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at

10,000 BONUS POINTS offer
Offer valid only at Coles and Bi-Lo Supermarkets and Coles online (excludes Coles Express). To check whether we deliver to your area visit $50 or more must be spent in one transaction, after all savings, discounts and vouchers each week for 4 weeks. Offer is available once per household. $50 transaction excludes purchases of all gift cards, iTunes cards, tobacco and tobacco related products. BONUS POINTS will be loaded to your account after your week 4 qualifying shop. Standard flybuys terms and conditions apply and are available at

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closed Comments

  • How do we see what out targeted amount is?

    • Download coles app and add Flybuys

    • +10

      I can provide some insight. It's based entirely on your historical spend, as measured by your FlyBuys cards. Basically Coles wants you to spend more with them then you normally would.

      So it's probably a good deal if you do your regular shopping at another supermarket; but if you already shop predominately at Coles (and use FlyBuys) then the "Targeted Amount" will force you to spend more than you normally would.

      So tread carefully, It's a finely veiled offer.

      Also after you have completed the deal, and received $50 off; it will repeat with an even higher amount.

      • +6

        Nope I just had the same deal around 3 weeks ago an it was $50 then and now it’s another deal for $50

      • +1

        This is my third consecutive $50x4 offer. No increase in spending as in previous years

        • I doubt you completed all previous $50x4 offers.If you did not complete these offers,it will not increase obviously.

        • +2

          @Neoika: Completed previous offers and got the bonus each time. No increase yet. I'm not complaining though

        • @aj3000: Much the same here - this is my 3rd offer in a row with a $50 weekly spend target. First offer was for two weeks, next offer was for 4 weeks, as is the one I received today. Completed both the previous offers (spending just over the target amount by a dollar or two) and bonuses received each time.

        • I usually get between 60-80, I got 70 this time. Usually if I don't want to accept I start being a bit more selective about what offers I accept. Sometimes you get a better offer in the coming weeks, not always though.

        • Yeah, I get the odd higher offer and never complete it. Most shopping is at WW due to far more convenient location, so shopping for bonus points is 95% of my Coles spend.

      • Confirmed. I signed up to flybuys approximately 4 months ago. Did the 4x$60 spend for $50 voucher and just received this one for 4x$70 spend. Still nice but I usually do smaller shops as it’s more convenient for me so I won’t be doing this. Hopefully it’ll result in more suitable deals next time.

  • i got $100 :(

  • +5

    I got $50, so hard for a single person to take advantage of all these offers lol

    • +1

      didnt get sh!t..

      • +2

        Why were you looking for shit anyways.

    • +7

      Just stock up on whatever ya need that is on special that week.

      Toilet paper, washing powder etc.

      • -3

        Don't need or want anything. Your house must be cluttered with stuff.

    • +1

      Non-perishables are your friend here.
      I stock up on cleaning products, tissues, toilet paper & other stuff depending on what's on sale for that week. Having a pet comes in handy too, when you're due for new dog/cat food and snacks.
      If it looks like it'll be a stretch to do all four weeks, definitely don't try and they will soon send you another offer which will be lower. I am a single adult so I don't go for any that require over $60 spend per week.

      • I usually buy Netflix gift cards.

        • I wasn't sure if the gift cards counted, assuming you can't do coles/myer ones but that's awesome if you can get iTunes, Netflix, etc

  • +3

    This one is very much targeted email. I have to spend $110 to get 10,000. It's been like this for a while now. Not accepting hasn't lowered the amount down. So, I miss out on extra fly buys points these days.

    • +1

      I stopped activating and mine came down from $110 to $60

      • Yeah, I seen others say the same thing :( I wish mine would go down. Mine is actually $120 not $110..It was $110 few weeks ago though. But I'll keep ignoring it in hopes it lowers sometime..haha

        • +5

          Get another flybuys account. Do some minor spend, then initial offers should be low. Use it until offer spend goes up to an unachievable level. By then the other card will be lowered somewhat. Rinse and repeat. Always only just meet the offer amount. We are back down to $50 from $90…

        • @Coops1: Thanks for the suggestion. Not a bad idea at all. But I wouldn't think you can have two accounts in the same name as it's just me?

        • @pikapika:

          Makes it harder, it needs to be a real person in my opinion (moral code only!). We have 4, but 2 Adult kids have there own as well. I don't think thats an issue at all.

        • @Coops1: Yep, I might be out of luck on this one. Well, Woolies will get more of my business than Coles for now is my only real solution and tiny spends at Coles.

      • +1

        It's strange, I never received any promotions from coles. Woolworths is quite kind to me.

      • Actually I am opposite. My spend target raise from $60 to $110 to get $50 bonus. That's suck.

        I think I spent twice $200 and got $20 bonus each time. Coles think I able to spend more. So this time, I won't activate and let's see will bring down target spend.

    • +3

      My little hack - create a second account and alternate between them. Also, the less you spend, the less you have to send to get the bonus, so try and spilt your spending between the two.

      • We did this as well. We have 11 Woolies ones we rotate.

        • OMG!

        • I wish I could do that with woolies but we have a sub par reward system her in tassie

      • Yep, but if it's just you then you can't have two accounts with the same name I'd suspect?

        • Second account is for my wife

    • We spend at least $50 at Woolies and $50 at coles so both of them send us good promo. You are getting a high value because your total spend for the week is around that.

    • I buy everything from woolies using the egift cards and rarely go to Coles unless they give me one of these offers.

      Mine was $50.

    • You need another few cards to train.

    • +1

      Just a possibility, they might know you're rich because you spend a lot, and give you less tempting deals than someone who doesn't spend as much?

      I got $50 x4 for 10k points. I never spend $50 a week in one shop.

      I'm guessing you spend more than $50 in one shop each week, so there's no point offering you the same deal I got, because it's not going to get you to spend more than you are, and they're just giving away free money. That might be why yours is higher. They have to set it to an amount higher than your average spending.

      I'm only guessing though. It could just be you're a low spender like me and this is all entirely luck of the draw.

      • Low spender is still true but I'll go to Coles say twice a week (sometimes none) and I'll do a small shop. So if I combine the price of both those shops it'll come to around $100ish. So, this is probably why I've been hit with the $120 cause they see how much you spend overall in each week and TRY and push you to do it that way. Isn't going to happen.

    • +1

      Get another Flybuys account instead and start filling that up (unless you need to have all of your points in one account for some reason).

  • +1

    I got spend $100 each week for 4 weeks to get 15,000 points or $75 off next shop

  • +3

    I got $60 spend each week for 4 weeks to get 15,000 points or $75 off next shop

    • +1

      That's a good deal! OP only gets $50 for spending $60 for 4 weeks.

    • +1

      Any idea why you received such a good offer? I stopped swiping the flybuys card for more than $60 per week and their offers improved from $100 per week until today's $60 pw for 4 weeks for 10,000 points.

    • Lucky you!
      I got $230 a week and 15,000 points.

  • +1

    I got $80 spend each week for 4 weeks to get 15,000 points or $75 off next shop

  • +1

    Reveen, SAVE $50 off your Christmas shop!
    ($50 off or 10,000 bonus points)
    When you spend $50 or more each week for 4 weeks!

  • +1

    I got no offers .. oh well

  • +1

    I get so many of these I can't think of stuff to buy to use them (and they're usually only $50 ones).

  • the mailed out coupons will stack too

  • It’s been months since I’ve received these, got $50 offer but will be away for holidays :(

  • We have 2 cards- 1 is 50 for 10000 and the other is 110 for 10000. Guess which one we activated.

    • +1

      Both. Spilt the bill if you spend at least $160 week at Coles.

  • Would buying Coles gift card make me qualify for this offer?

    • +1


  • Mine went down too after I didn’t accept their offers of spending $120, then $110, then $80 now back to $50 x4 weeks for $50

  • +1

    I got $60 spend for 4 weeks for 10,000. I've never been offered 15,000! But I seem to get a new one every month as soon as the old one finishes. I have successfully brought the spend down from $100 and I only have one card.

  • +2

    I don't seem to get any offers at all! Should i just register a new account?

    • +1

      Register several. It helps.

      • Thanks a lot.

  • I’m transferring all the points out from these offers to Velocity and it’s pretty much got me a free return flight!

    • How many Flybuys points did you have to transfer for the return flight?

      • I’m going to Cairns next year, single one way is about 45000 velocity points. It’s about 0.8 FB to 1 Velocity?

        • Enjoy it!

          I wonder if it's better value to use the FB points as money to spend at Coles or transfer it to Velocity for a flight.

          It'd be an interesting calculation to make but I guess there would be lots of variables.

    • Same. Just booked Perth Bris return for three weeks. Got 5000 bonus points too due to 15% extra.

  • +2

    Not as good as the woolies Google Home Mini deal. I got the Mini for free for shopping $50 a week for 4 weeks. There was another offer that overlapped with it: get $20 in credit for spending $30 two weeks in a row. Of course spending $50 towards you free Mini also fulfills the second offer at no extra spending. So I got the $20 on top of a $79 item, for spending $200 over 4 weeks.

    I'm not doing this for $12.50 a week in savings. I struggled to spend $50 at Woolies.

    • +1

      Woolies has heaps more exclusions than Coles.

      • I wasn't affected by them. What were they anyway?

        • +1

          coles includes mobile recharge, liquor and charity

  • I didn’t get one this time around.

  • I got spend $140 x 4 weeks for $100 off a shop or 20,0000 points. I opted for points so i can use them as I like, but the past 3 weeks Ive only spent $120, so I dont expect to get it, and quite frankly dont go chasing it because I know they will make it higher next time.

  • Op in the image you used, a screenshot of the email it says “Insider Tips for completing the four week shop”. What does it say are the tips, If you don’t mind me asking?

  • +1

    I got 4 weeks x $170, but $100 off. I spend about half that - didn't make the last round where it was $150

  • +3

    I order stuff for work team room. I got spend $200 for 4 weeks to get $100 back. winning!

  • I have had my run from $50/$50/$60 and now back to $50 p/w wonder how this works?

  • I have never ever had a targeted offer like this, maybe certain people get it?

  • +1

    it seems many people have multiple flybuys accounts? How does that work? Is it allowed? Like can you register more than 1 account to same name & address? Also, can you link up more than 1 account to your velocity account? Would be grateful to anyone who can give some tips! I keep getting $100 targets and I spend nowhere near that much…Thanks!

    • Wondering myself about two cards in the same name. I'm pretty doubtful you could link multiple accounts to one Velocity account though.

      • You can link and unlink velocity anytime

  • We were away OS for 3 months and got a 4$75 offer which was great. This was followed by a 4$100 offer which I was about to reject except we were going away for 5w with FiL so actually worked out well. Then followed by 4$130 (ignored) and now 4$100-will also be ignored. What really… irritated me was the vouchers that came in the mail, alternating between Double Points(only) and bonus points for $140 purchases. (had been triple points and $70 spends) Went straight into the bin (along with the 4c fuel discounts)

  • I've gained some insight into how this work.
    We get offers between $200 and $230 because we spend quite a lot each week.

    Recently we didn't use the flybuy card for 2 weeks but still shopped and spent $200+ each week.

    It looks like they take the average of what They calculate as your monthly spend because our 4 week offer dropped to $100 min spend.

    Remember they don't have people poring through your purchase history to calculate your min spend at slightly higher than what your last deal was or whatever. Way too hard and requires multiple data sources.

    They use a very basic algorithm for these things , and There is no more basic than 'Total spend last month' divided by 4 and rounded up to the nearest offer amount ie $50,$60,$100,150,$200 etc.

    This ensures the majority of recipients will spend more than they did last month and keeps the, shopping at Coles. So they lose out on those people who have no intention of shopping elsewhere anyway like us.

    • It's all done by computers, and computers can implement any algorithm if the data is available. They are still recommending certain things for me to buy because I once bought those or something similar in the past.

  • irrespective of the algorithms and calculations etc, the spend required to get the bonus points just keeps increasing. as they say on the sharktank….im out!

    • As long as you don't shop at coles, I still think it won't increase offer after offer.

      I have seen mine ebb and flow from the previous one to this.

  • +1

    I had this offer last week. I've also had various versions of the "spend $x each week to get $x discount in the 5th week". This can be quite painful as yes they try and get you to spend more than you normally would (eg $80 when most we ever buy is $50). Also we mostly do smaller shops multiple times in a week as we don't drive and so doing a bigger shop is actually a pain to get it home :) But as long as you buy stuff you actually need, then it's a good way to stock up and then you'll have a nice discount and can then not do much shopping for a while.

  • I got 4 x $160 for $75

  • Can I ask something here, it says " delivery", do does this mean you have to have it delivered by Coles? In order to get the bonus on offer? I only have time to click and collect, and I wouldn't pay up for delivery personally

    • This sentence?

      If discount is used at Coles online, $50 discount will show up on tax invoice at the time of delivery.

      That's pretty clear don't you think, it's only if you shop online. If you pick up, handing you the goods is probably regarded as delivery. I don't think they want to force you to use their home delivery service. They want you to spend. You can shop in store as usual.

  • Fair point, yes, cheers

  • I use a gift card to pay for my items, will it count?
    eg. My total is $59, I pay using a Coles gift card. Will this count as one of my four weekly shops?

    • +1

      I should think so, it's just a payment method. They just want you to spend.

    • +1

      I've paid with gift cards before and still qualified for the promotion.

  • How soon after the final shop does it take for the points to be creditted to your account?

    I earnt 10,000 points yesterday, but they still haven't been creditted to my account yet

    • Just contacted fly buys: The bonus points will normally be creditted within 48 hours

      • At one stage they were crediting the points within 24 hours but these days it is usually 48 hours. That's what happened to me this week.

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