This was posted 14 years 3 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Game Sale!


Dear Ozbargainers!

We at Ozgamesdirect wish to present you with a sale.
All items are in stock (unless specified) and will be shipped with free (regular) postage:

Bioshock 2 (PC)[sold out]…

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (PC)…

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (X360)…

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)…

Mass Effect 2 (PC)…

Assassins Creed II (360)…

FIFA 10 (360)…

FIFA 10 (PS3)…

Battlefield 2: Complete Collection (PC)…

Bayonetta (PS3)…

Bayonetta (Xbox 360)…

Please let us know if we can do any better bargains!

If you have any questions add us on msn messenger: [email protected]


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OZGames Direct
OZGames Direct

closed Comments

  • +4

    NICE! Did you want to show the sale items though?

  • +1

    This IS a joke, right? Because I can find any of these games on fleabay for under ten bucks.

    • must be… so dear

      • -6

        Chill out will ya?
        Maybe your intention is to bump ppl for getting rip off - which is good in some way.
        But, some buyers don't mind to spend extra $$$. Sydney house price for example that's a real rip off and funny thing ppl still buying it. You just feed us with some cheaper website: +1 from me , bashing the rep: -1

  • +1

    Aren't these pretty standard prices for imported games?

  • +1

    I'm sorry but MW2 is not a deal when you can get it for $33 delivered from zavvi (see deal by deliriouz)

    • It's the hardened edition too from zavvi

      • yes!i ordered yesterday:)

  • +2

    Got Bioshock 2 for $14 at ozgameshop

  • +6

    I'll adjust the prices if their not low enough :)

    Thanks for the feedback guys!

      • +14

        Mate seriously, no need to rip his throat out. How many times do you get a retailer offering to reduce the price on sale items to impress you? Instead of general disdain why not give him a bit of constructive feedback?

        • Can't reply to your comment so I have to reply to mine. My suggestion may seem harsh, but I think I was reasonable in my justification. Between the two of us, if anyone is whinging, it's not the guy who provides a solid basis of comparison and note of thanks for the rep's consideration.

      • +5

        I have lowered the prices for a better bargain for you guys :)
        Just a quick note on "(who’s name u are obviously copying)"

        Domain Name:
        Creation Date: 22-Nov-2009


        (Don't want to sound like a tightarse but just want to clarify that minor point :))

      • +3

        This comment is too troll man. Cool it down. He's probably new here and not familiar with what we really like here. This is common practice anyway, especially for all the new reps that post here. Many of them post here purely as a way to get their name out. Over time, they will realise that this is not what we want. Either that, or we can advise them nicely without trolling. stellaoriens makes a good point. What kind of rep actually offers to reduce prices after reading the comments? What kind of rep STILL offers to reduce prices after a TROLL comment?!

        • +3

          He’s probably new here

          posted his first deal around a year ago…..

          this is his 8th…

        • -1

          Fair enough, I actually did not check. Good observation.

        • -3

          i dont understand how asking someone to check competing sites before posting here is trolling?

      • -1

        Good Call!

  • +4

    Not much of a sale if you import games

  • +1

    haha mate sorry but this is a rip off, more like normal prices.

    I have bought alot of these games for about $10 within the last few months.

  • +1

    Bayonetta is way over priced too

  • -1

    Assassins Creed II Xbox 360 dropped to $29.95

    If you guys would like a particular price on any of the above (or anything else in particular) please let me know!

    edit: bayonetta for both platforms dropped to $24.95

  • +1

    bioshock 2 should be about $10-$12. GAME was selling it for $10 in their sale a while ago.

  • -2

    what the? this is so dear..

    i bought fifa 11 for $50 the other day.. Mass Effect 2 $40 for pc? I bought it for $25 on xbox about a year ago.. this is all massive dear.. can't see any bargain

    • lol 3 voters are ozgames direct's owner's relatives

  • Damn, I would have bought Bayonetta if I hadn't gotten it already. Cheapest price I've seen. Definitely should get bayonetta here with the free postage. Still cheaper than importing from the US or UK

  • +5

    I don't want to seem rude at all, but none of these prices are impressing me. If this is what you usually charge it would be comparable to other importers, or UK sites frequented by Australians. To make it a sale I'd expect you to reduce these by a further, say, 25%.

    Let me cite your first listed item as a specific example. The Microsoft Wireless Adapter you are offering is the old one (white 802.11g with single antenna, not the current black 802.11n with dual antenna). Your sale price of $69.95 is higher than the Ozgameshop regular price of $64.05 [1]. Secondly my favourite game for this year Mass Effect 2. I don't know if you are selling stock intended for distribution in Australia or elsewhere, so it may not be fair to compare your price with Ozgameshop (their stock is UK market). That said, your sale price of $39.95 is still significantly higher than their $25.99 [2] - and looking again, you're selling the PC version so region is irrelevant - though for completeness they are selling the Xbox 360 version for even less, $22.99 [3].

    Basically, as an Ozbargainer I really appreciate your attention to our community and willingness to consider our feedback. We are a bunch of scrupulous tightarses who WILL subject every proposed "bargain" to strictest scrutiny. I reckon this is good for you as well as us, since we tend to be the people approached by others in our lives for purchasing advice (and can therefore, if impressed, funnel referral business your way).


    • Thank you for taking the effort to write this up mate,
      We are aiming for a demographic of gamers who want value for money and we will definately take the community's feedback on board.

        • +14

          I dont get it Iggsy, is the OP your ex or something? Quit the attitude.

        • u found me out bigglez..

          we had a nasty breakup too :_(__

  • COD here is for 49.95
    but its much cheaper at zavvi 30 delivered.

    I dont think, if other games are also bargains.

  • dragon age origins $70..

    i got that for $30 again about 6 months ago.. shouldnt that be u'r price for a pre-order for dragon age 2? at ozgameshop it is $65 i think..

  • -1

    are these games the australian editions? if so, would you ship me two copies of MW2 on ps3 for $80?

  • I would buy something, but your website is majorly broken. I tried to checkout, but I get a 404 on checkout.php. I tried to view my cart and got the same message. I tried to sign up 4 the newsletter, but it said I didn't enter my name & email even though I did. All those problems doesn't make your business look very professional IMO.

  • +1

    Forza 3 for $70 !!! hahahaha

    what sort of morons do u take us for?…
    AUD$31 shipped…
    AUD$20 shipped…
    AUD$23 shipped

    I can do this for every single game on this site.. honestly.. what the WT man

  • Bioshock 2 (pc) is a good price.. i think that's the only one

  • +2

    Uncharted 2 at your site is $77…

    For non-idiots though, it is:
    AUD $29 shipped…

    AUD $28 shipped…

    AUD $26 shipped…

    the problem is these aren't minor differences.. we are talking about $50+ on every game.. it's not even in the range of a bargain..

  • -3

    Wow Iggsy, you really woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning didn't you?

  • +8

    i just get annoyed when "bargains" are posted that are rip-offs… this is OzBargain.. not OzRipoff.. if u are charging more than double the going rate (see above).. then dont post.. and i dunno why my neg was removed? are rip-offs not allowed to be negged?

    • +1

      It's time for Ozbeer

      • +1 for that.. i would also accept OzVodka or OzWhiskey

        • You really do need to chillax dude lol

  • No negative vote yet !!

  • -2

    So is this shitheap of a "deal" showing zero negatives because we "can't see" them under the new OzBargain rules, or is it just that the mods remove any negative based on actual pricing? I cannot tell now?

    • You can't see other people's negs, only your own. So the most negs you'd see on any deal is 1(that's if you negged it).

    • I'm just amazed it's showing 7 positives…….

      • ditto

      • -2

        same here

        who voted up this horsemanure?

        i cant see any negs.. i got 0

        so… from now on u aren't allowed to neg a deal if it is a rip-off?

        wtf is neg for then?

        this is ozbargain ffs.. if u cant neg a rip-off deal u may as well remove neg altogether.. just get rid of it and only have positives

        • Yea, if you can't see negs, no point having them here, I think the mods don't want other people to see negs, so there isnt always an argument whether the neg is valid or not. Also to encourage people to posts more deals(as some people take negs personally).

  • haters gonna hate!

    can you feel the sexual tension in here..?

  • -1

    Thanks for the feedback guys, our guys are definately taking all your constructive comments onboard to make the site a better experience for all!

  • +1

    None of these deals are actually deals/bargains.

    How on earth was this OzBargain submission not deleted? These prices are worse than my local EB/Game.

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