I thought I'd check on Plush and see what's the update on their latest so called deal. Guess what, moderators have unpublished their self promoted 55% "frenzy" discount. After having a bad experience with them (yes I've bought their couch), I'm appalled when they came here to give a 55% discount - clearly wanting some action.
Some background, Plush is always on sale. Its either buy 1 free 1 or swapping with 45-50% discount (and free delivery). So it was no surprise that a few of us found their post hardly a deal.
I've already suspected something when random users which had no activities since 2014 and only commenting on Plush. So today when moderators taken their add down and reason was Sockpuppeting - a new word I've learned today lol!
Check them yourself at https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/342189
Shame on you Plush.com.au.
Lmao is you click on the picture and you will get
"This store is currently BANNED on OzBargain."
Reason: Sockpuppeting Expiry: 29/11/2017 - 20:51"