This was posted 7 years 3 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 2.5kW Cooling Only Split System A/C -$799 (+ $100 Store Credit & $100-$300 Cashback) @ The Good Guys


So a $100 credit from good guys plus a cash back promotion from MHIAA and a 2.5% cash back from cash rewards

another option is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries C2.0kW H2.6kW Reverse Cycle Split System for the same cost

Link to click and credit :
Link to mhiaa promotion :

basically combination of cash credit by good guys plus promotions brings down the cost of all Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air cons

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • +1

    ahhhh, I got a 3/4.3kW reverse for $499 (a cheapo Mistral from Bunnings) 9 years ago and it's still goes fine.

    MHI are a top quality brand though, good option for one room.

    • +1

      Mitsubishi electric is better or Mitsubishi heavy industries air con ? Anyone knows

      Harvey Norman stocks Mitsubishi electric and was thinking of buying but good guys offer seems good

      • +3

        I've done heaps of research and MHI is better. Not that ME is rubbish, but if I was buying now MHI is one of very few brands I'd consider. The others - Panasonic (mainly because I have one that works well and generally favourable reading) and the new Daikin 7 star model(s) which are very efficient ones. Otherwise not too fussed about Daikins supposed good rep.

      • +1

        the reviews are really mixed
        some ppl swear with ME where as other's with MHI

        i personally would go which has a better offer, anyways both have 5 years warranty so you are covered for atleast 5 years without any issues

        • Heaps of anecdotal evidence which means sod all. You really want to go for bulk users or sometimes repairers - although not if they only do some brands or sell some brands (bias). Tradespeople can be just as ignorant as the rest of us.

        • +1

          My sparky reckons ME are better than MHI, so I listened to his advice as an electrician should know such things! Love my ME unit - incredibly quiet in the bedroom.

        • +2


          My sparky reckons ME are better than MHI, so I listened to his advice as an electrician should know such things!

          How would an electrician know? He installs them, he doesn't do warranty work, he doesn't use them long term, he doesn't know what the user interface is like to use long term, what the maintenance is like, the performance or the energy use.

          The only real way to know any of this is to read the choice surveys and tests.

      • +1

        having 2.5kw unit from both brands in my house, I'd recommend the MHI over ME. I have better experience with the MHI unit:
        - Horizontal vane is remote controllable (manual on the ME unit)
        - Fan control button visible (hidden in the ME remote control)

        As far as performance and noise level, they are on par.

      • -1

        Mitsubishi Electric is a better option. It's much more expensive in Europe BTW.

        • +1

          Mitsubishi Electric is a better option. It's much more expensive in Europe BTW.

          I didn't realise retail price in a different market with different distributors was an indicator of quality.

      • -1

        Different company's. Heavy electric are more your industrial no gimik nonsense ones.

        They do what they do and tend to do it well.

      • +1

        MHV is the next level up from ME.

        I can voucher for the service too. we had our break down last year, it was installed b the previous owner, so we didn't have receipts, but they looked at their records & could see it was sold to a retailer 6yrs before, so was inside the 7yr warranty & they fixed it for nix the next day.

      • Our local ac tech agrees with you 7-8-9.

  • +5

    I'd highly recommend this over the Mitsubishi Electric equivalent. Price aside, MHI units seem to have more refined build quality, and have more functions.

  • +1

    One thing I found when looking at the heating side of them is how low you can set them (on heat setting). One I have (Mistral) only goes down to 18 which is too hot to sleep in winter in Tas. Panasonic is 16. Daikin goes lower.

    The reverse must be true for cooling mode. Also look for a quiet unit if in a bedroom, and quiet outside unit if near neighbours or your own windows.

  • +1

    Bugger…almost pulled the trigger then saw cooling only :(

    • There's a reverse there too, but these regularly are on ebay when they have a 20% sale. May be cheaper.

    • exactly the same cost for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries C2.0kW H2.7kW Reverse Cycle Split System

      • +2

        You only get $50 back and you lose half a kW

        • Although you lose half a kW, you get 5 star cooling energy rating unlike a very poor 2.5 star for the cooling only unit. Plus their new AVANTI range systems look very nice.

  • how much would i be expected to pay for install?

    • $500-$700

    • Around $700 single story, more for double etc.

    • +2

      i recently installed mine for exactly $500, use hipages you'll get really good quotes

      • And prices will go up as demand comes in.
        As we're approaching summer.. You'll want to get this done asap.

    • Approx $400 for a single story back to back installation. Look at gumtree and airtasker.

  • anyone know if store credits work for ebay purchases that are picked up and paid for on paypal?

    • the t&c specifically state you gotta buy from the website

  • is 2.5kw enough for a large living area?

    • 2.5kw is enough for an enclosed 3m x 3m room.

      A large open plan living area needs to be above 7.0kw system

    • Simple answer is prob not. There are calculators if you know the room dimensions.

    • no.

      is it open to hall ways etc.

      You really need a 7kw unit.

  • +1

    The promo lasts till Feb next year, so it would be better if there was an ebay 20% off sale along with the promo.

  • I've got three MHI 2.0kw units. Didn't pay more than $550 for any of them. Love them.

    Picked up a used Mitsubishi Electric recently. The remote features are so basic compared to the MHI, that if I'd known, I might have skipped it. It's odd, because I'd expect MHI to be the basic industrial brand and their 'consumer' brand to be better.

    • where did you find MHI units for $550?

  • Any deals on 7kW +?

  • Hey if i buy 3 aircon can i spend the credits on one single item?
    So spend $300 credit on one item

    • I think you can negotiate for a better price if you buys 3, maybe go instore and talk to them.

  • Really only looking for a cooling only unit but the 4 star rating on the reverse cycle is very tempting. Would be using it for a 4x3m master bedroom, any advice on which one to go for?

    • +1

      I have been checking out this one below, planning to use it for the same sized room as yours. It only comes with $50 cashback but it is a new model with wifi capabilities (for turning on before getting home etc.). I am waiting on ebay 20% off sale for it. Online calcs say this 2.0kw is sufficient for this room size.…

      this one is also 5 star rating :)

      • +1

        The room it’s being used for is actually 4.2 x 3.8 which is 16m2. Which is a little bigger than first anticipated but would the 2.0kw still be sufficient in your opinion?

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