Gigabyte GTX 1060 3GB OC Coil Whine and Loud Fans

I’d just like some feed back and others opinions on what I should do.
I got this gigabyte gtx 1060 a couple months ago and ever since the first week of me owning this card it has made the most weirdest and annoying sounds like the coil whine and odd fan sounds, not only is the fans loud but it sounds like something is rattling. (YES I’ve checked everything else, taking out the card removed the sound)

I was considering taking it back to msy and asking for a replacement or RMA, I ’m not even sure which outcome i want. These cards are known for these problems (figured that out when I was searching what that whining sound was) and by what I’ve read about this,no doubt I’ll get another card with the same problems plus
not sure of the luck I’d have considering it is msy I’d be dealing with.

So any feedback, advise or suggestions?



  • coil whine is a valid reason for warranty, but you will get it replaced, could take 2-6 weeks, if you had taken it back sooner you could of gotten a refund.

    • That’s good to know, I wasn’t actually sure it wasn’t warranty thing.
      So it will have to be sent to gigabyte then Right? Msy won’t just replace it for me on the spot?
      And I didn’t take it back sooner because I didn’t think it would annoy me as much as it does lol

      • Msy is notorious for terrible warranty returns, but they are getting better after they were fined by the accc, they will send it back to the manufacturer.

        • Ahh I was hoping they would just swap it over rather then me have to wait for another one lol
          Is it even worth while taking it in for warranty? Knowing that the next one might be basically the same..

        • Its luck of the draw, some have terrible whine, some have no whine at all. I find asus has less whine than gigabyte, dont know why.

        • @garetz: well thanks, unless I see other point of views I might give the warranty a go and see how that works out.
          Thanks for your input

  • I have the Gigabyte 1060 6GB windforce and had significant coil whine. I went back and forward with Gigabyte for a while and got nowhere because I was unable to record the sound due to it being so high pitched (only really tried on my phone though).
    The thing that fixed it for me was changing the power supply, which I planned to do anyway as I was doing a completely new itx build and just got the card early.
    I realise that this is a crap solution unless you were also planning to get a new PSU anyway.
    There is a chance that if you send it back to get tested they will put it in a test system and get no noise, so if you can find a way to record it then you might have a chance

    Another thing that helped me was setting a max frame rate (to 60fps which is the same as my monitor). The coil whine was significantly worse when the FPS was uncapped and high.

    No idea about the rattling though
    Good luck.

    • I’ve delt with gigabyte before for warrenty and it lead nowhere, they basically told me they don’t care and pretended they didn’t know what I was talking about(previous Gpu, yes I haven’t had much luck with my last two gigabyte gpu’s) so I basically did what they wanted and dropped it.
      I got a new 80+ gold psu about a week or two before I got this Gpu so me getting another one isn’t gonna happen. I could try with my old one but that defeats the purpose of trying to save a bit of power by getting a gold rated psu.

      Yeah I set vsync in everything that I could and that helped a bit. I’m not getting that much whine anymore in some games but lately the fans go off even when watching a YouTube video. So I’m thinking maybe it’s part of some bigger problem or has YouTube changed and now requires maximum amount of gpu power lol although that could be a separate problem.

      The rattling I think is because the housing might be a bit lose, maybe? Idk I’m hoping that if I take it to msy and it does it on their test machine they will just give me another one lol

  • I'm planning to buy a gtx 1060 6gb soonish and i'm actually quite scared of buying one for this coil whine problem that seems to be ubiquitous in these cards. Anywho, while watching some videos about the 1060 I came across something that sounds like your problem, the rattling part anyway. A cable was getting in the way of the fan, causing a loud rattling sound. The solution was to simply move the cable out of the fan's path.

    • I thought about a cable hitting the fan as well. Even checked ALL the fans just to be sure lol I wish it was that, That would of been a easy fix.

      If you get one maybe get another brand other then gigabyte? Seems like they are the worst of them, either way I hope you have better luck if you end up buying one.

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