This was posted 7 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Swann Doorway & Entry Security System - $10 Delivered from Swann Store


More products…

Simple DIY installation
Connect in minutes
Motion detection
Easy mounting (rotating bracket)
Convenient wireless battery-powered operation
Choose from up to 36 chimes
Weatherproof alert sensors
Ideal for doorways, side entrances, garages & driveways
Wireless range: Up to 60m
Motion sensing range: Up to 12m

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2017

Related Stores

Swann Communications
Swann Communications

closed Comments

  • +7

    futher mcuker… bought one for $34 from costco.. lemme see if I can find receipt for a return!

    • is it any good?

    • +1

      You better be fast before the click frenzy ends

      • is it any good?

        • +1

          has pretty good reviews on amazon

        • @shapers:
          thanks for that, i was mainly looking for samples of the "up to 36 chimes"

        • @tuzii:

          samples of the "up to 36 chimes"

    • +7

      You don't need that receipt.
      Just rock up to them with your memb. card, and the item to return; they are happy to use electronic records.

      • +2

        Thanks mate!

        Found the receipt! I paid $45 for it!

        • Rip off mate! WW3

    • +19

      Use HELLO10 in the Discount box on the Swann website and get it for $9- I'm a well known plebrity in the cheapskaters field, don't you know!

      • +6

        Dude where were you an hour ago? I could have saved 100 cents!!


        • +2

          I just tried some random codes off the top of my head and luckily that one worked- in hindsight I should have seen if HELLO15 or HELLO20 worked; I'll be sick if someone tries them and gets a bigger discount. It would never do for me to lose my plebrity (pleb celebrity) title.

        • @alidli:

          You just guessed?
          You should visit more often.

        • @alidli: Thanks HELLO10 worked for me , saved a big DOLLAR

        • @Dpkmax: A GOLD COIN

    • You dont need your receipt because it will be in their system being a member just go and ask (politely cause you ‘ll never know the mood of the staff,lol!)and they can search and find it for you.

  • Can you use two packs together? Would there be something like a binary address you can pair up with? Bought 2 anyway, would still work for me if not.

    • +3

      You can even add extra doorbells, motion alert sensors, or gate alarms, with the option to pair up to 45 sensors to one Receiver Chime Unit (up to 15 per channel) ^ Batteries not included * Depends on local conditions

  • Awesome price, ordered 1

  • Funtabulous!
    A Swann product at this price??
    Thanks JJJ

    Got me hooked on this Click Frenzy thing.
    Will be keeping eyes peeled for such CF deals.

  • Cheers OP :)

  • i am sure this deal wont last long, thanks op, bought 2

  • +4

    Ended up getting this as well

    Great saving over original cost

    • Any one knows what power does it use, do I need electrician to do the wiring?

      • +1

        I'm sure in the product description it states 9V dc for the cameras. Hopefully just a plug in power adapter for each camera. Reading the reviews it reckons about 30 mins to get the whole system set up.

    • +2

      No-one paid that original cost. Swan RRP is just a marketing gimmick. Also, consider the screen - Display Resolution VGA (640 x 480 pixels) - that's very low and you won't see much detail. Definitely connect it to a cheap tablet.

      • I agree that swann is crap but this one arent VGA but 720p

    • Cancel it, swann CCTV is absolute garbage

      • Why do you say swann's cctv is garbage?

        I was looking at this kit is it good?

        • Thats a little better, the cheaper stuff isn't worth the plastic it's made of

    • There is no official Swann app for ios11 in case you were planning to use both.

  • +4

    Saw this then thought, stocking stuffer! Bam, bought one think later.

    Did a bit of snooping around, find that the price is actually kinda decent, Boom, bought another.

    Then a minute later it's like, wait, this really is kinda cheap, Ka Pow, no 3 coming up.

    Sure hope Swann doesnt think its a triple dupe accidental order!

    Edit: thanks OP

    • +3

      They might think you have dementia :/

      • Say whaaaaat ?!! :)

    • +16

      Username checks out.

  • i dont see the point of those motion detectors?

    • +6

      The point is moot. They got me at $10.

    • +1

      find out later, just buy now :)

    • +2

      Someone sneaks into your shed/carport and the bell goes off.

    • You can place it to trigger when a car drives into your driveway, or place over your front door for when a non-doorbell-pusher-type approaches to infiltrate your home. Or you can cover your back door, in case anyone tries some sneaky penetration.

      • +6

        Sneaky penetration from back door? Hhmmm..,

        • +2

          No need for an alarm in that case. The sound from the party being penetrated would be more than loud enough

    • +1

      I bought it so I can use in my house, wait, I don't have one yet.

    • I have two entrances to my house, the main one on a corner and for some reqson the back door actually faces the street address and leads into Thor laundry. Would be nice to put the button on the front door, and then sensor facing the backdoor so we are at least alerted when some new delivery driver tries to knock on our laundry door. So I ordered one. Felt like I should order two, but then it becomes a $20 doorbell :(

      • With that amount of detail… why not a map?

        • I would upload a map with my orders if I could.

  • +7

    Don't know why but I just bought one. This is now the most expensive thing I have worth stealing.

    • +1

      You don't have a tub full of eneloops?

      • +2

        I've got 8 Eneloops. I know… I'm a disgrace to the OzB community :(

        • +1

          One neg?
          Maybe its late, since you clearly deserve more negs than that for your OzCrimes.

    • +1

      What about the passport that you got in an urgent situation from the passport office?

      • +2

        Ah yes, the good old passport. One mistake I will never make again.

    • +4

      Buy another one to protect the first one?

      • +4

        It comes with 2 sensors, I can already use them to protect each other :p

  • Thanks OP, bought 2!

  • Ripper deal. I hope they can deliver.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Ordered 2.

  • +1

    do not know why and how i am going to use it. just brought one. i paid via paypal. still havn't receive conformation email. is it normal?

    • Got a tax invoice within a couple minutes of ordering. Also paid via PayPal.

      • well, i do have order number and received paypal email. still no conformation. maybe because i use paypal stright away in the cart, did not go through "proceed to checkout" to give them email.

  • Cheers op, I bought 2 as well.
    Was click ~#1500ish. Fingers crossed gets honored.

  • Just ordered one :)

  • Just ordered one, thanks, OP.

  • Cool needed to pick up a doorbell.

    • I press mine. Why do you pick yours up?

  • Finally make use of all those AAA rechargeables in my third drawer

  • Pity the receiver doesn't plug in to the AC wall plug - I've had a few wireless doorbells, and they chew through the batteries.

    • Eneloops! If you don't have any, use IKEA LADDA's

      • +6

        Eneloops! If you don't have any

        You insult me!

  • +11

    Use HELLO10 in the Discount box on the Swann website and get it for $9 delivered- I'm a well known plebrity in the cheapskaters field, don't you know!

    • You legend! It worked! :D

      • +1

        I hope they don't block our orders cos we is a bit clever

        • Haha! We showed them, didn't we?

        • That happened to me with that farmers whatever free food code.

          They said my existing account was invalid since I previously used an invalid code, despite the new code being valid…

    • Bugger if only you had posted the code before i ordered

    • Urge, I just wasted a dollar :( This should be edited into the title.

    • Did you receive order confirmation yet.

      I had two orders. One with code and one without code.

      Got the confirmation for the one without code.

      • i order one without code, no confirmation.

        • called them, says order went through. should be ok if you get order number, but havn't received confirmation email.

  • Thanks JJJ, snagged two.
    Not scalping, will actually use these.

    • +2

      Thanks for clarifying. We were about to burn ya

  • Good deal, $9 using alidli's HELLO10 code.
    Thanks OP.

  • Got two
    Also used hello10
    Thanks op

  • Anyone else thought these might be refurbished stock that they're trying (successfully) to offload. Seems odd they're selling brand new ones for $10 ($9 with HELLO10 code), when they also have refurbished ones still for sale for $41.95-
    They have the same code as the ones selling for $10 but have an added R at the start.

    Also found these kinetic doorbells on the Swann website-
    They look identical to the black or white ones Aldi had in store from 21st October 2017 for $19.99-… (page 11)

    Maybe Aldi will start having compatible sensors and stuff that could be added to the Swann wireless security products.

    • If that's the case then they must have mixed-up the listings for the Click Frenzy offer.

      And if they shipped* out Refurbished stock for our orders then they will have a field day with the Ozbargain mob.

      *Under the assumption that they honour the sales.

  • +8

    Good post OP. These are the type of deals I want to see rather than constant Gearbest/Zapal/BangGood 50 cents land filler spams.

    • +3

      Its made in china.. they add $9.50 to make it look more australian.


  • idk what if im gonna use this but i bought one

    • +1

      Set the two sensors up low near the lawn and see how often they get set off by cane toads

  • Thanks OP. Bought 2. :)

    • Did you use HELLO10 ?

      • Yes!

  • Why are people buying this random glorified door bell. My dad had something similar - it was totally useless. Just get a door bell.

    • +7

      Good question. Anyways I just bought 2.

    • +3

      All kinds of reasons numbnuts.

      Some folk want the sensor to operate so they know if someone is there even before they have a chance to hit the doorbell, like delivery folk who dump their shit and leave.

      Some folk have McMansions and can miss a knock on the door but not miss this chiming thing going off in their kitchen where they eat Big Macs all day.

      Some folk buy one just because they can as they seek happiness through consumption. This is the category i fit in.

      Lucky i'm here to share my insights.

      This message approved by AngryChicken.

      • +2

        Thats the theory doornob - in practice people (kids) run of with them unless you drill them to a wall. Also eats through batteries due to the wireless so you end up replacing batteries every 4-6 weeks. Eventually these end up in the garbage bin quickly.

        • +1

          Oh, kids, ok - i've seen them on TV but not much direct experience i'm afraid.

          I used something similar when i was living in a massive place a few years ago and it was quite useful and the batteries lasted ages. Probably an earlier Swann version…

          This message approved by AngryChicken aka doornob.

  • Hang on, i don't really have a doorway that's suitable for this…

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