I'm struggling to find a replacement for next.com.au, they seem to have jacked up their prices recently. It's been over a year since my last order so maybe I am just imagining things. Next used to be awesome with reasonably priced quality clothes with free courier delivery. That doesn't seem to be the case any longer.
So where do you guys get clothes for your kids? Not interested in Target/Kmart/BigW stuff as it's mostly crap. Something with decent quality that doesn't break the bank. I used to go to H&M but unfortunately that's no longer an option.
Any ideas appreciated, looking for everyday clothes in sizes 3-4 and 7-8.
Is the Next website you mentioned the same brand as Ezibuy sells. Ezibuy have lots of deals from time to time if you are prepared to spend over $60 for each order. Get on their email list and they'll send you offers each month plus I think there is also an introductory offer with a qualifying spend.