• expired

P&O Pacific Explorer Sydney - 10 Night Cruise from $798 Per Person/Twin Share @ Oz Cruising - 20 Nov


P&O cruise on the Pacific Explorer leaving Sydney on the 20 November 2017 for a 10 Night Cruise from only $549 per person twin share. now only $798 per person twin share. Still cheap at under $80/day

was Under $55/day! Won't last long! (I did say won't last long)

Looks like the cheap ones are sold out now, price increased.

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closed Comments

  • -3

    Under $55/day!

    Does that include food & drinks?

    • Apparently main meals, yes. But there is no wifi included.

      • Add wifi on as a extra paid package if must ;)

    • +2

      Have you not cruised before jv?

      Yes all meals, and some 'drinks' aka water, instant coffee/tea are provided in the buffet area normally, but any booze and soft drinks are all pay. The standard affair for cruises.

      • +2

        Have you not cruised before jv?

        enough with the personal questions already.

      • -1

        but any booze and soft drinks are all pay.

        Can you BYO?

        • +4

          Can you BYO?

          Can you not use google?

        • -2


          Can you not use google?

          You can if you "add wifi on as a extra paid package" :)

        • @jv: hahaha JV you are a special one…. Wifi add on isn't required.

          But sure, You want me to copy and paste the entire add on list? How about drinks packages too and the individual drink prices too oh and on shore excursions too? OH what about room upgrades?

          People like you, make people like me not what to post deals here. All you do it bitch and moan about the deal, with with no intention of ever taking the deal.

      • +3

        Have you not cruised before jv?

        Dont even think he leaves the house

        • +5

          He stay in his roo…'command centre'.

        • +2


          lol, living with mum

        • -3

          @Jessie Ryder:

          lol, living with mum

          Yes, your mum said to say hi to you, and said to tell your dad his credit card is over it's limit.

        • +2



  • Are there any single person cruise deals?

    • Those are extremely rare. If you go it alone you are always paying double or even more for your cabin + fare.

      Most good deals I've seen are twin or quad share so find a few friends, family or even a fellow ozbargainer to go with.

  • Def recommend the drinks package as they're watered down so to speak ! If it goes to port villa the duty free is insanely cheap like a 1ltr bottle of spirits is $22 aus !!

    • Is cruise like traveling overseas? Goes through custom, require passport stamp etc? Limited liquor and tobacco you can bring back.

      • +1

        All the stuff you mentioned is pretty much the same. You have your domestic & your international.

        Biggest differences are:
        * Most meals all inclusive (except for fancy restaurants & bars)
        * Accommodation all sorted
        * Free Entertainment (+live music)
        * Free barf bags…

        After you've explored every nook & cranny of the ship you many get bored. Mostly just eating day in day out.

        Feels like you're stranded out at sea on a floating RSL club is what I always thought it felt like IMHO.
        This type of holiday may or may not suit you. Everyone has different tastes, so "whatever floats your boat".

        • Agreed I've done the 7 and 9 nights and near the end it feels like a floating prison. Found out on the ship when it left Brisbane I get really bad seasickness (Which I didn't know and the on board tablets are useless) Second cruise went to the docs and got prescriptions one's and had a tonne of fun ! I went on the P&O Pacific dawn that had reno's a couple years and was very nice for how little we paid !

        • @solidussnake:

          Not sure when you went but the dawn was renovated early this year.

          We went in August, 4 days was good, 10 day maybe not so.

        • We went on a 4 night cruise and it was good.
          But I agree with you about RSL.
          I was sitting watching some show during the day and I started to think it was like an old UK holiday park, like this from on the buses.
          I think some of the jokes the guy was saying was as old as this movie 😀

          But overall it was good and relaxing.

        • @solidussnake:

          Yeah, first one I ever went on was during the P&O 5 ship spectacular. Was onboard the Pacific Jewel. Got really seasick first night cause of choppy seas, but slept it off & was all good the next day.

          Second time I cruised, no problems. Prolly adapted from before.

      • +1

        Is cruise like traveling overseas? Goes through custom, require passport stamp etc?

        @Jugg_Judy Yes if the ship stops at ANY overseas port, you WILL need to have a passport and clear customs when leaving the AUSTRALIAN port, as well as the other ports if you choose to go onshore.

        So for this one, its classed as overseas and will need a passport etc.

        Cruises that only stop at australian ports only, don't require a passport/customs clearing.

  • +2

    Sold out (price increase).

    • Thanks… Updated to the next price level, still cheap at that rate, but not as good as the first deal!

  • sold out

  • +1

    P&O are dumps of ships, give Australia the oldest ships out of anyone

    • +1

      at under $55 a day for all meals, a room and entertainment, you can't really complain, even for a 'dump' ship as you put it.

      But yes, P&O is the lower end of the class range, but its reflected in the prices.

  • -1

    Free Gastro included!

    • Fun fact, Gastro is caused by your OWN poor hygiene habbits….. ie not washing your hands before eating with them is the main cause.

      • -1

        thats not totally true!…. you can get it for touching a contaminated item/area of public place

        so its NO fault of your OWN if someone else has failed the hygiene

        • you can get it for touching a contaminated item/area of public place

          You don't get Gastro by just touching a surface. Yes you transfer Gastro to your hands, but then you fail to wash your hands after touching such surface, and then put your hands on your food and then into your mouth…. getting Gastro.

          So youou failed at hygiene! By not washing your hands in a high risk environment.

          But sure, blame someone else.

        • +1


          its everyone responsibility !.. incl yours!

        • @bonky: ultimately the responsibility is yours. Wash your hands, you won't get gastro. Pretty simple.

        • -1


          So you dont take responsibility ?

        • @bonky: No Bonky, I follow GOOD hygiene habbits and don't put MY responsibility in other peoples hands like you do.

        • -1



        • @bonky: You still don't get it do you…. enjoy your gastro

        • -1


          your right… im not getting it… coz i practice safe hygiene..

        • @bonky: sure sure

  • Expired now, but these were the advertised P&O rates anyway.
    Unless this company was adding some extra deal on top like free drinks, it's not really a deal.

    • Expired now, but these were the advertised P&O rates anyway.

      Are you saying that P&O does a 10 day cruise for $549 PP all the time!? As their website would say otherwise.

      • It was $798 when I saw your post.

        But yes, most cruise deals, when you check, are the same deal direct from the cruise ship company.
        Unless they offer some extras, free insurance of free drinks, it's usually the same.

        Last cruise we went through cruiseabout, every email deal they send, when I check the cruise ship company, it's the same deal. I have noticed that with other cruise sellers too.

        Cruises are weird for costs and prices vary multi times daily.

        I'm not saying it's not cheap, just saying it's the same as what the cruise ship offers.

        • It was $798 when I saw your post.

          I edited the post as the first batch of cheap tickets got sold out, and still thought $798 was cheap for 10 days away.

          I'm not saying it's not cheap, just saying it's the same as what the cruise ship offers.

          Well you sort of are. So whats the RRP for a 10 day cruise?

          But who cares who you book through, its a cheap price. Many deals on this site (not just this deal) can be purchased through different chain stores or suppliers.

          I seen this deal, thought I would share. OzCruising has served me in the past for cheap deals, no complaints with them as a customer. I'm not associated with them at all, but don't see any point in cutting them out when they offer great service.

          Cruises are weird for costs and prices vary multi times daily.

          and yet here you are saying

          it's not really a deal.

          Again… So whats the RRP for a 10 day cruise? Cause to me a 10 day cruise for $549/pp seems like a DEAL to me.

        • @JimmyF:

          No, you mis understand.
          My point is that p&o were also selling at that price.
          Yes it's cheap but it's not a deal just from that store, it's what p&o are selling for, that's all I'm saying

        • @PVA:

          Yes it's cheap but it's not a deal just from that store, it's what p&o are selling for, that's all I'm saying

          and I fail to see your point. As I said above, many of the deals on this can be bought from many different stores. So…….?

          People on this site are so picky. Its easy to complain, you and JV should be great friends!

          Anyhow, happy cruising!

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