Coupon code from Gearbest Rep,use the code save AU $1.06 (dizzy)
The point is you can choose Australia Priority Mail or AU Express(7-15 day)for delivery,and it’s FREE.(Unregistered Air Mail 15-28 day)
Coupon code from Gearbest Rep,use the code save AU $1.06 (dizzy)
The point is you can choose Australia Priority Mail or AU Express(7-15 day)for delivery,and it’s FREE.(Unregistered Air Mail 15-28 day)
yes,Language Chinese only :p
but have a Product translation or Product use method on DESCRIPTION.
Gotta start learning the second most used language soon.
Watch my video on YouTube where I run thru the menu for ya
You're going to learn Spanish?
I was being a smartass:P But believe it or not, Spanish is the second most spoken language. Mandarin is first.
Third place. Mandarin would be a good, if not challenging, language to learn in my opinion. Especially considering the rise of our Xiaomi overlords.…
Lol Works
battery or capacitor?
Personal experience: if you want to see number plates clearly at night or under low light, try something else. Build quality is good though.
Battery about 150mah
Pretty reasonable cam for price , but not as good as 119c but 1/2 the price
A good quick way to work out what its doing is to load google translate and translate the screen through the camera. App is in English though, and is pretty good - allows time sync with phone
But I wasnt quick enough once when a red line went across the bottom with chinese writing - anyone know what that means? (i dont think it was a g shock warning , perhaps a overwrite warning?)
The red light bar is a signal for emergency recording due to shocking.
This actully is not a xiaomi product, xiaomi mijia is a kickstarter platform for everyone.
Language: Chinese only?
can you re-flash with english firmware? is the app at least in english?