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Star Wars Darth Vader LED Keychain with Sound US $0.20 (~AU $0.26) Delivered @ Zapals

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White LED. Black Darth
Not that it matters, the Empire is an equal opportunity employer.
You sure? I dont ever remember seeing a top ranking official in the empire being a black person.
Darth Vader = White Guy/Black Voice
Darth Maul = Red
Darth Bane = Green
Jabba the Hut = Brown
Grand Admiral Thrawn = BlueSome before the empire was formed or just empire affiliated, but there's enough there to confirm the empire was an equal opportunity employer.
@crazyperpman: Fair enough although I disagree with Jabba being brown, more closer to the colour of vomit.
Just got one of these delivered this week and man it is loud - don't think i'd want it on my keychain as it would scare the ^$&% out of me if pushed unwittingly ;)
The yoda does a kookaburra sound. What does the darth vader noise sound like?
Sounds like a drop bear.
Sounds like the sound they use for 'swords' hitting each other in the movies…possible meant to be a light sabre duel??
Seriously, and the light is pretty effective. I gave it to my kids - big mistake.
Mine arrived yesterday - loud & only 1 eye worked.
Shoddy build! Opened up (1 screw on back - insert joke here) found LED was not even soldered - soldered it.Cut one of the 2 white leads to speaker. Who wants that loud sound every time you get your keys out? Now Darth Vader is quiet & has 2 working eyes😋
Bought another for spare batteries.
I ordered it last time, and loved it
i was devastated when the battery ran out after 2 months,
I even tried to replace the battery!
I even tried to replace the battery!
NO WAY!!!!
I bought three of them, gave two away,
tried to replace batt, didnt work :(
Thank you nocure, a perfect Christmas stocking filler for my little Sith Lord.
I bought one for my little Ewok.
didn't need, but bought
Nobody needs this.
.. but will still buy it anyways :)
If its 0.26 AUD its worth to buy but its 0.28 for me so thanks but no
@yuisakas: Came up $0.27 for me after I switched the currency to AUD at the top left hand section of the website. Every cent matters!
Why I am paying 0.28 AUD? Anyone get same amount?
How much fee does your credit card charges?
I use paypal so dont know how much fee they charged me.
Yeap that is it. Paypal conversion rate is slightly higher than credit cards.
Yep, use Paypal and opt for card conversion rate not Paypal conversion
Try setting currency to AUD on zapals
It's costing me $3.48 including 0.98c shipping.
Am I doing this correctly?
That should be before you apply the coupon. You need to be logged in for the coupon to apply correctly.
No, you must clear your mind and only then will you be able to get it for this price.
If you haven't logged in, do so and then enter the code and click apply a few times until it's accepted.
I see where I went wrong I can only get 1 of these. not 2
Do or Do Not… there is no try.
I was going to give it to my young son but I think I'll just keep it for myself.
You could buy other one next time those deals come out every couple weeks.
Thanks, ordered one.
I don't think this has sound or lights.
It looks like a normal keying which I cannot go back to now.
Tried to pay via PayPal and got a spinning wheel. Now the coupon code wont work "Coupon code limit has been reached."
Order is active but says pending with no way to pay.
Online chat system is not being responded to.
change the currency to USA or AUD on the top right and try again, or open the website from different browser.
I got that paypal error issue as well and after I changed the Currency ,worked with Paypal!
Good Luck!
Thanks ! I wasn't able to fix this order but another freebie I did today the PayPal worked because I changed to AUD. Very much appreciated.
worked for me thanks
all these deals lately almost makes up for being ripped off by zapals in the past… almostnice LOL
OMG, I ordered but I forgot to activate Cash Rewards!!! ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
[OzB Level Up]
Get the firefox/chrome browser add-on.
Big massive popup every time you visit a cash-rewards affiliated page - it's (almost) impossible to forget.
Thanks OP. Got 3 of them so now they can fight with my 3 batman keyrings
thanks OP!
X'mas gift for son sorted.
Son: "Is that it?"
Of course not son. I also got you a Xiaomi USB light.
It looks cool, but the sound is terrible and not related in anyway.
The sound actually ruins it.
thanks, got it now
I wonder if in the history of mankind someone has returned one of these for warranty repair.
Imagine how much they'd be laughing
Anyone ever had issues ordering several with different email but same name and shipping address?
wish they had the red eyes!
Mine arrived today (can't recall, whether it was from GB or zapals).
The LED are bright a**!
The sound effect is loud too (pretty much just two sound effects)
For sure it's good for my kid, I hope he sleeps soon and make the mamma bear happy…otherwise mamma bear might scratch pappa bear due to giving new toy for bear at night :pJust managed to get it cheaper from Gearbest. Use “doweyy1109” to get it for $0.10 US (~$0.13 AU). 100 pcs max.
Wow the force is strong with you.
Did you use an old Jedi mind trick on the rep to get it that cheap?Awesome, thanks!
Man… now I have to buy again.
me too! can we cancel the zapals one??
Thanks. will have 2 now
Another pointless purchase. My girlfriend would kill me if i purchased this, and things like it, so I've been sending them to a friend.
In about a month, when all this zapels and gearbest shit finally arrives at his house, he's gonna be so confused.Fun.
Confused. Why is it every time I go to buy these things the price is a lot more than the price on the post? After applying the code it charges me $2.50 for each one and takes $2.50 off the grand total. Or do I have to buy them one at a time?
Perfect thanks for posting. I ordered one the last time to give to a friend's son at xmas but my husband kept it instead!!
One arrived yesterday - only one of the LED eyes works
mine arrived yesterday too but both work
So I got another one yesterday, this time it had white eyes with the button on top. The first one I received had red eyes with the button at the back. I don't know which one came from Zapals and which one came from Gearbest though. The one yesterday was from HK.
White darth vader so a storm trooper I guess …