Suspended Learner's Permit Help

Hey so after having my learner's permit for over 2 years. I got fined 2 of which were 3 Demerit point fines and latter a 4 demerit point fine and 1 month suspension of licence all of which were caught by cameras.

After applying for my P1 permit and I realised that a learner permit has to be held for a consecutive 12 months before test date. Is there anything I can do to get my Ps earlier I need it for work and university, as currently I will only be able to apply for my learners in 2019 due to my suspension essentially resetting the holding time of a Ls permit, do you guys have any ideas to reduce that time?

Any feedback would help

Please help me.

closed Comments

  • +23

    Hahahahaha you do the crime, you do the time. You can always turn yourself in say you lied on a stat dec and in doing so, implicate yourself and whoever you copped the demerits for. You should’ve thought about this carefully before agreeing to cop any points for anyone, on whirlpool people suggest the going rate for demerits is as high as $10k/point. Hope you got some good money out of your 10 points, get used to catching cabs or public transport lololol.

    • +1

      Add to that inability to get insurance and even if he did, excessive premiums and excesses.

    • i agree, u make the bed, lie in it

    • I'd sell mine for 10k a point o.o

  • +11

    due to circumstances I had to place them under my name

    yeah right

  • +11

    You didn't have to cop demerit points on someone's behalf; you had a choice. You chose to cop the points and now look where it's gotten you to.

    Sorry, but I find it hard to sympathise with you

  • +3

    You understand that people have been jailed for falsely taking other's points and you are admitting it on a public forum?
    I hope none of the ozbargain 'do gooder' police read this.

  • I accumulated 3 fines of which were done by someone else but due to circumstances I had to place them under my name.

    2 of which were 3 Demirit point fines and latter a 4 demerit point

    Demerit point can sold as much as $500 each. Let's hope you were smart enough to make few dollars out of this.

  • +1

    After the first find, you still let the person drive your car. Also, I didn't you can register a car to an L plater.

  • +2

    I had to place them under my name

    Good grief

  • Lesson learnt?

    • Obviously not. Explains why they're still on L's. Also a good reason why L's exist.

  • sick it up and cop it sweet mate.

    let it be a learning lesson in life for you.

  • +1

    are you going to go to jail when your mate kills someone while driving?

    • -2

      Silly question.

      The driver is required by law to contact the police and report the incident. They also have to undergo a drug and alcohol test. This part has nothing to do with the registered operator.

  • Ok so firstly, as an L-plater you have ZERO demerit points. You lost your licence the first time you incurred those, so if you were driving on your L's after that, you were driving unlicensed. Of course, if you WEREN'T, then I'm curious to see how you were planning to get your P's with a blank logbook.

    That aside:

    "do you guys have any ideas to reduce that time?"

    You might want to seek the services of a Mr. H. G. Wells. He's probably the only one who can help you at this point.

    "Any feedback would help"

    Follow the road rules, ESPECIALLY when you're on restricted licences like L's or P's. DON'T lie on stat decs and say you were responsible for accidents or points that you're not responsible for. Get better friends (or, more likely, family) and either don't let them drive your car, or save up for your own car and don't let them drive that.

    Also don't let others register cars under your name because chances are, they're doing it for other dodgy reasons.

    I actually have some sympathy for you, because I'm guessing you have a parent or other family member who needs to drive for work - and they likely financially support you and/or your family. Unfortunately, if you're old enough to get L's (and now P's), you're old enough to be independent and cut yourself off of people who're going to be a drag on you, family loyalty or no. And yes, I know it's much harder in some cultures, but in the long-run, you'll be better off without that millstone around your neck.

    And at the very least, they should follow road rules. That's not that difficult. And certainly worth doing if they're at the point where they're about to lose their licence because of demerit points.

    • +2

      as an L-plater you have ZERO demerit points

      Just a small point on terminology - all licences/permits have 0 demerits by default. You accumulate demerits as a result of infractions (hence the name) rather than start out with merit points. So the difference between different licences is the limit of demerit points which can be incurred over a certain period (for learners in Victoria, this is 5 per year or 12 per 3 years).

  • +1

    hey I'll come visit you in jail

  • Thanks for the advice and no I did not make any money whatsoever the only that came out of this was hardship that I brought upon myself, thank you ozb community

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