First time ever as far as I know coupon for Xiaomi Umbrella. Best price 19.99USD/26.08AUD. Excellent quality umbrella. All Xiaomi fans grab it before its too late. Thanks to Sunny for making deal attractive one.
Don’t forget cashrewards.
First time ever as far as I know coupon for Xiaomi Umbrella. Best price 19.99USD/26.08AUD. Excellent quality umbrella. All Xiaomi fans grab it before its too late. Thanks to Sunny for making deal attractive one.
Don’t forget cashrewards.
No, but it has bluetooth
Is the firmware upgradeable?
Are your dad jokes upgrade-able?
He's old, you can't upgrade old people but you can put them in a home.
Does it support band 28?
why is this old unfunny 'joke' still getting upvotes?
Le ebic meme XD
Old but eternally funny
Name doesn't check out
Sorry Op. I started to have a Xiaomi fatigue.
Is this a new Xiaomi product? Got a link?
First time to know there is a xiaomi thing that I am not interested in.
Beware the umbrella only opens when you have selected Mainland China as your location. And you must whisper in Mandarin to tell it to open.
It also sends back data about you to the CCP.
Hahaha! See this is actually clever, original, and funny. Not this "LolOlOL dUz iT hAz bANd 28?!??!" tripe.
does it got band 28?
The password is "共产主义是伟大的" (simplified Chinese google translate)
I just changed the password to: 拉屎
Does it measure the amount of rain?
Is this one can dry in a very short time?
It now supports quickdry 3.0
Just put some Liquid Wax on it.
It's pretty impressive. As someone else mentioned, it's water repellent, not water resistant which is what normal umbrellas are. Here's the only footage I could find of someone testing it. It just bounces off, so it should dry extremely quick. Not sure if it's permanent or it degrades over time.
EDIT: Did some research on the fabric material and found this
The preliminary water repellent level can reach 100(AATCC-22), and oil repellent level to 4 degree (AATCC-118); After 100 times of washing, the water repellent level reaches 80, oil repellent reaches 3 degree with excellent dry-clean durability.
So considering how little an umbrella is used, you'd probably lose the umbrella first before the material degrades.
16c aud for priority line shipping too
Xiaomi has become a meme at this point.
Is it a smart umbrella or just standard? If it has Xiaomi's brand on it, it can't be an ordinary item. $26 for an umbrella. It better be special.
It's got a button to fold and unfold!
Got one love the button to fold feature!
Ok I was kidding but that's really a feature to automatically close.
At this point I think they're just buying out designs from other companies and sticking their name on it.
You can make it smart, just stick these sensors to the Umbrella:
Water Sensor to check if umbrella is wet.
Door Sensor to check if umbrella is open or close.
Temperature Sensor to check the weather outside.
Would need a battery to power it. Would it support QC3.0?
I'm genuinely interested in this as well. If it's just a regular black umbrella no thanks. If it has some interesting features or even just the Mi logo that at least gives it some gimmick value.
They way OP did the description…gotta be a shill
No Smart Umbrella?
Does this need a gateway?
thank god for "No Fair of Wind & Rain"
Is it IPX6 certified ?
This is actually N.Korean missile resistant!
Hence a bargain!
Notice the handle is long in first picture and shorter in others?
It's Xiaomi - hurry up and take my money!
Xiaomi the money!
Somehow up until yesterday I thought Xiaomi = Smart.
Now I start to think Xiaomi = Daiso.
Actually that's what they are working towards. The CEO of Xiaomi mentioned many times that they want to be MUJI in technology.
"Seiko Secret Agents"
Say what now?
1) Water repellent fabric (similar to goretex) and 2) automatic closing function which is typically not found in "non-smart" umbrellas.
$20 and one month wait.
Is this like their pens or screwdrivers, eg made by an actual premium manufacturer?
do we still need an umbrella if we already have sunny?
GPS and location tracking…
OP should have ticked the box that he is associated with the vendor…..
The poor english was the first giveaway.
It honestly does seem pretty cool…
Seems the reason the umbrella is expensive is 1) Water repellent fabric (similar to goretex) and 2) automatic closing function which is typically not found in "non-smart" umbrellas.
i would hope that umbrellas use water repellent materials
I think normal umbrellas use water resistant materials rather than repellant materials. Repellant materials should be dry as soon as the umbrella is shaken.
2) automatic closing function which is typically not found in "non-smart" umbrellas
That can't be that expensive cos even the freebie umbrellas they gave out at a company function to smack on their company logo had this function.
Do I have to point it towards China Server, or Singapore Server?
does it have the protect of rain technological function?
xiaomi really should concentrate on releasing their phones tablets and laptops in the major western markets, instead of trying to release a xiaomi version of every stupid household item ever invented…
They just released their phones in Western Europe. However it is cool when you buying household product there is a Xiaomi product available that is different from most of others.
I don't think i've ever spent over $5 for an umbrella, but they keep breaking, definitely not a piece of equipment to cheap out on
Are you trying to contradict yourself. That's not a question?
Finger print scanner…. send to XM server
Bought from geekbuying instead for $3 usd more. I need to ensure I receive a genuine Xiaomi umbrella thank you very much!
Found this review left by a GearBest buyer only a month ago. Ask the GB rep for a US$16 deal!
Good price (bought it for 16 USD)
Comfy handle
Solid construction
The build quality is ok, but the end of the stick was moving a bit, which I think was not intentional. (especially suspicious on the windy days)
Oct 04,2017
How can it be both "solid construction" then only "build quality is ok"
Impressive that Xiaomi makes even umbrella… Opening two dollar shop soon?
surprised nobody has racked up a tonne and opened up an Unofficial Official Xiaomi Store in Australia….like the Unofficial Apple Store and Unofficial Yeezy stores in China lol
Our good friend Roboguy was doing just that
I'll wait for xiaomi umbrella 2 aka xiaomi xiaoU2 for mary poppins, bullet proof and self defense SMART mode.
Whoever get this xiaomi umbrella make sure you do this trick to disable your data being send to XM server without your consent. Press the button on the umbrella handle for 2 times and hold for 2mins then 6 times, hold another 2 mins then 8 times. Once you do it right, there will be a soft beep sound and you are done!..obviously doing this may void ur warranty.
Quality umbrella should be made of fiberglass instead of cheap aluminium. I stopped buying $2 ones since it break too easily and just becoming landfill…
Bought one recommended by thewirecutter and it last years, the only problem now is if I lost them. Hopefully this one is as good
Led umbrella that brightens the night? Xiao mi seems to sell everything
….soo there will be xiao mi under pants wifi included
will this connect to my xiaomi pen and toothpick?
So expensive stuff is cheap but cheap stuff is expensive
For this price the umbrella better be "indestructible" like that Shelta umbrella I have.
If it's strong build (i.e. won't bend) and has some silly Mi branding for a gimmick I'd prob buy it. The water repelling fabric is interesting but can't say I'm sold on that alone. Never really had a problem needing my umbrella to dry super quick.
I think Xiaomi should stick to making electronic and gadgets instead of umbrella.
Seriously? What a company!!
They’re an umbrella corporation.
Is there a quick charge version?