Best Mobile Phone in the market

Loved my iphone but lost it.

What is the best mobile phone in the market now?

Been asking around for the iphone 4 but every where seems to be out of stock (also want a change from the iphone)

what other phones are out there that have similar if not better features than the iphone?

phone mainly used for internet browsing apps/games videos.

Here are a few i have my eye on.

Samsung galaxy, Nokia N8, HTC desire & trophy.

any recommendations or feedbacks??

Also looking to get the phone as a bundle with mobile broadband if this helps in finding a cheap deal.


  • +2

    I would say the Desire HD, that's why I purchased one :)

  • I'd go either the Desire HD or Samsung Galaxy S.

    Nokia N8 looks good on paper, but seems sluggish. Though it does have an awesome camera and hdmi.

    Desire HD has almost 50% more processing power than the N8 and 3x ram.
    And it has the biggest screen which imo makes internet browsing, games and videos much better.

    • Desire HD of course!!

      To decide between SGS and Desire HD - You should look at the bad points about each of them and decide which ones you rather not want.

      eg. SGS has horrible GPS/sms problems/lag if you dont close progs/slow boot and if your unlucky…the full restore buttons dont restore

      whilst Desire has multitouch issues (though fixable) errr…camera driver issues which is easily fixable in the updates and it receives updates faster than all companies with the exception of the Nexus one.

      • Yea I'd definitely go for the Desire HD as well, based on specs, also like the Sense UI. I dislike the look and feel of the SGS.

        New phones are always coming out, but if I had to get one right now, it would be the Desire HD.

        • oh yeaa…the UI is clearly better…and the new fastboot :D

      • The biggest disadvantage with Desire HD is that it still lack a front camera. If facetime protocol is to be introduced the DHD will be out of the group.

        • The biggest disadvantage about my DHD is the battery life. I need to carry my charger to work everyday, I am even thinking of buying a spare battery to carry around with me cause the battery life is very short.

          Don't get me wrong, everything else about the phone is great. Very fast and efficient.

          If the battery life of the DHD was similar to that of the iphone, this would rain on the iphone (tis is just my opinion anyway, feel free to disagree)

          Also another small con with the phone is sometimes when clicking on the screen, it would freeze on me for a few seconds. Not sure if im doing something wrong or its the phone itself. Does anyone have this problem?

        • Yeah. Not really sure what was HTC thinking. A big 4.3" mothership phone with only 1230mAh battery. Even the old HTC Magic got more juice in there.

    • I have heard rumors of dual-booting Maemo and S^3 but then again you might wanna wait it out for the new HTC dual cores coming out in dec. Also the Nexus Two is rumoured to be release soon so keep an eye on that. If you are into gaming, HTC7 and Sony PSPhone all are good replacements.

      Personally I would say wait it out till December to decide but If you need a phone immediately then Desire HD FTFW.

      BTW check out my post on the desire HD, you might be able to get it for cheap as well ;)

    • With Desire HD vs Galaxy S, it is also a comparison on the brand level, i.e. HTC vs. Samsung. HTC has much more Android experience IMHO and the XDA developer community are funded on HTC users.

  • DesireHD or Galaxy S are the 2 most powerful Android handsets currently available.
    The HD7 Windows Phone 7 is the biggest and baddest of all the WP7 units, but they're all very similar specced.

    Depends what features you like (Galaxy S has no camera Flash and a smaller screen than the Desire HD. But has a slightly better Graphics Processor and SAMOLED screen which is VERY nice (I have one).

    Nexus Two is rumoured to be released very soon… Looks to be an version of the Galaxy S from pictures.
    Dual Core Androids are set to arrive Decemberish according to rumours.

    • if i have two choices then i'll go for DesireHD

    • +4

      "I have convinced android and blackberry users to switch to iPhones"

      Android came after the iPhone, so first people left apple to get an android phone..THEN YOU changed their minds again to go back to apple.

      • OMG-ROFLMFAO, that's freakin' Twilight Zone spooky!!! :o

        Those are the very same arguments that every iphone4 owner I know parrots when I ask them why they chose it! :p

    • +1

      What do you think is so good about the iphone?

    • Your whole post is a joke.

    • +1

      Words cannot explain how underwhelmed I feel by reading this comment.

    • +2

      Where is the iPhone 4. I need an iPhone4. Does it have the Wifis? I want the one with the bigger Gee Bee's.

  • +1

    To the OP, where are you located? If you're in Sydney I can put you in touch with a shop that has the iphone4 in stock.

  • +3

    You must believe Steve Jobs, he is like Jesus!

  • lovedeals,

    I am sydney can you give me the name of the shop that has iphone4 in stock

    • Norm 0419 117 117…tell him Benji referred you ;)

      P.S the phones are available but only on voda or telstra plans

  • +4

    Ended up getting the desire HD on vodafones $69 combo which includes the $59 cap and free broadband modem and 3gbs per month of data.

    I thought it was a very good deal.

  • If I was to purchase an unlocked Desire HD from the UK, what would be the best plan for me? What options are out there?

    I don't make too many calls or send too many texts. Phone would mainly be used for music, movies and a little internet browsing.

    • 3, Vodafone, and Optus(pretty sure you can use the desire HD with optus) have $19 caps, or you could always go prepaid, just depends on how much you use your phone.

    • liveconnected OR TPG are all great value for money. Liveconnected got some pretty sweet deals right now. Check ozbargain.
      Other than that, what network do you prefer, plus might be worth it to try 3's 29 + 15 cap

    • thanks for telling us about your website !

  • I'd wait for the iPhone 5

    • -1

      Not iPhone 4G?

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