Jumping on the HN/AMEX bandwagon
Released in the last few days
Original Amex Offer:
AmEx Statement Credits: Harvey Norman - Spend $400 Get $100 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/340003
Jumping on the HN/AMEX bandwagon
Released in the last few days
Original Amex Offer:
AmEx Statement Credits: Harvey Norman - Spend $400 Get $100 https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/340003
Its halfway to a Leia bounty hunter helmet.
Maybe in the ladies room. Your in the wrong area
reviews suggest this has a difficult setup, clunky and tedious.
once you make it into the actual game it’s fun - but best suited for widescreen phones.
200 usd geez big markup here
Seems expensive for what is essentially a mobile phone powered AR game with some extra tack ons for added precision. For that money, you could get a PS4. Probably fun for a bit but I don't feel like it'll have much replay value.
its an AR headset with an included game right … its not intended as single use?
To be fare i read up in this now a bit and apparently more content is coming.
Never buy something on it's promised content.
Guess that rules out media players, Netflix, consoles… but yes i get the drift. :) At $300* after amex it might be worth it… one of those things probably best to try first.
@Xizor: I get what you mean, but in your examples (consoles, netflix) they have a known and proven expandability, with motivation (money) to do so - they both have subscriptions. "Promised content" for this may be skins for the chess game, or an extra character to fight against maybe. Nothing that will drastically change or improve on it.
I'm trying to see where the cost is - a gear vr is $100. The motion controls look wii quality at best, but probably more on par with an playstation move controller. The video seemed to highlight gesture or accelerometer based movement (will be inaccurate to show full swings).
At the cost I thought a screen would be included but nope - dependent on your phone.
That's what I'm saying. My issue is that this is essentially a VR/AR accessory. I know it's not comparable in quality but this isn't significantly different to Google Cardboard or the more expensive Gear VR. I know I'm simplifying it but it's still being powered by and limited by your phone. Not doubting more content won't come out but for this accessory, it's super expensive.
Star Wars Jedi Challenges $399
wow what a rip off…
Priceless if you want to save the galaxy
It's $300 with amex, read the title…
This is the standard price. The only bargain here is the $100 cashback that has already been posted and everyone is well aware of.
We don't need people posting every single item Harvey Norman sells.
Would be cool if they made the headset like this http://a.dilcdn.com/bl/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/02/E4…