Hi kiddoes!! Have tried looking on eBay for a screen replacement for my phone (Oppo f1f), but to no avail. My phone is obsolete so everyone seems to be out of stock. Where else can I look for a reasonably priced replacement digitizer online? Cheerio :)
Smashed my screen! Where to get a DIY replacement?

Yap. Get a new phone. Much cheaper and less hassle
Is it that hard to change a screen over? I'm pretty handy with little repairs…
Aliexpress is your best bet
Thanks matey, will give em a whirl. Can barely see my keyboard through the shattered glass to type :/
Does this look like a full assembly kit?
https://m.aliexpress.com/s/item/32793036748.html?spm=a2g0n.d…That's only the digitizer. I'm not sure if this phone's screen is laminated or not but if it isn't and the lcd is ok then you'll be fine. If it's laminated then you should find lcd+digitizer full assembly.
Oh dear, maybe I'm not good at this. How can I tell? Or what should I be searching for? EDIT: sorry, couldn't read your whole message through this screen :/
It is just the touch panel. No screen. A little harder to replace as you need to separate it from the screen but not too hard.
Alternatively, you can buy both the display and digitizer for more. Try to reuse the glue to save money or buy some.
Also wait 5 days for the 11.11 sale. the prices are already there
Thanks :) I'll keep looking and post another link here in a bit
Don't suppose you've ever ordered from them and can shed some light on actual time for free shipping? Not in a hurry, so won't pay silly prices for faster shipping, but 60 days seems a bit much…Also, what kind of tool kit do I need to get?
@CryssieJade: nearly all the sellors on Aliexpress use China airmail.
Takes 2-3 weeks usually. Can be quicker but it depends@hmtk:
You're a gem…Thanks so much :) I don't want to have to upgrade a perfectly good, working phone and send it to landfill just for a smashed screen that can be repaired for $35, you know?An update…had massive problems with ordering through Ali Express, so ordered through Parts4repair.com. Cost $38 and took two weeks to arrive. Spent 3 hours installing it today, and it works perfect, except that it's a non OEM part so the screen colours are pastel. Still a ton better than a shattered screen!! If I can get another year out of my phone, I'll be laughing. Thanks for your help :)
@CryssieJade: Thanks, cracked my screen today. Touch screen still works but hard to see anything. I'll get the kit from parts4repair.com
The Oppo phone you have are cheap as chips…. You don't buy parts, you buy a new phone when they break.
$259 for the optus prepaid version
or the telstra version here for $10 more