Best Personal Breathalyser?

I’m looking to buy a breathalyser for myself. I’m not wanting to spend hundreds and hundreds… but don’t want to spend $20 on an inaccurate device. Has anyone ever used one? What’s the best one to buy? Past experiences? Thanks so much!


  • Cop down the road has a nice accurate one, not sure how much it cost though.

  • +2

    Have a drink per hour or don't drive?

    • +5

      Lol hi to all the drink drivers out there negging me! 👋

      • +2

        Have a plus-vote.

      • +2

        have another plus vote

      • -1

        Why do you assume it's drink drivers who are negging you? I did and I don't drink and drive.

    • +1

      everyone will have a different amount of alcohol they can consume and still drive. I know that personally, one drink per hour would actually put me over the limit.

      • +1

        Yeah I know it wasn't a hard and fast rule. Point was that if you feel the need to push yourself to the limit then see if you can/cant drive, you need to look at yourself.

        Depending on when someone stops drinking could affect your ability to drive. If you just stop drinking before you leave the pub, and test your BAC then, likelihood is that it will increase as you drive home…

    • +3

      if you've had alcohol and think that you need to test to see if you're over the limit - don't drive.
      that's the best personal breathalyser.

  • +4

    In NSW the police actually advise not to bother with personal breathalysers since even if they were accurate and consistent (which they're not) the BAC can continue to rise after you test. So even having a portable blood-testing lab at the pub wouldn't help.

    Of course people respond very differently to alcohol so BAC is not the best indicator of driving ability. For the same reason those apps that suggest the number of hours to wait after drinking certain types of drink are also unreliable (let alone entering info drunk…) but are a lot cheaper/free.

  • +1

    You need to get a fuel cell one from a reputable manufacturer, but more importantly, you need to actually get it calibrated every 6 months or so. The police ones go for around $1800 each but are the bees knees. If you’re a regular pisspot it might be worth getting a Lion Alcolmeter SD-400.

  • +1

    Welcome to OzBargain. If you posted a bargain here, what do you think that would be?

  • +1

    Get an interlock device for your car, they are the most accurate personal device.

  • Don't drink… Or have just one.

    • One what? One large glass of wine? One pint of full strength draught beer? Some people could be over with this amount.

  • You can get chemical based ones for $5 each from autobarn/repco. With the draconion laws about to be introduced in Vic its worth keeping one in the glovebox as a just in case

    • Oh gawd what is Victoria up to now?

      • +1

        Immediate license suspension for those caught over the limit, and forcing them to have an interlock installed (which by the way are way more expensive than you'd think. Somebodys getting some kickbacks over this, thats for sure)

        • +2

          Geez, might as well move to North Korea the way things are going down there.

        • +1

          @EightImmortals: Yep. Much less traffic … and food.

        • +2

          @PJC: And electricity? (Or am I jumping the gun?) (Am I allowed to say 'gun' anymore?)

        • +1

          @EightImmortals: Electricity nearly every Friday afternoon. The Dear Leader takes care of everything.

      • First offence low level reading 0.5-0.7 will be loss of license and an interlock device if the draconian new laws are passed.

  • +2

    Have another plus vote for a sensible post.

    [Edit} Was meant for Spaceback.


    Ive used this one in the past and it works really well. Says it should be calibrated every year I think but tbh it works well if you dont

  • My wife is a good breathalyser for me…but she is priceless.

    Maybe you can get a similar arrangement going with a partner of choice?

  • I have a alcolimit (I think ) from super cheap. Was $200 on sale. Will post the link when I get home.

    I disagree with those saying they are inaccurate… They might not be to the number but for a test the morning after a Night out. If it says above 0.03 then you probably shouldn’t drive.

  • +2

    Look, I understand where you're coming from here, and you're probably telling yourself "I'm so responsible, this is me being responsible!"

    It's not, mate. If you're not ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN you're fit to drive, then you need to re-evaluate your priorities and lifestyle choices. Get an Uber, take public transport, or walk - or stick to your known limits, rather than pushing them. Please.

  • try this if you are sober enough to fill it out at the time

  • Given the OP's user name, could the Personal Breathalyser purchase be combined with a Personal Drug Tester?

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