MacBook Pro Purchase or Rental for Immediate Use on Centrelink

I need to get a MacBook pro on a some sort of scheme where I can pay it off over time. I can't find any solutions can anyone inform me on any such scheme?

closed Comments

  • +15

    Get it on a credit card but don't claim 'hardship'

  • +22

    @Djbrooklyn, your first instinct was right, you were getting some very poor answers. Damn, what a bunch of smart a—es and just plain a—holes on OzBargain. @Kangal, @Drew22, @dragonindespair, @wukachuka, @Burnertoasty, @epicttiimm, did I miss anyone? Your responses do not assist in finding an answer to the question. Judgmental, ridicule, put downs, and digs to varying degrees. Completely lame. The tendency toward poor spirited conversation is disheartening. Can’t type a helpful response? Then step away from the keyboard, get outside, see the sunlight and inhale some fresh air. Let's lift each other up instead of putting each other down. It's 1000x better that way.

    @Djbrooklyn, now an answer to your question. @holdenmg answer seems promising! Here are a few other suggestions:

    1. Are you currently pursuing studies as well? If so, some places have student discounts. Apple store for example has some discounts but they are rather small in comparison to what you might find on sale, but it’s worth a look.

    2. If you can wait a little longer, you might be likely to see some sales coming up in the next couple of weeks for Black Friday on Friday 24 November or Cyber Monday 27 November. Around these dates there maybe pre Christmas discounts on devices.

    3. It didn't sound like you were interested in refurbished stock, but consider whether you need the newest or top of the line model MacBook Pro. Officeworks for example has a bunch of MacBook 12-inch models starting around $1399. These are 2016 models that were discontinued a few months ago and are about $400-$500 less than their current price and original prices earlier this year.……

    4. You can use this website to page through a bunch of price comparisons of MacBooks and MacBook Pros. (The devices themselves start around page 5-6 onwards.)…

    5. Things I would avoid are retailers like ebay for an expensive item like MacBook unless the store is one of the major chains on ebay like Myer or The Good Guys which have reasonable returns policies. It can be too much trouble to obtain a refund or exchange otherwise if you run into issues down the track with smaller operators. I purchased a "Brand New" Apple TV on ebay from a high rated retailer and the item was shipped damaged and did not look brand new. The seller was hell to deal with in getting a refund. Ebay had to step in and so did my credit card issuer.

    6. Also note that you have automatic consumer guarantees under the law if something goes wrong a year or two down the track:…

    7. I’m not advocating loans or credit cards, but another suggestion is financing. Apple offers 0% interest free financing for eligible purchasers. But note though Apple’s prices are full retail, there is also a monthly fee of about $5 and after 12 months you start getting charged interest, so you’ll want to pay it off by the 11th month at the latest. Make sure to read the terms and conditions in full.
      Terms and conditions.…

    8. There are also credit cards that have 0% interest balance transfer. These can freeze interest for up to 12 months. Make sure though to find out the monthly repayments, the annual fee and any monthly service fees. Sometimes 0% can mean lots of hidden charges.

    9. Here is some more resources on loans:……

    If you have any questions, feel free to post a reply, I’ll try to get back shortly.

    Good luck!

    • +6

      This guy is lit!

      • +1

        "Contrary to popular modern belief, Lit is a term used to describe mildly intoxicated. It was often used by blues and jazz musicians in the 40s, 50s and 60s to describe the "sweet spot" in which someone was drunk enough to be relaxed and play better, without being wasted and suffering from motor skill impairment." and "More recently, it has acquired the meaning "exciting," as well as a broader meaning along the lines of "excellent."
        @TurkishDelight, love to be lit in every sense. :-)

    • +10

      You missed me. OP is apparently a student, main source of income DJ'ing, on Centrelink, but "needs" a MacBook Pro that he's going to go into debt to buy. No, he's getting good advice from everyone telling him to go get something cheaper.

      • Something cheap (and likely nasty) isn't going to get this DJ serious work. The questioner knows professionalism is key to being a successful DJ. Further, the specs on cheap devices are poor, especially the rubbish low screen resolutions and quality of cheaper PC laptops.

        • +6

          You can get a lot more bang for your buck with PC laptops than you can with a Macbook at the same price. I think what people here are saying is that a 'cheap' PC laptop is going to be just as good as an expensive Macbook pro. I similarly priced PC laptop will blow any macbook pro out of the water in performance.

        • This logic is on par with needing a flashy car to rock up to job interviews in. No - at the level OP is at, i.e. starting out, his actual ability is going to matter far more than the difference between a competent Windows laptop and a Macbook Pro at twice the price.

        • @0blivion:I have been djn a long time. Since 1992. I am not a beginner. I am not just starting out. Far out have you even read the whole thread.

        • +1


          Why would it matter if your mbp is a few years old ?

          Im sorry if you were running docker and multiple VMs i can understand but not for simple DJ programs.

        • @ninetyNineCents:please read the whole thread. I DON'T just want it to dj with. Ok

        • The questioner knows professionalism is key to being a successful DJ

          Yep, every DJ needs the big Mac icon and every Westpac investment banker needs an $80k car.

        • @dogboy: @0blivion: @ninetyNineCents: @dufflover:
          MacBooks run MacOS and Windows. They get better bang for buck just there. This is nothing like the flashy car comparison. The questioner doesn’t want something secondhand where they don’t know the history of abuse to the device. They are wanting a replacement MacBook device they can use for a long time. They want the device for DJing, photography and possibly for study and likely many other uses. PC won't cut it for this person, so deal with it.

          ALL the the questioner was really asking though in the beginning is how to obtain one in the most efficient way possible.

          Please stick to the question people. (And any trolls, seek help.)

    • +2

      Lol you clearly have some emotional attachment to this issue if more than half your comments on this site are on this thread

      • +1

        @epicttiimm Lols. No emotional attachment. When I see poor commentary, I try to correct it.

  • +3

    One final suggestion is to set up an alert in OzBargain if you haven't already. Follow the two below links, then click the "Create Alert" button. When someone posts a deal on OzBargain, you should receive a notification to your email which you can investigate further.

    • +3

      Glad i missed you're shit can list to which i agree to some degree but quite understandable;

      Point 3 is the main reason i think he needs to prioritise the facts first with NI (native Instruments) to see what will actually be better for him in the longer run, before you go down the rabbit hole of buying top of the line brand new Mac Pro. there are other options…..

      As for the rest you can see why a one liner will be bait.

      I need to get a MacBook pro on a some sort of scheme where I can pay it off over time.

      OP DJbrooklyn, when your looking for common sense you need to put more context into the subject.

      State what it is you're actually need it for, 6 hours to get to the point of stating what you're using it for, until you mentioned using traktor nothing made sense in the thread and it read as bait sorry.

      Also the reason i avoided it until i saw an actual response that made sense.

      If you had said "I'm working as a DJ my laptop has died, I've been running XYZ preference would be In this case MacBook pro, sure you would have got some shitty responses but at least the people who use the same gear can provide you some decent feedback, and being honest i wouldn't recommend the latest MacBook pro i think there is some testing to be done with interfaces but i haven't read up on it for a while as I haven't needed to.

      First stop NI man email them tell them what you have and what options would give you best bang for your buck.

      • @Toons Well you’re “brand status over requirement” comment does seem judgemental, but at least you provided some good discussion about the alternatives that could be useful to the questioner and other people here. I’m sure your NI suggestions will be food for thought.

        I get alerts on "MacBook" myself and when I saw some of the initial responses, I was compelled to say something.

        No, the onus is on the responder as to how they reply, if they feel the need to reply. The onus is not on the questioner to pose a question that will avoid ridicule. The questioner's question is short, but it is clear and made complete sense to me. It sounds like the questioner already made their mind up about MacBook and just needed to find the best way to get to their goal.

        And even in the case that the question is not legitimate or is bait, future visitors who come across this post will be searching for clear answers, so rubbish digs at the questioner, which perpetuates hate online, are pointless and a waste of screen space.

        I don't mind different suggestions on how to tackle the situation with people providing other opinions and working out the actual purpose the machine will be used for, but many of the answers started off criticising the questioner's career and circumstances. And that is just plain wrong.

        • +2

          It was answering shadowarriors question, and actually not judgemental at all it's an honest answer as stated talk to NI and they will debunk the myths.

          Just like you don't need a Pro to run traktor either

          As much as the onus is on responder, Posters should provide some effort if they are looking for help.

          I think you lost your way a little i can see both sides, read from land of smeg's comment and you might see why the dig at wukachuka was incorrect, he was actually correct until the extra information was provided…and was just perhaps wanting to keep the lad out of unnecessary debt.

          not looking for an argument take the night to think, please don't respond again tonight.

        • @Toons: No loss of way here, friend. No arguments to be had either. I do think it is great that you offered alternatives, but there was at least a small amount of judgement in the comment "Brand status over requirement". You're assuming the questioner's entire motives and uses for the purchase.
          The very first comment "Will it be used to generate income? If not, why a macbook?" is completely judgemental and set up the scene for a dig at the questioner's Centrelink status and career as a DJ. Wukachuka's comment "Got ya priorities all messed up" is completely off the mark as well. It's no one's business here to be providing life counselling to the questioner. The questioner asked a simple question about getting a MacBook on a limited budget and how to manage that. Either people can help answer it or remain silent.
          A simple constructive answer is all that was needed to the question and it not only helps the questioner, but it helps many others who come across this site with similar questions.
          I have a very low tolerance for nonsense comments across the web and a majority of them here were completely rubbish and insulting.

        • +2

          @Qwertyasdfg: I asked you not to reply because you have lost your way, i told you where to read and you have still missed the point, making your own assumptions and done exactly what you have accused so many of yourself Judging others based on assumptions……….

        • -1

          @Toons: Nice attempt to discredit me. No loss of way here and no assumptions on my part either. Comments like “wait until you can afford it” and “buy second hand” aren't helpful at all to the questioner or anyone else here who comes across the page. Those are obvious alternative options. The questioner wanted to know how to buy a new MacBook and smooth the payments in their circumstances.

        • +2

          @Qwertyasdfg: not trying to discredit you you're doing that on your own, i just think you jumped to a few conclusions that were incorrect, an your obviously upset which is why i asked you sleep on it because your answers are coming from anger and you have attacked a few people that didn't need to be including me now.

          Say what you want now i don't care

          i've tried to keep this civil, if you want to keep attacking people thats your call, Now what i know what OP's Intent is i'd still steer clear of the New Mac book Pro's until he has a good response from a few people in the business………..then he can go through your list of points for help which after all your moaning was the only helpful thing you have done.

          Say what you want now i don't care i won't respond you're clearly not in a position to talk sense,

        • +1

          @Toons: You've interpreted criticisms as something else. No anger. No attacks. Just corrections. It's completely civil here, so why inflate this and make it to be something else. Conversations go both ways you know. When someone takes a swipe at someone, especially the person asking the question, I'll be there to correct it. It's the right thing to do. I haven't criticised the MacBook alternative suggestions, but I have taken a strong opposition to personal insults towards the questioner.
          Unlike many people before me that posted forum scum and directed it toward the questioner, I simply corrected those with poor judgment and posted a bunch of ideas and suggestions that might be helpful to the questioner.

  • +5

    I thought Apple was doing a promotion to have interest free repayments on MacBook Pro. Getting a go master card is easy as well.. In before someone mentions something about my username

  • +1

    The question is good. The welfare shaming is not good.

    • +10

      No one "needs" a Macbook Pro. Much less someone on welfare.

      • +1

        There is no reason for someone on welfare not to have a Macbook Pro if that's what they are spending their money on.

        • I didn't say that. I said no one NEEDS one, which is the rationale OP is giving to justify spending money he doesn't have on a luxury item for his hobby.

          OP's question was based on a flawed premise - that he NEEDED a Macbook Pro for DJ'ing, and that DJ'ing is a reliable/responsible source of income - from the outset. People are just correcting that, because continuing to operate based on that flawed premise will just lead to further grief.

        • -2

          @0blivion: I do so shut up! It is not just for dj'ing. You can make great money in the job of mastering and photo editing also.

        • +6


          "You can make great money…"

          Sure, but you're obviously not. Otherwise you'd have money to replace the laptop instead of needing to borrow money and live off of centrelink. This isn't really a criticism than it is career advice: unfortunately you're not good enough at DJ'ing for it to be your main source of income right now. Treat it as a hobby, work an actual real job. And when you get better at it and start making money from it, then go from there.

        • +3

          @Djbrooklyn: Can't edit photos on Windows? LOL

        • @0blivion:you are still making assumptions. You don't know the whole story and nor would I want to tell you! There are various types of payments from Centrelink for different reasons. What if it is not my chosen career and is already my hobby and would just now like to make some coin of it.. Assuming someone is " not good at something because you don't make enough money from it!!!… is a plain awful judgement.
          For your information I have been djing since 1992.

        • +2


          "What if it is not my chosen career and is already my hobby"

          Then the advice stays the same: Don't spend money you don't have on a hobby. Jesus mate, I'm done here.

        • -1

          @0blivion: Good. I am over all these comments putting men down and I will defend myself!

        • @Djbrooklyn:

          Problem is, you're probably too old to get much business DJing.

          I'm 21 and don't know any young person having a party who would even fathom getting someone nearing their 40s to DJ, for example.

          Photography is probably the better avenue for someone in your age bracket

        • @diondai1:Mate age has nothing to do with it. Look at Carl Cox. My knowledge and experience would far out way any 21 year old noobie who basically knows nothing in comparison to me. I am extremely young at heart.

        • @ozbargainer88: Not like the advanced programs!

        • @diondai1: Very ageist! Total teeny boppers type this stuff. People can dj and edit photos at ANY age. You'll be 40 one day. There are no limits. Realise that sooner rather than later.

  • +2

    Please read my response above. I am just a noobie here. I really do appreciate the awesome,positive and helpful replies I received! Thank you. My faith in the forum has somewhat been restored.

  • +1

    Or faith in humanity is restored! Anyway forums can give you lots of good advice, as you see, any "politically non correct" statement will result you being eaten alive.

  • Thanks again. I love OzBargin. It has helped me so much peace always.

  • +5

    If you’re unemployed, then use the one asset you have to your advantage. Time.
    Research your minimum requirements, then search for a MacBook being sold 2nd hand.
    In our economy, the affluent dispose of last years models quite readily, if you scan Facebook messenger, gumtree and EBay in that order you will get what you want at a very reasonable price.
    I brought a brand new MacBook at less than half price, won in a competiton.

    I researched, scanned marketplace, and established searches/emails on Facebook market place.
    You want it bad enough, you’ll get it.

    As for having funds to buy it, that unfortunately requires commitment to save towards a target., it may take time, but if you are motivated you’ll get there.

    Sell things you don’t need, buy things that are super cheap and resell.

    Regards Aaron

    • @Azzy: Thanks. Yes all I am doing now is research.I have looked at all of the above options now too. I wish I never made the original post. Although I never knew about the NILS option so for that information I am very thankful.

  • +1

    Djbrooklyn, welcome to the forum. You'll get used to it :). Our ozbargain communinity is full of wonderful ppl, they are mostly light hearted so don't take them too seriously. The forum always cheers me up when reading the comments and normally when you ask a question, you don't get a straight answers. I'm a straigtforward boring person, so when i see a question, i give straight answers. Anyway, i saw this on tv on A Current Affair.…

    Hope you find this helpful.

  • +2

    I would not be looking for a macbook pro on centrelink, but a used macbook air, used on gumtree or on apples website, under refurbished.

    You can get an advance on centrelink often that would cover a used gumtree AIR for cash.

    creditcard or rent are very expensive, almost doubling the cost. the new macbook pro's have only USB-C ports and you have to factor in adaptors and they are not cheap

    I would suggest 8gb of memory, 256gb Macbook Air ~ it has all the normal ports (usb, power and audio, thunderbolt) and will be more than enough for surfing the web

    • +1

      Haha, i got negged by someone for saying the exact same thing about USB above. and your right it's a big Apple +++ for all the extras with the new model, I run both programs mentioned on a 2015 Mac pro and they still actually work on my 2011 pro too, I've heard some horror stories about faulty cheap cables frying hardware there is a whole forum on it and what to look for and what is prone to failure.

  • +1

    The apple store also provides finance through G/E Finanace (the name may have changed) but you can find details about it on the apple website - they can organise this in store for you

  • -1

    go for a payday loan :D

    • -1

      Effectively 50% interest. No thanks.

      • +1

        Are you familiar with sarcasm?

        • @points4life Yes, I get sarcasm, and your humour, but I wanted to make it 100% clear payday loans are completely the worst option.

  • +3

    In all honesty it sounds like you possibly cannot afford to buy the laptop you want. This might one of those times when you need to delay the purchase until you can save some money away - these laptops are not cheap! Out of curiosity, why do you need it ASAP?

    • Income.

      • +15

        Then find a job that pays to fund your expensive MacBook PRO.

        The purpose of centrelink payment is to assist you with the most basic needs like food and utilities, not a luxury item.

        If you need money, then go find a job and save up. Tax payers have no obligation to fund your expensive hobby. Work in 7-11, petrol station, Dominoes, deliver catalgues or Uber.

        • -3

          7-Eleven…I doubt a Centrelink claimant has a minimum of $400,000 spare to invest in a 7-Eleven franchise. Domino's franchise's also cost at least $480,000.

          Catalogue delivery pays next to nothing barely minimum wage for an under 16 year old of $6.21 per hour. Most on here are a little older than that and have many more expenses to cover.

          Uber requires a significant investment to acquire a drivers licence and vehicle that meets Uber's requirements and fully insure it for business purposes.

          Franchisee's very rarely employ full time permanent members of staff. They want casual/part time employees.

          It's difficult finding appropriate employment.

        • @JajaMinx Respectfully, your approach is not reasonable. You don't get to decide on how welfare payments are spent. No one should. Centrelink payments are for those experiencing financial hardship to meet basic household needs and improve their long term financial security. There's nothing contentious about the questioner deciding that investing in a particular laptop will be beneficial longterm to their circumstances.

          This isn't a hobby for this individual. The questioner has worked before as a musician and has very likely to have paid their fair share of taxes. And, they continue to pay taxes each day they spend money on anything attracting Goods and Services Tax. They are actively and continually contributing to the welfare system that supports them at this time. So only the welfare recipient will decide how they will spend their income. This isn't a police state, and it sure isn't going to become one. Thanks.

          In fact, I'd go so far as to say, each person in this country should receive a basic income. There's enough cash in the economy to do it. It certainly doesn't prevent people from working hard and seeking success, while at the same time, it acts to prevent people from falling into poverty during hardship, or receiving ridicule or put downs for receiving welfare. There's an interesting experiment at the moment on "unconditional basic income". And if it works out well, it could be transformative in some really important ways.…

        • @mysterytal: Exactly.

        • +1


          Most people would be annoyed that approx 1/3 of their tax goes towards paying 'welfare' in some for or the other.

          People would get annoyed that even people on here with real full time jobs would not give up to apple to cough out the expense of a MBP.

          He should be able to spend the money how he wants - glad he is not spending it on drugs.

          It is not that much money in the scheme of things.

          Just get a refurb off gumtree.

          Although OP should probably try to just grit it up and getting a storeboy/retail assistant job that is more stable. Christmas casuals now a seeking!

          Sometimes we DON'T all get TO DO what WE want, or get what we want.

        • @Gallifr3y: Gumtree is the worst option. ebay is the second worst. You don't know the quality of the device and the ability to obtain a refund. The OP is a professional and doesn't want to stuff around with bad transactions. I purchased on ebay a "brand new" device and it was absolutely not that. It arrived busted up and was hell to get a refund. More pain than it was worth. Avoid Gumtree and avoid ebay unless its from a reputable major chain with law abiding returns policies.

          I'm pretty surprised at the Mac hate in this forum. My iMac is about 10 years old, still works well. It was the best computing investment I made. None of my previous PCs lasted that long. People should be looking at this forum from an evidence based perspective.

          Agreed. No one here gets to decide how other people spend their welfare and disability payments. Everyone contributes via tax to those payments, even the person who receives those payments contributes those taxes into the system through purchases and work.

          Take your own advice. Go apply for a Christmas casual storeboy/retail assistant job. You sound quite interested in that. The OP is not.

          Everyone should get the chance to pursue what they want. Read up on universal basic incomes if you haven't heard about it.…

      • +2

        Are you just starting out in DJing? If you have been doing it for a while it sounds like it may not be paying well enough, maybe not worth investing in a new laptop to continue doing it?

  • +3

    Just get a decent Windows lappy and some other DAW to get you by. Save your coin until you can afford your dream MacBook Pro / Logic rig.

    Its about the ear, not the gear.

    • -1

      @SwampCrack While I disagree with your comment (because a "decent Windows lappy" can often be priced in the realm of a MacBook), I did find your comment "Its about the ear, not the gear" very pleasing and on point.

  • +1

    If you have a Coles Mastercard credit card, you could access the Insurance. I have one with a very small limit ($1000) just for the insurance.

    As the Macbook drops in value over 24 months you could claim back the drop. If you are unable to pay off the Macbook quickly it might not be a great idea as the interest may be high.

    The insurance may also cover you for 6 months if it is damaged, lost or stolen.

    • @maraco Interesting approach.

  • -6

    So many questions and remarks have been very far from the original question! This is not a psychology forum. I am not answering any more questions as I have the necessary answers I require. Thanks!

    Phew… glad that is over. I never asked to be judged or ridiculed in any way. Wow. Can I get the whole post removed now moderators??

    • +4

      I reckon you're a troll but if not, and you didn't predict this outcome, you're an idiot. Well either way you're probably an idiot.

  • Just buy a decent used 1. You can get the older i5 CPU models for about $400ish. It's very easy to replace parts like ram and hard drive on these 1's. An upgrade to an ssd is very easy to do (look on youtube) and will make the computer very quick.

  • +11

    The real problem is the OP is reinforcing a negative stereotype about people on welfare, namely that they are reckless with their money. Welfare is to stop people falling into abject poverty; it is a safety net not a way to fund the purchase of luxury items. An expensive laptop from a trendy brand is definitely a luxury item.

    • @Juddy No, you have it the wrong way around, many of the responders here are projecting negative stereotypes onto the questioner. Welfare payments are for those experiencing financial hardship to meet basic household needs and improve their long term financial security. There's nothing contentious about the questioner deciding that investing in a particular laptop will be beneficial longterm to their circumstances. Music and DJ-ing is their trade. This is their expertise. We have zero idea about why the questioner has fallen on hard times. People are projecting their own bias and making assumptions. There are a whole raft of circumstances that lead to people falling on hard times. The questioner wanted advice about how to achieve their aim in the most efficient manner, that's all.

  • Disappointed by how people judge someone. Keep your hands away from the keyboard if you cant help

    • +1

      @Fari Exactly. You're right on the money. Hands off the keyboard people. Step away from the screen and we'll all be okay. Very surprised at how the original question has been avoided by many responders. And surprised that instead judgments, assumptions and ridicule have made up a lot of the responses.

  • There's a few retailers who offer interest free finance options for you, the only problem is your income. You would need someone else to apply for you and then pay it off gradually. Harvey Norman reguarly have these macbook promotions

  • Give the rock and roll a call and Inquire about a s.e.a special employment advance
    You can have 1 per year $500max and u can also get it on top of your normal $500 loan
    500+500=1000 happy days

  • +3

    Agree with many of the comments - you do not require a MacBook Pro to run any DJ software. If you are fixated on getting one then get a second hand model that falls within your budget.

  • +6

    Feel sorry for you OP, when I was on centrelink many years ago, I bought a Macbook Pro and I tell it it what got me off centrelink since from making apps for iPhone/iPad.

    These people will never understand NEVERRRR

    In before someone comments on my username

    • @centrelink: I ask one question and cop terrible judgment cause I said the words Centrelink and MacBook in one sentence together. No one knows the situation I am in or my status within society. Truly disturbing human behavior.Some people have tried to give me advice which is just common sense. Interesting to say the least.

      • +2

        Remember this is an open forum, you can get heaps of good advice, some can be even life changing. But you can also be subjected to lots of people's opinions. Put it another way, having more comments then necessary does draw more peoples attention, thus more likely you will get more advice. Keep in mind that many forums don't make it to the front page of ozbargain, which ususally don't get lots of comments. Your one made it. So it is a blessing in disguise! More importantly you got the advice you need. You could be giving good advice for the next forum topic. So you do get more than what you bargain for! All the best.

      • +1

        When you use the word "Centrelink", some people falsely think you should be living on poor street and be relegated to the bargain bins to fit that negative stereotype in people's minds. And when you say the word "MacBook", some people falsely assume you're trying to live a glamorous lifestyle with no substance. Together these two words appear to be causing a supremely troubling dichotomy to some people here, enough so to have distracted them from the original question. Who would have thought!?! Clearly your aim is to turn your circumstances around, that was your original intention I believe.
        I'm sorry that you've receive the many negative responses here.

      • Very true. It's also interesting to note you will also get roasted if you make too much money as well. ALWAYS..

    • +2

      People completely understand, they just don't like it.

      I mean, what's not to understand?

      • +1

        @Juddy, respectfully, they don't like what exactly? They don't like the questioner replacing their device so that they can recommence their work? Or, they don't like the questioner trying to find the most efficient way to obtain new equipment? There's a very false belief by some that the questioner should not participate at all in being able to make any decisions on how they spend their income in an effort to reestablished themselves. This person, and more widely people on welfare, have paid taxes in the past, and continue to pay GST taxes each day on most purchases, all of which contribute to their own welfare supplements and that of others. Many here have cast aspersions. And that's not right or reasonable.

        • +1

          Welfare is a safety net to buy necessities, not luxury items. This person doesn't "need" a MacBook Pro.

          I highly doubt that DJing is a stable career for this person. If he was making good money from gigs he wouldn't need welfare & he could buy whatever items he wanted. If he made a post asking to how to afford a really expensive guitar, for example, so he could play sporadic gigs at dive bars I'd judge that as a bad idea to.

          However, I bet you $100 if he came here and asked how to buy, say, some sturdy workboots and to get some advice on good quality work clothes or the best suit for someone on welfare or items more practical like those he wouldn't have received anywhere near as many negative comments.

          Everyone who is defending this guy is falling back on the old "oh, don't be so quick to judge" chestnut but the reality is when someone is making an obviously bad decision for their circumstance it is hard not to judge it as foolhardy.

          Frankly, I think it is much more crueler to encourage people in financial distress to waste their money or get further into debt. I'll agree some people have been a little meaner than that needed to be but… welcome to the Internet?

        • -1

          @Juddy: Troll, this isn't a luxury item, it's a replacement MacBook for work including photography and DJ-ing and possibly study. The questioner is in hospital and has run into difficult times. It's not appropriate to be attacking the questioner with your ignorance.
          Your life advice is completely flawed. No one is encouraging financial distress. The questioner has made a decision with sound mind. All the questioner wanted to know is how to replace their MacBook with the a new one in the most efficient manner.

    • -1


    • +2

      Not really. Your hard work making iPhone/iPad apps is what got you off centrelink.

      You don't need a Macbook Pro for that. Any mac will do the job just fine. I use a $450 2nd hand 27" iMac (late 2009) that I purchased 3 years ago - dropped a $60 SSD in it and it's perfect for the task! And IMO that machine is overkill, I just grabbed it for the nice display and iOS dev.

      • Can u get Mac dev vms now too ?

        • Not sure, it's good on the PDP-11 though.

    • People don't seem to understand sometimes. Too quick to judge.

  • +21

    guys im unemployed and need a vehicle to get me to the train station for centerlink interviews. will a bmw m3 cover this? thanks.

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