Hi, I am thinking of buying the Weber Original bbq. I think it is selling for $449. My mate swears by it, for low and slow cooking. Can anybody comment on if it is worth paying 800% extra compared to a cheapie kettle BBQ. Better to get a smoker for slow cooking? $449 seems steep, Amazon selling them for US$149, but doesn't ship to Australia.
Weber Original Premium Kettle BBQ Worth The Money?

That friend of "hours" must have all the time in the day.
Use mine every second day roughly. Love it. It's 40 years old and still going strong. Takes a little to learn how to use it but it's simple after that. Make sure to get a charcoal chimney. I also have a Weber gas model but rarely use it because the charcoal is so good.
No, they are a pain to use and not really any different to other kettle style BBQs.
Do you really want the hassle of going through the charcoal coal way when most times you just want a few items cooked quick.My Kettle BBQ from masters is great for grilling but hopeless for slow cooking. I hear weber original had beyyer heat distribution.
I love the Weber kettle bbq, the entry level Weber grill sells for $200
The premium one is $450, the vertical size is different and the temperature control is more advanced on the premium, but they essentially do the same thing.
Weber products are great quality and last a long time. They are porcelain baked enamel.
The imitation ones are often cheap quality and don’t last.
Cooking on a charcoal grill is for people who love to cook and enjoy the ritual and the process. The flavour Is so much better than an a gas grill.
If you just want something easy and quick than this might not be the right bbq.
The Weber’s on Amazon are from Weber USA
The Company that has the franchise licence for Australia (middleman) sets
the Australian price.https://www.weberbbq.com.au/barbecues/charcoal/kettle/compac…
Got Weber One Touch Gold here for 7 years now and love it to bits. I don't like gas BBQs because it simply doesn't add the flavor of slow cooking/smoking/charcoal. Just the regular spray BBQ cleaner then clean the grates and store it for next use (usually use multiple times a week). Also as the other guy mentioned, I like cooking and for me BBQ gathering is - chat and drink beer while I slow cook, then eat. Not come over to rush through the food and go away.
Personally, we bought a standard weber kettle and found we hardly used it. It is not great for doing quick barbeque things like sausages. We then gave it to a friend of hours and they use it quite often and it has lasted about 15 years, so far. It might be worth looking into buying a second hand version on ebay as well.