Can anyone recommend me a quality spy pen or a wearable gadget to record video and audio
anyone got one?
Can anyone recommend me a quality spy pen or a wearable gadget to record video and audio
anyone got one?
that button camera doesn't look that inconspicuous … especially when you scroll down and see it on that woman's jacket…
That's a pretty bad photo shop :) in real life the button is smaller than my thumb nail.
Thanks for pointing it out or I would never have noticed it!
and a pet in more convenient I guess, just put in your top pocket and go… anyway I wish I can see some actual photo,, yes the button seems big,, and the wire always hanging?
I knew a guy who hid a camera in his hat. It was a rather large cowboy hat and the camera was quite heavy and made a buzzing sound. Sadly, on its first use, the person whom he was recording noticed the sound and warned him that there might be a bee inside his hat. Completely forgetting about his hidden camera, he quickly took off his hat and stomped on it, expecting to squash what he thought was a bee inside. He got the hell out of the convenience store, only to return moments later to purchase a filthy hot dog. Good times.
Pens are very obvious. Try a button camera :-…
Note:- As you are in Victoria it is only lawful to record covert audio if you are a party to the conversation. It is not lawful to record video if the parties recorded would have an expectation of privacy.