This was posted 7 years 4 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Assassin's Creed: Origins, Wolfenstein 2, Shadow of War $49.95 + More (with Purchase of Xbox1 X) @ EB Games



Totally unadvertised deal here, but I'm told it's Australia wide.

The new Xbox One X is launching on November 7th (some midnight releases, too). To coincide EB are doing a one day only deal where they're slashing the price of newly release titles. The weird thing is they aren't actively publicising it. If you dont believe me, ring up your local to confirm.

The catch is you have to be purchasing the console at the same time. Still, a good deal if you are picking it up. They're pretty substantial savings. Assassin's Creed: Origins for $64 at Big W was already seen as a great deal, and this beats it by nearly $15! The deals are:

Assassin's Creed: Origins $49.95
Wolfenstein 2 $49.95
Shadow of War $49.95
Evil Within 2 $49.95
Forza 7 $59.95

These are seemingly the only games eligible according to their system. I belive they all take advantage of the new hardware.

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Some good prices for those getting the new xbox…. Maybe I'll turn up and see if anyone will buy the game for me for a small admin fee 😆

    • Hah, I actually thought about that myself. I'm sure someone would. If you get nice/lax staff it wouldn't surprise me if they just let you buy them. Worth a try.

  • +1

    I think it's best to mention "Game for $xx with purchase of Xbox One X Console" highlighted somewhere.

  • +1

    The catch is you have to be purchasing the console at the same time.

    with purchase of console should probs be in the title. Got me all excited :(

    • +2

      Sorry mate. On my phone. Had a hard time typing and formatting it all. Seems a mod altered.

  • Does anybody know if eb have any trade in special with the original xbox one (ie not one s)… Would consider trading in to upgrade if the trade in is worth it..

    • Yeah I was wondering the same. I would probably get more selling it privately, but the thing is so damn big so postage would be a killer.

  • Anyone in EB games know if ps4 will be on sale when XBOBX is out?

    • The $499 deal on the PS4 Pro with gta and get sport was most likely sony’s answer to the situation, but we will have to wait and see :)

      • Thanks! Hope you bring out some bundles for slim version!

  • My store has no idea about this deal. It's odd only some people got this deal sent to them.

    • That's weird. Guy at mine (Marion SA) said it was Australia wide. Even had to call head office to confirm whether it was the regular or deluxe edition of Assassins Creed that's included, being they were the same price.

      He did say they were only told a few days back though.

    • Definetely will be Australia wide. All stores will read about the deal in internal memos either the day off or the day before :)

  • I would wait till EB do their next 20% off sale, from what I have seen they dont really jack the prices so I think there will be some solid xb1x console deals sooner rather than later.

    • EB don't do 20% off sales….

      • sorry i meant their ebay account when ebay do a 20% off selected sellers.

  • Is this valid if I had pre-ordered the console for pick-up on the 7th?; I have a scorpio edtion all payed off so technically not purchasing on the day - perhaps a silly question.

    • +1

      Yes it will be.

      • Thanks for the reply!

  • Does it say 1 title each max ? surprised if not cos someone will Broden it

  • Didn't see Xbox One X until after, I was like "Well shit, EB selling recent games at a competitive price? Get out of here!"

  • Well damn, I picked up ACO from EB late last week at a price matched $64, and picking up my Scorpio edition on launch day. I don't suppose they'll do anything for me there :/
    I also bought Shadow of War on it's launch day, price matched as well :(

    • +1

      I remember someone had the same experience when the PS4 Pro launched last year with WatchDogs 2 and Skyrim. I returned both games in the same transaction and sold them again at the discounted prices. Saved them $30!

      • Username checks out 🤑

        Hah, but no, that's a good thing you did. Wish more companies/employees went the extra mile. It encourages loyalty to the store, if nothing else.

        So yeah OP, it's worth a shot. Worst they can say is no.

    • Is it still within 7 days then jsut return it and rebuy. Also to the OP the email shows $49 and not $49.95 ?…

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