This was posted 7 years 4 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS Plus Games for November: Worms Battlegrounds, Until Dawn:Rush of Blood, Bound + More (Subscription Req'd)


The full list of games are as follows:

  • PS4 - Worms: Battlegrounds

  • PS4/PSVR - Bound

  • PS Plus Bonus/PSVR - Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

  • PS3 - R-Type Dimensions

  • PS3 - Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic

  • PS VITA/PS4 - Dungeon Punks

  • PS VITA - Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse Ep. 1 & 2

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Didn't know worms games were still around. Must give it a try.

    • Love them worms

  • +9

    I tell you what, with adding free psvr games they are making it harder for me not to purchase one

    • +8

      Update: I purchased one, and it is glorious!

      • That was quick!

        • Always wanted one, been umming and ahhing, found a great deal of gumtree. Very happy

        • @tassieeagle: Damn nice, I think I'll probably end up getting one soon. (Ace Combat 7 + GT Sports)

    • if they released fallout 4 on VR it would be an instant purchise for me

      • They are, for the vive I think. I'm getting Skyrim on launch I'll let you know what it's like

        • yeah. my pc isn't beefy enough to run it so i would need it on the PSVR

        • @Tejas57: Don't think it is slated for PSVR, wish it was I love fallout.

  • +12

    Looks a bit average this month.

  • +4

    Pretty average month, and by average I mean shit.

    But I got Odyssey, Morphite, Doom, Lego Marvel 2, LA Noire, Skyrim, Sonic Forces, and more on just the Switch alone to keep me interested this November, so honestly, I'm glad.

    Keep the VR games coming. I only bought a Vita because I stacked up a shitload of Plus games, keep it up and I might end up buying a VR too.

  • Excellent I've been meaning to try Broken Sword.

  • +1

    Awesome, was ready to buy Rush of Blood!

    Bound (already owned) is a really unique and brilliant game.

    • Does Bound come with a PS Theme?

  • +1

    Loving the VR content. I have nearly picked up rush of blood several times now.

  • yasssss
    i was so close to buying bound.
    glad this is out on ps plus.

  • Oooo, that Rush Of Blood is a macabre delight if there ever is one. Brown pants time assured.

    • And I found the levels get pretty difficult pretty quickly.

  • +2

    I'm not excited by any of these games but that's fine.

  • This is odd. Worms Battlegrounds is listed in the new double discounts sale (listed yesterday) for $30.95.

    I've not seen them do that before - list a game on sale which is also "free".

    On a side note R-Type really makes me consider setting my PS3 up again.

    • +1

      True. But someone might want to own it outright and not just have it when they have psn plus active.

  • +1

    Oh man I've been wanting to try Bound since it came out, this month alone is worth it for that game.

  • F my life, I havent downloaded any free games this year because cant be stuff and keep forgetting lol.
    Got Metal Gear Solid last month, yet to play. Remembered to download this month and its Worms….. F my life, missed out on Infamous and Child of Light ;(
    Still better than nothing I guess

    • +1

      MGS is awesome, get on it!

  • Love R Type cant wait! The PS2 RType was probably my most fav. Never tried dimensions

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