Hi guys, I've been working at a fast food store for about 6 months and its 13 hrs a shift (12 hrs without break 2 30mins break), they pay no penalty rates and customers tend to ask me when do i start and finish, probably being nice and having small talk whilst they wait for their order, and they always give the similar response, "woah, isnt that illegal" or "do you get paid more", and i just answer them honestly, i dont know if thats illegal and yes maybe i should be gettting paid more. ive ask my friends what i can do, they said to call fairwork and report it, but that requires me to disclose fairwork my identity and my manager would find out its me.
If the Ozbargainers can help me with what i can do , or any fairwork employees see this please help! i would like to keep anonymous as i dont want to lose my job.
P.s. Most of our staff do 13 hrs per shift. its the people who are on student visa who only does 8 hrs a day
Thank you in advance.
Speak to the relevant union even if you are not a union member they will still give you some advice