• expired

Commonwealth Bank - Get $20 Back after The First 3 Times You Tap and Pay with Android Pay or The CBA App [Android Only]


Starting from today, selected CBA cards will support Android Pay and they are currently running this promotion below for Android devices only.

You can now use your phone to 'tap and pay' with Android Pay or the CommBank app on Android. For a limited time, get $20 back after the first 3 times you tap and pay with your CommBank Mastercard on Android Pay or the CommBank app.

The promotion commences on 1 November 2017 and closes at 11:59pm on 17/12/2017 or when thirty thousand (30,000) valid claims have been received, whichever is first to occur.

Supported Cards:
Awards Credit Card, Gold Awards Credit Card, Platinum Awards Credit Card, Diamond Awards Credit Card, Low Rate Credit Card, Low Rate Gold Credit Card, Low Fee Credit Card, Low Fee Gold Credit Card, Business Awards Credit Card, Business Gold Awards Credit Card, Business Platinum Awards Credit Card, Debit MasterCard, Platinum Debit MasterCard, Business Debit MasterCard

Unsupported Cards:
Amex, Visa


  • Claims are only open to Australian residents aged 18 years or over;
  • Are an existing CommBank MasterCard debit and/or credit card holder;
  • Have not used the tap & pay function on CommBank app on Android in the 90 day period prior to the start of the Promotional Period. For the avoidance of doubt, both individuals who have never used the tap & pay function on CommBank app on Android and individuals who have previously used it but have not done so in the 90 day period before the start of the Promotional Period will be eligible;
  • Are not employees or members of the immediate family (spouse, parent, sibling, or child) of employees of the Promoter or the Promoter’s related entities directly involved in the Promotion (as determined by the Promoter);
  • Wearables/smart watch transactions are excluded from this promotion and will not be eligible;
  • Transactions made via iOS Pay Tag are not eligible for this promotion;
  • Only one (1) claim is permitted per person;
  • Claimants, if they are a winner, will be notified via a push notification or SMS on their device. The winning claimants account will be credited with the cash back within ten (10) business days of the Promoter receiving their complete and valid claim.

For full T&C, please refer to this link(commbank.com.au) and scroll down to 'Conditions of Entry'.
All other supported cards(support.google.com) on Android Pay(android.com).

Happy tapping Ozbargain!

EDITED 10/11/2017: You should start seeing your $20 cash back in your account if you're eligible for this promotion!! People have reported that CBA didn't send any notification or SMS, but just deposited the cash back into the account.

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Commonwealth Bank
Commonwealth Bank

closed Comments

  • Have just done my shopping for the week (food from my local store, fuel from Woolies station, and grabbed a burger from Macca's) in one trip with my newly installed Android Pay on my old Galaxy S5. Let's hope CommBank won't tell me I'm already too late to the party and not eligible for the $20. lol

  • +2

    A friendly reminder to those who have never used Android Pay before (like myself), don't freak out when you see the last 4 digits of the "card" used on your account statement different from those on your actual plastic card. I've just realized Android Pay creates a whole new virtual account number. If you wanna return purchases for refund, and don't like going through your phone to find your new virtual account number, then take and save your receipts. You're welcome.

  • Glad I haven't cancelled my low fee Commonwealth credit card from the $250 bonus deal months ago, will use it again for this :)

  • -1

    Haha, just now they launch android pay!
    I've been using NAB pay for like 4 years now!

    • +1

      this is a promo.. tap and pay has been around a long time with CBA also. i just dont think enough people are using it so CBA are running this promo..

      Its easier to tap a bit of plastic then it is your phone.

  • Did my 3 transactions in woolies last night. Have yet to recieve any text so hoping it went through OK!

    • I also did three different transactions last night, and no text or anything yet. My understanding is they'll text people when the transactions are cleared and not still pending in the payer's account.

  • so if I haven't used tap and pay with CBA on my phone in well over 6 months am I eligble for this cash back? if there a minimum spend?

  • fantastic, free money! woot

  • tried to do 5 cents android pay at woolies it asked me to insert card so cancelled and did a 15 cent comm app pay and it worked. will it matter if you do 2 android pays and 1 on comm app or do all 3 need to be done on the same method?

  • I have Android Pay and Commbank App in my Samsung phone.

    Open the Commbank App at the cashier, have my CBA mastercard all line up to the Paypass machine, then "Beep", Android Pay activated and used my Amex Platinum Edge.

    Google Android 1 : 0 Commbank


  • Are supplementary cardholders eligible purchases?

  • Which is the cheapest phone with NFC that support Android Pay eligible for this promo?

  • If I'm not a CBA customer, can I create a new transaction account just for this? Would any transaction account be suitable?

    • That's a lot of effort for $20!

      • +1

        True, but I have spare time!

        • Received my $20 for my pensioner security account

  • Does anyone have any idea why it keeps coming up as 'contactless unavailable' whenever i try to buy something at coles?

    Ive got a debit mastercard and I've tried the commbank app and andriod pay its given me 'contactless unavailable' every time.

    • +1

      Probably something to do with the phone you're using and how you set it up, like enabling Android Pay in the settings etc, (or whether you've successfully completed the setup process all the way). I downloaded and installed the Android Pay app on Wednesday night for the first time, and I haven't set it up properly the first time so it didn't work for me at Woolies. I had to go back and complete it (I forgot I had to add my address, and only added my CC details initially), and it worked after that. Did you have it installed before and working, or you've just installed it after this post? And if the latter, did you get an SMS from CommBank during the setup process? Double-check the settings, just in case.

      • +1

        Yeah I've set up both apps correctly with all information entered along with the confirmation sms.

        The only thing i think might be causing an issue is i also have Samsung pay installed which is my default payment app. I can't see why that would stop andriod pay or commbank app from working but ill try to disable it and try again. Thanks anyway for helping

        Edit: samsung pay was causing the issue. Once i removed it and made andriod pay default option it worked.

        • +1

          Glad you've figured out what has been causing the issue. :)

        • I've got Samsung pay and Android pay.
          I didn't need to uninstall it.
          I did set Android Pay to the default.

          Though I haven't seen any text about the promotion :S

      • Same here. Setup correctly with cba app. Mi5 phone. No joy.

    • So it's not just me… Have used Android pay at about 10 different places and for some reason Coles fails about 2 in 3 times.

      Very bizarre behwciiir

  • has any one got confirmation or their $20 yet?

  • Anyone using the CBA app have problems using at Aldi ?

    ( Worked ok at Coles/Woolies/ and after no luck using at Aldi went to Liquorland and worked ok there too.)

  • tapped 3 times but no SMS or notification :(

    • +1

      I did my three transactions this afternoon in about 5 minutes and have no SMS yet either. Pending transactions don't say they're tap and pay either

  • Finish my third tap today via Android Pay at 3pm. Will let you know if I get the $20.

  • Anyone is able to add CBA "Low Rate Mastercard" to Android Pay? I couldn't and ask me to contact my bank after the T&C page…

  • -1

    Only one of the three Android Pay transactions I did last Wednesday has been cleared (already on Friday) while the other two are still pending, despite making the purchases within half an hour. Is Commbank trying to delay clearing some of the transactions on purpose so that they can say we aren't eligible because the 1st 30,000 claims have already been received?

    • -1

      Is Commbank trying to delay clearing some of the transactions on purpose so that they can say we aren't eligible because the 1st 30,000 claims have already been received?

      No Extremely unlikely.

  • do you have to do any claims or is it automatic cashback?

    • Supposedly automatic, I guess. But it's six days now and still nothing. Two of the three purchases I made on Wednesday the 1st of November are still pending. Kinda weird!

  • Stiiillll nothing…

  • Nope nothing for me either…

  • Has anyone actually received a text?

  • I finished my 3rd Android pay transaction by 10AM last Friday yet still no message or notification. However, two of the transactions are still showing as pending.

  • Made 3 payments within 45 minutes of each other, 2 have processed and 1 is still pending, weird

  • three cleared tap and pay last week, last time using tap and pay in Apirl, still no notification.

  • 3 tap and pay transactions last friday, all cleared, never used tap and pay before.

    No notification…

  • +5

    3 cleared Payments. No text. No $20.

  • Same for me. 3 transactions cleared. Shows "Tap & pay" in netbank history, no notification, no money. Hm, could it be that "$20 cashback" actually means a requirement of $20 qualifying spend? Like spend that cash to get it back?

  • +2

    I think they will notify people 10 days AFTER the transactions are cleared:

    The winning claimants account will be credited with the cash back within ten (10) business days of the Promoter receiving their complete and valid claim.

    Check the T&Cs above.

    • No, that's saying you will be paid within 10 business days of the funds being processed (valid claim). It says nothing about being notified.

      • Claimants, if they are a winner, will be notified via a push notification or SMS on their device.

        I was too lazy to copy and paste the whole line, but I've mentioned the T&Cs. Look at the last dot point under the description in the OP above.

        • I interpret that as you receiving the SMS as soon as they successfully process your claim, and then the money taking UP TO 10 business days to come through to your account.

  • Has anyone received any SMS?

  • Hi, I'm old, lazy & stupid, can someone explain if the "tap & pay function on CommBank app" will work with a very simple Android 5.1 phone? An Alcatel Pixi 4" something or other phone.

    • does it have NFC? if so then yes, if not then no…

      • thanks, no nfc so bummer.

  • Am I the only one who started receiving "You have (1) one bitcoin in your account" text messages after installing and using Android Pay? Never got similar SMS before (except spam emails, which are the norm), so if anyone else got those, make sure to not click on any links in those text messages and delete them straight away: https://finance.nine.com.au/2017/11/03/11/15/bitcoin-scam-te…

  • Which shop actually hv machines can do this nfc?

    • Every shop that takes contactless eftpos. Should be the same as using plastic.

      • U mean paywave?

        • +1

          Basically, yes. payWave is visa's name for it. PayPass is mastercard's name for it, etc

          The umbrella term for this technology (the sideways WiFi like symbol) is contactless payment.


        • Really? I tried coles n woolworths but aftee touching, and beeping, on the screen it says contacless unavailable.

        • @moonwalk: on your phone or on the store machine?

        • Store machine.
          I hv activated platinum debit card from cba n using cba app on mi5 with nfc

        • @moonwalk: Weird. People are putting through 1 cent grapes according to some posts, so it must be your phone.

  • +2

    1st nov
    Did 3 taps for $2 in total.

    Got my $20 today!

    No sms though

  • Received my $20 yesterday. No notification or SMS though

  • Got my $20 this morning :)

  • +1

    Tap Pay Cashback $20.00 in the account no text or notification.

  • Did my transactions on Nov 2-3. Got my $20 in the account today, no SMS or notifications

  • +1

    Got my $20 yesterday with no notification.

  • Got mine this morning without being notified as well. Yey!

  • got it without notification

  • +1

    Maybe they are trying to save money by not SMSing :p

  • +1

    revieved mine today no notif

  • Still waiting myself. Crossing fingers!

  • Still no $20, done 4 payment by Friday last week..

  • Got the $20 today with no sms

  • just checked my account and i got '
    'Return TAP PAY CASH BACK $20 '

  • +1

    Made my transactions on Nov 3rd. Got my $20 in the account on 9th, got SMS from Commbank today. Yay!

  • Just got the SMS- just checked and the $20 went in on Wednesday

  • Got $20 today with an SMS

  • Received $20! many thanks

  • Does CBA treat gift card purchases as cash advances?

  • Just got 20 bucks tq

  • +2

    Nov 1 I did it with my masterxard

    No notifications but go the $20a few days agi

    Just for kicks I dug out my debit card that I've never used yesterday.

    Tapped yesterday and I got a $20 credit notification sms today


  • +1

    Yep checked my M/C and app states got my $20 credit on 9th also.

    Thanks for the post Classical :)

  • As per above, we got our $20 today! No notification or anything, it just appeared in the account.

  • 4 taps on 5th Nov. No cashback yet

  • Got my Cashback today! (No notification)

    • Lol. Just got the text message.

  • Received after a couple days

  • Got my cashback too in account, no notification. 4 days after my 3rd tap.

  • +2

    Got cashback on 19/11/17 after x3 $0.01 purchases from woolies on 11/11/17. rest of purchases using egift card

  • spent on 17/11 (3 transactions), got cashback on 21/11. Thanks OP. Free money! :)

  • First time user, got 3 completed transactions(finished pending)… wheres my $20?

  • Just got my $20 (no notification). Took 3 days after the completed and cleared transactions. Thanks all

  • Made my transactions yesterday, still pending…

    • +1

      Paid on 28th, thanks guys/thanks CBA, Great PR move! ;)

  • How to use CBA app for tap payment? I don't see an option in my app.

    • +1

      When you open the app (before logging in) there should be 6 options at the bottom, the bottom right one is tap and pay. If it is not there, you probably don't have a compatible phone?

      • Thanks, found it. I was looking for it within an account screen.

  • The missus did 5x tap and pay since 4th November. Haven't got the $20.

    Transaction clearly shows Tap & Pay.

    Has anyone faced the same issue?

    • Same thing as me, still waiting (they do say 10 days after it's cleared though)

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