Found this ebay seller selling Dr Martens pretty cheap ($120 compared to $250 retail and $200 when discounted). I ordered a pair of purple size 10 UK and will report back if there is anything wrong with them. Seller has 100% positive feedback, worst thing seems to be someone complaining about the box being squashed on arrival which I don't care about. My current pair I paid about $220 on Amazon UK as it was the only place selling them in this size (purple being a feminine colour and not many females have feet as big as mine). A few years later they have a few cracks in the leather so have been keeping an eye out and just found this on ebay.
Hopefully it works out and I'll report it as a deal!
Also, this is a bit weird but if there is anyone in Canberra or surrounds whose left foot is a little bigger than their right, maybe you could buy a pair of 9.5s and we'll swap our left shoes
Hmmm lets see…..buying on ebay, its half the normal price…. Are they shipping from China too?