Hi my IPod classic 160gb died and I need something that is easier to use and to get away from Apples ITunes
I cant use my IPhone as its a work one
what can I use? or Buy it must have Bluetooth for my portable speaker
thanks for your replies
Portable MP3 Player
Astell & Kern AK Jr, if you can afford it.
Get a phone. I got a Sony Xperia which was focused on music playback for like $30 or $40 years ago. It's great.
Just threw away the included sim and never used it as a phone.
I used older version without BT. Now with BT.
I have a N3 Cayin player and have found the sound quality excellent, very warm and spacious. I would recommend using High quality FLAC type audio files to get the most out of it.
You can read a review here https://headfonics.com/2017/04/the-n3-by-cayin/
I bought mine from here for around $220 http://a1futureshop.com.au/index.php?route=news/article&news…
The fiio x3 mark iii is supposed to be pretty good as well but the N3 Cayin has a higher end DAC chip.
Good news about the IPod classic 160gb is they are usually very easy to fix, just need a new battery replaced in most cases. If it is clicking, then a new hard disk, you can convert it to using mircosds instead. Look on youtube for guides.
A 2nd hand smartphone with BT and external SD card allowing large capacity.