Anyone used a 3rd party to create a iOS app?

Have a great idea for a app on the iphone. Problem is i dont currently possess the programming skills and dont have the time to acquire them. Its a straightforward app and i'm happy to pay a 3rd party to create it for me. Question is… how do i stop them ripping it off and selling it themselves? How do i protect the idea?

Anyone used a 3rd party programmer/company to get a app made?


  • I used to work for an overseas company that developed mobile apps. They do good work and they don't rip ppl off. I can attest to that. PM me and I can get them to get in touch with you

  • Just be careful, look at the Winklevoss and Facebook :p

  • Contracting to make apps is good money, you'll be taking on all the risk so they have no incentive to "steal your idea". Be ready to make a loss, there's millions of ideas out there and thousands of programmers; making money in the app business is hard.

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