Accidentally Backed Into Someone’s Car (No Insurance)

Hey everyone.

I was parked at the shopping centre and I wanted to leave. Someone was waiting behind me wanting to take the parking spot, so in a rush, I reversed my car too much and hit a car.

I went out of my car and assessed the damage. There was only a scratch. Because I wanted to be honest, I left a note with an apology and my phone number. 10 minutes later I receive a kind phone call thanking me for the note and the car owner just wanted my plate number, licence number, car make and name to file through a claim.

I’ve never been in a situation like this. I don’t have insurance apart from CTP. What should I do? Can I ask to have it repaired without going through insurance? What do you recommend? I’m currently a student taking care of my disability pension sister so I can barely get by. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone. I apologise if there are any typos or any mistakes. :)


EDIT: Thank you so much for your comments, everyone! The issue has been solved and the sweet man only took $100 and decided not to take the case any further. He was so appreciative of the note and said a few things that still resonate with me like “you get what you give - so be kind in life” and “good things happen to those that are honest”.

Thank God it went the way it did, because it has now reached a point where I do not regret what happened (apart from obviously inconveniencing the gentleman) due to the lessons I have learnt. Your nice comments, well wishes and genuine advice were the best an 18 year old can get.

Thanks again Ozbargainers, and may you all have a wonderful day :)


  • +31


    I just wanted to say thank you for your input, advice and very very kind words. I appreciate every single comment and I have certainly learned a few things.

    We met up with the sweet man to solve the issue, and because he appreciated the note and saw how serious I was in solving the issue - he decided not to use his insurance but only take $100. He said “good things happen to those that are honest” which is why he didn’t want to take the issue any further.

    Had I not left the note, I wouldn’t have slept at night, wouldn’t have read the sweet comments and genuine concern, and wouldn’t have known how sweet the man was. $100 is nothing compared to what would have been paid had it gone any further.

    Thanks again everyone, and I am really sorry for my ignorance. :)

    • +4

      You're a good person, and people will always appreciate your honesty. Thank you.

    • +1

      He is indeed correct… good things happen to those who are honest and genuine.

      Great outcome!!

      Don't change, keep on being the person that you are.

      RESPECT +2 from me!!

    • Happy to hear it worked out. As others have said, it's refreshing to hear about your honesty and how understanding the other guy was!

  • +3

    I am so happy that it all worked out for you in the end. However if I was that man and if the damage is as you described, I would have just let it go on the fact that you left a note. Honest people are very difficult to find these days. You did the right thing and it sorted itself out. All the best mate. We need more people like you on this planet.

    • yeah, i got in an accident a girl hit my back of the car. Did the whole insurance thing, girl made an excuse that I overtook her car and was partially at fault. Luckily it the insurance company believed me, but its made me want to prank call her number or something.

      • Don't give in. You already know she's had to pay for her mistake.
        Thankfully insurance companies have had to deal with people like her before :P

  • +1

    Great news to hear you managed to sort it out

    I can imagine it would be quite stressful for you

  • Great news you have worked it out. Same happened to me as well, reversing my caravan and wife missed the spot where the back of the van hit an almost new car's bumper, made some massive scratches and dents. It was beginning of my holiday in a park, so imagine how the holiday was ruined. Luckily the guy was a gentleman and agreed to settle privately. I was so happy just to payoff $500 and vowed never to repeat the mistake again. Although I had full insurance, easily the excess could be more and looking into added up bills every year in the premium.

  • Your honesty impressed me Zee.
    I hope what he says is true and good things come back to you many times over. Glad that it all worked out for the best.

  • You have my respect for owning up. Kudos to you!!

  • +1

    Good man

  • +1

    Good Work Zee, you're gonna get good Karma coming your way!

  • Well done!
    I was on the receiving end during Christmas shopping a few years ago when someone completely wrote off my front bumper. They must have accelerated as it was a tight space. They drove off and it provided a big downer at Christmas.

  • +3

    Wish I received a note when an incapable uni student backed into my Toyota 86 last week ffs….

  • -5

    Wait untill 'honesty' bites-off a piece of your butt next time!

    Go on dislike my comment people… but truth is what I said..

  • How anyone can afford the luxury of having a car without having a full insurance is clearly beyond my understanding. Learn from your mistake and get a full insurance for god´s sake.

    • "full insurance"

      Probably because most first cars aren't worthy
      of full comp when it's almost 3k a year?

      For Gods sake.

      • Third Party and Compulsory as well should do mate. Probably less than a grand per year. What´s the matter?

  • Get at least Third Party with budget insurance next cheapest option to no insurance

  • Bless you - you sound lovely

  • +1

    I thank you op for being so honest. Not so many young driver nowadays feel responsible the you do.
    Cheer mate

  • speaking of comprehensive car insurance, what do ozbargainers here recommend? allianz is charging me 145/month :(

    • check bingle! Although prices can vary considerably based on the unfathomable algorithms insurance companies use so best bet is to go through all the usual suspects and get as many quotes as you can.

    • From what I understand, cheap insurance companies are a hassle to deal with when it's time to claim, the expensive ones are a pleasure to deal with.

      Take your pick.

    • +1

      What the hell are you driving?

      • 08' Corolla

        • What? What? What?

          I drive a '11 Yaris and my comprehensive is around $<900

          Below 25 I presume?

        • @Hahuh:
          nah 26, who are you with?

        • @keishton: I think it isn't until you're past the age of 30 that insurance becomes cheaper.

        • @keishton: Same company. Same age. Try using parents details when requesting an online quote and seeing if it changes anything. Im in Vic too Northern suburbs. Cars parked on street

          Theres something wrong there

  • Here's what I would do in your situation. You have already been honest and done the right thing. Now it's time to minimise your damages while ensuring the other party isn't disadvantaged. Tell them you are willing to pay, however politely ask that you settle this directly with a panelbeater as you are a student and can not afford the padded insurance option. Tell them it will be quicker too as you can both go to a reputable PB, negotiate a fair price and get the job done. Noone loses.

    Of course they may be one of those 'anal' types and refuse. In which case there isn't much you can do apart from negotiating a payment plan with the insurance.

    Anyway I'm sure a lot of people above suggested the same thing.

    • +1

      Op had solved and problem and only costs him 100 because of his honesty..

  • -3

    …Put the car in drive and never look back.

    Your past is your past, it's your history… don't give it another thought.

  • -2

    Thank you for leaving your details and not being an as$hole. If only the average person was honest.

    • An anonymous reason really should be provided when giving a down vote.

      • +1

        Vulgar language?

  • +1

    I was on the receiving end of this accident, but it was hit and run and I had all in CCTV, it was a small scratch aswell, but since I can decide, from what seems like a $200-500 job went up to a $2100 bill to the person, lol

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