This was posted 7 years 4 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tim Tams - All Varieties $1.82 @ Coles


Tim Tams -All Varieties $1.82

Chewy Caramel Tim Tams
Original Chocolate Tim Tams
White Chocolate Tim Tams
Double Coat Chocolate Tim Tams
Classic Dark Chocolate Tim Tams
Messina Choc Mint Tim Tams
Messina Black Forest Tim Tams
Messina Salted Caramel & Vanilla Tim Tams

excludes the double size value pack and the Tim Tam bites.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    I feel deals like these should come with vouchers for new pants.

  • what are they usually priced?

    • +1

      $3.70. $4 @ Coles online. They're this cheap every month or so across Colesworth. Link.

      • yup, thanks so much

      • +3

        Coles online price is inflated ~10% FYI

        • ok wow, thanks for the tip. I didn't notice.

        • No - it's not!

          I paid $1.82 in my on-line order last night.

        • @edwardcr: Yes it is, if you're paying the regular price (although anyone who does so needs their head read, given how often these are on a half-price special!). However the catalogue specials are usually the same price online as instore.

        • +2

          @edwardcr: * doesn't include specials, every day pricing or 'fresh' products

        • And that pisses me off.

          Especially for click and collect and
          when you delivee and pay the delivery fee.


        • @Suspect420: yeah it's pretty bad. I just work in produce part time so I have no say in it.

  • ok looks like around 4bux usually :D

  • Smaller packaging contents :)

    • That's what she said.

  • Does this really deserve it's own post?

    • +6

      I think so. I don't go to Coles or Woolworths all the time, so I don't know when these deals come around. I don't get those pesky catalogues either.

      I tend to buy 10 packets or something during the deals, then ration them out until the next one.

      • +1

        Fair enough. It seems maybe WW/Coles has this deal about once a month.

        Cool username too

      • You clearly have a different discipline level to that of my wife

        • I can train her.

      • Yes, but don't Coles and Woolies weekly specials post on OzBargain already cover deals like this? They do, unless there was no weekly specials post of Coles this week.

  • Never see the peanut butter variety anymore :(

    • +1

      Also, don't try putting actual peanut butter on TimTams. It doesn't work that well.

      • Works well with some slightly melted freddo frogs.

  • Do note that you need to run roughly 15km to burn off 1 pack of Tim Tams. I guess I'll be in the gym later tonight.

    • +5

      run 7.5 kms to coles, buy pack, eat pack. run 7.5 kms home.

  • +1

    This is my favourite way of keeping an eye on my kilojoule intske - I only buy double choc Timtams when they're $2.00 or less.

    • Same, I do this with all my snack foods.

  • +1

    I feel like i see these under $2 every other week.

    • +2

      Don't complain, eat.

  • Tim Tams have 44.9 % sugar and 26.9 % fat.

    • +12

      Making it become 71.8% amazing?

      • +12

        which at uni is a credit. well done.

        • +1

          study fat, take the test fat, get fat scores right?


        • And still not good enough to pass.

    • I think Cottee's concentrated cordials managed 110% sugar based on accidentally drinking some undiluted once.

      On a similarly scientific note, what is the nutritional information of lighter than air materials. Calories, but negative weight. Caramel hydrogen graphene might be possible.

  • My memories from not so distant past reminds me that these when half priced can be as cheap as $1.5. Inflation sucks.

  • -5

    There used to be a store brand called Timmy's, were only $1 and tasted the same.

    • That's great, but these are Tim Tam's, you pay for a better taste (subjective) and for the name. Now tell me how your neg is warranted?

    • +3

      Thanks for the advice. Just picked up a packet of original and chewy. My plan was to just get 1.

      • +4

        My plan was to get 1 too, but after that stupid comment I'm going back for more.

        • Indeed. Makes me curious if the Messina Choc Mint can match a Mint Slice? Are they on sale too? I'll have to grab a packet if they are.

    • +1

      Stupid people should also come with health warning. Can cause distress and headaches?

      I think the average Ozbargain user is capable of making a decision them selves.

      • +1

        And what about the below-average ozbargain user?

  • If I recall correctly, the best value is to buy the regular ones, as they have 1 or 2 more in a pack than the other flavours. I'm sure some Tim Tam fanatic on here can tell us?

    • regular/original have 11 in a pack. double choc 9. I don't waste my time with other flavours

    • Double coat (9 timtams) and original (11 timtams) packs are 200g, the rest vary from 140-180g and all of them for the same price.

      So for best bang for your buck buy only original or double coat

  • Thanks OP picked up one of each, for a candy swap.

  • Thanks OP!

    • Username checks out.

  • I wonder if timtam assorted packs would work or not. I think for a while or so they'd be good.

  • Double choc when your stoned is amazing

      • you're
      • Thanks bud. Called typing on a mobile phone with a blunt hanging out your mouth.

        And here i was thinking you was cool as we shared the same affinity towards watches.

        Tsk tsk

        • +1

          I love to eat the ends off, sip my milk through the tim tam (milk must be extra cold) then devour the tim tam after smoking a spliff or a couple of blunts. Not many better things one can experience in life than that moment.

          Similar to a cold beer after mowing the lawn in the summertime.

          My reply has no relevance to anything. 420 bro

        • +2

          @enslaved07: *Fist pump brudda!

          Even better with a hot milo or coffee… tim tam explodes in your mouth. You have but a few moments to stick it in your mouth before it falls apart into your cup. Orgasm in my mouth every single time.

          Till next time

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