I'm considering studying an MBA, however would like to hear others experiences with the course. I've got a business degree and CA qualified and I'm looking for my next step.
I'm considering studying an MBA, however would like to hear others experiences with the course. I've got a business degree and CA qualified and I'm looking for my next step.
I did an MBA a while back. One of the main benefits was the networking with interesting people. I had a federal politician (now a senior minister), a state politician and a famous sports ex sports star in my class. We had some good lecturers too with interesting backgrounds. Some of the stuff I learned was very useful, some not at all but overall it was a positive experience.
If you are in a management position or are hoping to be in a management position soon then I would recommend doing an MBA at a good institution. If you are not in that position at the moment and are just doing it for the qualification then you aren't going to get much out of it and it would be better to wait.
MBAs are good for people that didn't do business but want to move into that space (eng —> commercial).
If you already have a business degree it will help you if you study something you didn't cover in undergrad (marketing —> finance) and need it for a career move. In this instance, to get better VFM, maybe better to do a specialised Master's as the core part of the MBA will have been taught at undergrad.
Congratulations on your CA and degree.
I would pursue that MBA only if you wish to become a senior manager at some stage. Some MNC's value an MBA, preferably from a top tier program.
However, the cost benefit of such an expensive and time consuming exercise is for you to make.
On the other hand, I have seen many make it into senior management without an MBA….hard work, luck and someone who will lend you a hand.
The other comments above are valuable and pertinent to your quest.
Good luck!
I would only pursue an MBA if your current employer is interested in paying for you to complete one. I received financial aid to complete a Masters of Marketing which was great.
If I do undertake it, i'll attempt to negotiate the cost into my package at my current job or if I get a new one.
I was considering going down the fee help route but with the cost looking at 65-90k plus add on's I don't know if I want to get myself into that sort of debt again with the gov.
How old are you and how many years of work experience do you have?
I would only recommend an executive MBA (EMBA), not a full time MBA. EMBAs are typically taken by senior mangers while working full time with at least 10+ years work experience. Full time MBAs are usually taken by people straight out of uni or only with a couple of years work experience.
I have an EMBA from the old AGSM (best Aussie MBA program then) and got a lot out of it because I started it in my late 20s, finishing in my early 30s and had enough and relevant work experience to get a lot of value out of it (P&L responsibilities). I was also emotionally mature enough to collaborate with my fellow students in team work exercises/assignments. My employer paid all of my costs (> $50k back then) and I got time off for residentials, etc.
For networking value, consider an international MBA if you can afford/access it. My brother did his at Harvard (ex-management consultant) and the networks he developed have been valuable for his subsequent work/business activities.
thanks for your response. I'm in my early thirties with 10 years work experience. I completely understand your comment regarding maturity. I have completed other studies recently and it's clear how I approach life in relation to study compared to when I did my bachelors is like chalk and cheese.
Read this piece earlier in the year you might find interesting:
Depends on what your life aims are…
Get your $80k high yielding investment then you're ready for MBA
but on a serious note, Im also very interested to hear the answers in this discussion