Android Samsung Galaxy S8+ Charging Card in Notification Shade Missing

I've just noticed that when i charge my phone, the notification that indicates that it is charging and how long until full charge is missing.

All other status icons do indicate that it is charging though - like the battery icon showing that it is charging.

Although it certainly doesnt look like anything is wrong, i would prefer the notification to be there.

Does anyone know how to get it back? I'm guessing i must have toggled a setting?

I've tried

  • looking in blocked notifications. Nothing has been blocked
  • clearing the system cache
  • booting into safe mode to see if it's there (it is unfortunately)



  • Strange it's missing for my Note 8 too.

    • +1

      after spending far too long googling and going through all the settings, i managed to fix it. The problem is that "System UI" has notifications blocked, but Samsung has access to it locked down. (So i suspect it must not have been changed by the user)

      So what i did to allow notifications to be shown again was:

      notifications —> advanced —> click on the three dots in the top right —> reset app preferences

      Accept warning that pops up if you're ok with it.

      • Cheers that fixed it for me too, though it stupid to have to reset all app preferences and not just system UI.

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