Push for 10km/h Speed Limits - Maribyrnong Council

This was going to come eventually.

Maribyrning Council (or at least one idiot councillor in there) wants to reduce some of their streets to 10km/h!

"…slow down may not stop there, with councillor Martin Zakharov seeming to surprise some of his fellow councillors by announcing plans to introduce a 10km/h limit in Yarraville Village."


Absolutely ridiculous, if you ask me! The speedos in cars barely even indicate the 10km/h mark!

No doubt there'll be speed cameras popping up along those streets too.

I wonder what the "if-you-don't-speed-you've-got-nothing-to-worry-about" people would have to say about this!


  • +9

    What for? Kids? If a school zone speed limit is 40km/h,why should this area be less?
    Unless there is a lot of small cramped streets where steer parking is half in the lanes or something. Even then

    • +2

      It is crazy. Councillor Martin Zakharov would better surprise his fellow councillors by resigning and seeing Advanced Hair to treat his hair loss.

    • +4

      It seems to be a few cramped streets (they're still two-way streets though).

      The speed on the tight streets are usually self-regulated (by the drivers themselves).

      My issue is, once they introduce that kind of a limit once, it'll start to spread out into other streets - like the 50 and 40 zones have over the years.

      • +2

        If you actually want to do something. Talk to the community and get them to write in or sign something

        • +3

          If only that would make a difference. Look at the 40 and 50 zones - some of those are in the most ridiculous places. As soon as someone pulls out the "it saves lives" line, all the lemmings jump up and support it.

        • -2

          @bobbified: Are you trying to argue it wouldn't decrease the rates of trauma and death because that seems unrealistic.

        • +1

          It could easily increase the rates of trauma and death if pedestrians become more careless (yes, even more than they already are!) because they think that cars are "supposed to be" traveling at 10km/h!

        • +2

          @Diji1: Actually I did a heap of scientific research (i.e googling) on this a while back and there have been a few proper studies done. From memory, the conclusion was that reducing speed limits on 'some' streets can be of benefit but blanket speed reductions have none to negative effects. CBA chasing up the studies now though. :)

        • oops - please ignore (wrong reply and wrong context)!

  • +2

    The problem with that area is that it's a busy two way street that allows parking on both sides when realistically it should be a one way street.
    But I can guarantee you that the coppers will sit there with their radar gun making sure you don't go over the limit. So unrealistic of the council

  • +4

    So cars will be stuck at 10k's it's ridiculous you're going to end up with gophers and push bikes getting speeding tickets.

    This is the most ridiculous thing i've heard ""THIS AFTERNOON"

    • +6

      Even joggers will probably get tickets!

    • At one point i would have been able to say day or week but politicians are on a mission to see who can make the most ridiculous statement.

      Most cars barely register 10 k's and would be highly unreliable, the slightest tickle on mine takes me well above 10k's so i'd be left to idle only.

      • +3

        Even at idle my car will probably go over.

        You'd have to ride the brakes.

  • +3

    I wonder if you'll get a fine from the cameras if you run/sprint.

  • +1

    Right of way lives on!!!

    Even 50km/h is too slow (yet there is a (profanity) thread about someone being hit and spinning 360 degrees… i bet everyone wasnt going fast enough or something).

    10km/h is excessive. Though many cities around the world will have traffic flowing naturally at 20-30km/h.

  • +1

    Sure, a few lives will be saved but millions will be late!

    • +4

      I live in Melbourne and it disturbs me when I hear about people getting hit by trams. Those things are huge, go slow and run on tracks, so they can't exactly jump out at anyone. How distracted must someone be to get hit by one?

      Instead of placing continuous restrictions on vehicles, there has to be a time where pedestrians are made accountable and measures put in place to protect them from their own stupidity.

      • +1

        Yup, we had a similar situation up here with pedestrians just marching out onto ped crossings and getting hit by cars. Fair enough, the peds had right of way on the crossing but if they fail to take responsibility to check for oncoming cars that might not be paying attention then off to hospital it is. In the end the council just removed the crossings. :)

        • +1

          I remember being taught at school that even when the man turns green, we still need to "look right, look left, look right again" look before stepping off the footpath.

        • +1

          @bobbified:Yup, that's what I taught my kids and none of them have been hit by a car yet. :)

    • +1

      Leave earlier then.

      Or don't choose to live in some distant suburb from your workplace.

  • In Melbourne we can do it without legislation.


    Personally I don’t have an issue with 40/50 k speed areas in suburban streets and shopping roads as kids do stupid things as do pedestrians and people pulling out of driveways and parking spots. If we are travelling down narrow, particularly, two way, streets we drop down further naturally. The real problem is that people don’t drive in a defensive manner, if the speed limit is “this” that is what I will drive at.

    Don’t know what the councillor is trying to address here, so I don’t know if this is crazy.

    • +1

      …people don’t drive in a defensive manner, if the speed limit is “this” that is what I will drive at.

      This is what happens after millions of dollars and years of so-called "education". We have a whole bunch of delusional drivers who think that they'll be safe as long as they're driving under that magical number in the red circle.

      • +3

        I would say "entitled" drivers, rather than delusional; but I agree with the sentiment. People need to be alert and drive according to the conditions, if it is bucketing down slow it down. Also, don't worry what you phone is up to it will be waiting for you when you have parked.

  • I tell you as motorists we have untapped power. We should instigate a 9am - 5pm 10Kmh rule so business cop it - the business sector will then run to the pollies and bribe (doante!!) them to stop the 10kmh rule because we all know pollies dont listen to the public, only businesses that line the pollies pockets

    • Two things:
      a) You aren't going to get motorists to agree to do this
      b) You've obviously never been a constituent of a cabal run by the socialists and greens - they don't even like rooftop gardens, let alone give businesses priority. I am a lefty labor voter for many years but they even drive me to distraction. If motorists tried this they would say this was proof that this was the best speed to travel and then put it on the books.

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