for some reason, i have no idea why. i always seem win a hell of alot of money on roulette at the casino (what I think it a hell of alot of money) when u collect your winnings they give u cash and nothing else. and they take the winning ticket print out off you. so u have no way of ever proving where that money came from. if i keep putting (what i think is) large amounts of money into my bank how will i ever expain it if or when i get pulled up for it? how do u guys sort out your winnings?
Deposit casino winnings into the bank?

^ Most likely scenario:
bank: "where u get all this cash matey"
ego2spare: "casino mate"
bank: "prove it"
ego2spare: "no u"
bank: "story checks out"
More likely:
bank: "where u get all this cash matey … just kidding."
Even more likely:
Bank: We don't care where you got all this money… But when are you bringing us some more?!
Try to take a picture of the winning ticket in case.
ive thought about that. but about a year ago i was there with a couple of friends taking pictures and we were warned not to take any pictures on the casino floor. and going into the corner and taking a pic of the ticket seems more dodgy lol. but sometimes i do.
Do it, worst case scenario is you'll be warned again.
Do it in the washroom.
You can deposit some in my account if you want to avoid suspicion?
thanks pants, but i would never do that to a mamber of the ozbargain family. im not throwing you under the bus with me. i dont want to burden anyone else with my problems.
Well played.
Maybe you'd like to split the load and use my bank as well?
sigh, I just blatantly copied pantsparty
Keep gambling and your financial problems will resolve themselves.
You want some pepper with that salt.
LOL unless your depositing 10K plus from casino winnings per deposit I doubt it's gonna flag.
If the casino is paying you cash OTC then its <10K anyways. If more its a cheque and at least it leaves a paper trail.beat me to it! haha
How much are we talking about each time?
They only ask if you deposit $10k or more or if they notice a pattern of multiple deposits just under that amount (under the anti-money laundering rules).
Otherwise you're free to do whatever you want.
When you take your winnings, you have the option to take cheque. Just need to ask. (Not sure what the minimum is though).
AML can kick in even if its below $10k, especially when there is a prolonged pattern.
You should have been using CBA's teller machines to deposit your cash. Too late now
Casino teller should be able to give you a receipt if you're really concerned. Other option is to stop winning so much
There are bettwr ways to clean your money than saying your “cash” is casino winnings….
Ozbargain love the bikies… take a page from their book
Can confirm bank will not bat an eye lid up to $65k in cash. In fact teller will most likely crack the shits for having to count it.
Just deposit it in a commonwealth ATM.
If you have nothing to hide, then there is no problem!!
Mmm i find it unlikely the casino isn't giving you a receipt for your big win payouts.
It's not the bank that cares, it's the ATO. In the event you were ever audited, and in the event during that audit, they obtained your bank statements, if you're "winning" on a weekly or monthly basis, you'd be expected to establish the source of the deposits to prove it's not income.
Ain't no one care about a few hundred dollars here and there. But if you're depositing several thousand on a routine basis, best be getting a receipt
they never give out receipts. i asked the first time and the lady looked at me like im moron. ill try to win less or stretch out my deposits, which ever is more convenient
yes "win" less frequently and "win" in lower amounts until you find a better way to launder, i mean Win your money, maybe hire a storage unit and stack them on a pallet or buy a car wash. Just becareful with your dumb wife and your DEA in-laws
Just run the ticket through any poker machine, I’m sure a Chinese or Mexican man will take your money by not clapping or giving you chillies, or in the case of the Native American, not come to work on one of the reels to rob you of 2500 credits if playing 1c/reel bets. The worst of the worst is that prick of a kangaroo.
You Rainman?
You looking for a "casino buddy"? I can be your witness. .
Bro, sharing is caring!
Give us some tips on strategy, clues, what to bet, what to look out for.
Tell them that you got it at the casino. If they really wanted do chase it up they could see footage/receipts at the casino.
Likelihood: Very very low to Null