Hi all knowledgable!
I have some Samsung ICR18650-26F LiIo batteries that I rescued from a notebook battery pack. I bought a dedicated charging module from eBay for charging these which appears to work well ( e.g. https://m.ebay.com.au/itm/5X-1A-5V-Micro-USB-TP4056-Lithium-… ).
I am trying to use the Turnigy unit to measure the capacity in mAh that the fully charged batteries have. According to the battery's data sheet these nominal 3.6V batteries have a fully discharged voltage limit of 2.75V.
Now I have changed the battery type of the Turnigy to LiIo, and have gone to the 'DISCHARGE' section. I seem to be able to change the discharge current (1A max), but I CANNOT CHANGE THE VOLTAGE CUTOFF: it is set at 3.0V. I want to change it to 2.75V as per the data sheet.
There must be many people smarter than me out there hopefully!!
If it like the chargers we have pressing stop (left button) a few times should get you to a settings page. There should be able to change the low voltage setting. Whether it will let you set it below 3 V is another matter.