Hi all, I made a thread on reddit/here a while back about my needs for a USB hub and what powered 'truely' meant and got some great info.. In the end I actually went with one of my own decisions, for the sake of warranty and peace of mind as it was territory I had not been in before.
I got a 'TP-LINK UH720 7-Port USB3.0 Powered Hub' from PLE for $60 ($65 retail) and it's perfect, I can use 5 midi devices with no conceivable delay and I can tell its got great internals and a great build quality.
Long story short… I'm asking here before I buy another (Need one for a project with cameras and won't hurt to have a spare anyway) does anyone have any experience with a cheaper powered hub that seemingly performs just as well as a branded one like this? (The TP-LINK UH720)
(Sidenote: After my own digging/testing I found targus to be overpriced crap that has just got themselves Australian shelf space, so we can forget them)
I bought a 7 port mBeat mBeat-M43HUB on special from Officeworks (pricematching MSY who had it for 15 bucks :) … think OW had it for 47 or something originally.
Has 4 USB 3 and 3 USB 2 with on/off switches.