This was posted 7 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big W - Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey Console Bundle $529 ($549.95 EB Games)


Only noticed this thanks to Press Start Australia and Vooks

Add in the Woolworths Gift Cards from Cash Rewards (5% off) and pick up this bundle for $502.55. Definitely cheaper than the same bundle ($549.95) offered by EB Games!

The Bundle at EB Games:……

Also just found out that this has been mentioned by jace88 in another post.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Makes the console $467. Hmm, still not cheap enough to pull the trigger - I wonder if we'll ever see Kogan-like prices again.

    • That's why I bought on launch with Zelda. Can't wait for this mario game!

  • I want it, but I can't get past the fact that Australia gets a watered down bundle (no Odyssey carry case). Blatant extortion.

    • +3

      Given that we get a physical copy of the game and (at least) the US has a download code, I don't think it's so bad. Also nice that the US$ price including tax works out to around the same price as the set costs in Australia.

      • Is that definitely the case? Can anyone confirm? Email today from Nintendo Australia says the pack has a 'game card'…

        • Confirm a physical copy of the game is included in the Australian bundle, got mine today

    • +1

      We always get the worst edition. It is bad.

    • It's not so bad since they're releasing the same carry case separately, so it'll be more accessible. It was worse for botw since the limited edition here didn't include the otherwise unobtainable sheikah slate carry case.

  • +2

    $62 for odyssey nice :)

    • +2

      $58.90 with cashrewards gift card ;)

      • +2

        Or staff discount :)

        • +2

          Or cousins staff discount :)

  • +1

    Can you use the CashRewards eGift cards in-store?

    • +2


    • Yes! kinda like using a debit card

      • And you can get it in the app too on your phone.

        That being said, I always worry people can see me type in the card number/PIN since it's all displayed without any kind of obfuscation!

  • +2

    I've never done the cashrewards things, so apologies if this is a dumb qn, but I presume that buying the vouchers ahead of time for a possibly highly constrained console that may sell out has some risks associated with it. Is there a trick to avoid buying the vouchers until you know you can get the console? (E.g., can you go into the store, ensure stock, then buy the gift card on the spot online, and present the vouchers within a few minutes to pay for the goods?)

    • Prezee, who also sell Woolworths eGift cards, say that the card can take up to 1 hour to be redeemable.

    • Gift cards take approx 3 - 5 hours from time of purchase to delivery. Its not high risk as they can be used at all woolies owned entities for any item.

      Also you can call in the morning and get them to hold one, then buy the vouchers.

    • Takes about 2-3hours in my experience. Buffer a bit extra just in case. All automated I believe.

  • +1

    Will JB price match? Have some JB gift card to spend on

    • +1

      Can't comment for your Jb Hifi, but I've never been turned down for a printed catalogue price. It only becomes grey area when it's an online store well below cost price.

      • JB on Elisabeth St (Melbourne) and Highpoint do pricematch.

  • Any upcoming deals on ps4 pro in that catalogue?

  • What does this bundle actually contain - the pic is low resolution for me and I can’t see what it includes. How many controllers?

  • Add in the Woolworths Gift Cards from Cash Rewards (5% off)
    I want to know what card is it? How to get it?

    • This little system. Let's you buy a $100 Woolworths Gift card for $95 and whatnot.

      • +1

        Basically sign up for this, buy the egift card for yourself (make sure you select egift and not classic), fill in your "From" box (for some reason this is a mandatory field) and then pay… wait a few hours for the email code with the card number and PIN, and you're good to go.

        If you want to track balances, install the Woolworths Money app and then when you open the link in the email it'll ask you if you want to add the card to your app wallet.

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