Hopefully, its the right forum.
Was on ACA again yesterday - people buying baby formula in groups and selling it online. I know this has been going on for a while, including sales of vitamins.
My question is, if I have to sell baby formula online, how exactly does this work ?
Buy formula from Coles (4, of course), list it on ebay, and pray for a sale ?
Where/how are these guys selling baby formula. I would have thought one sale a day would be good for starters and on TV I see individuals buying at least 20 of them a day. That's quite a sale figure for a specific online business tbh. At a net profit of $2 a formula - sell 20 of them and make 40 bucks a day. Around $800 a month. Thats a few bills taken care of.
Exactly! BF is so much easier, I get it that some mothers might struggle with supply but if the bub is going through 1 tin of formula per week for 6 months before moving onto solids, that's 30 tins of formula which (IMO) is manageable if you plan ahead to avoid supply issues.
My daughter didn't like to be bottle fed (EBM and formula) at all, so it was straight from the source for her. Tough on my wife but the close mother-daughter relationship is priceless not to mention we saved money not buying formulas.