Car Share / Rent out Car

If you're renting out your car like car-share stuffs, will you be paranoid that someone would abuse your car like crazy - revving over 9000+ (mod: removed inappropriate content)

I know there are insurance but that won't do any good to above.

Poll Options

  • 1
    Good for earning some extras $
  • 12
    Won't let anyone drive my pride


  • +14

    Hands up if you sneaked into the revisions to see the redactions…

    • +1

      Come again?

  • I rent out my 2nd car through a car share. It's possible that people will abuse it but haven't really seen any signs of it at the moment. It's always kept clean and no signs of damage from over 50 rentals.

    Only bad thing was finding P plates left on the car. P platers are prohibited under the terms of the car share company. The company wasn't particularly helpful and just said they would warn the driver. I felt it required harsher penalties because either the driver signed up fraudulently or they let someone else drive the car. Only choice I had was blocking the driver so they can't book it again.

    Don't think I would risk renting out my pride and joy though.

    • Haha. Imagine finding L plates and disposed bottles of alcohol.

    • pride and joy

      Most important thing in ya life.

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