arrrg, I reckon it's getting worse this year. I have an outlook/hotmail account that I use as a secondary account to try and limit the amount of email spam I get on my main account. I got a spamcop account at the start of this year and have been dutifully forwarding all my spam to them but it doesn't seem to be having any effect. After I forward to spamcop I then go to outlook and 'block' them all. Which is also useless as they use/spoof different email addresses everyday. For the last week I've been getting around 30 a day…….
Granted they all do end up in the spam folder rather than my inbox so that's one positive. Also, they are not spams from legitimate sites where I can simply unsubscribe. It's nice to know there are so many sexy Russian girls waiting to meet me and so many generous philanthropists wanting to give me money and don;t get me started on the 'bitcoin code'…. :)
Does anyone have any tips on how to stop it altogether without getting a different email account?
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