• expired

[Steam Key] Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete FREE @ Humble Store. Was US$4.99


Windows only.

To redeem the free game you need to have your Steam account linked to your Humble account.

Very Positive reviews on Steam

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    • +4


      • +13

        PCMasterRace mostly

        • -1

          With all the tech deals there's no reason why we are not all in the PCMasterRace

        • +1

          I'm pretty PC Master race, but sure as hell don't think that all games should be windows only. Thats taking shit a bit too extremely lol

        • @Pacify: For a game as old as Civ3, you would argue even the weakest non-Windows PCs (cough Mac) should be able to emulate Windows enough to play this 16 year old game?

        • @bchliu:

          Don't most Macs just dual boot OS to play games?

        • @Pacify: No.. Only if the user insists on it. I won a Macbook Air in a comp before about 6 years ago and basically shrunk OSX down to minimum (20GB) and basically default to Windows 7 at the time, all the time. Mac Users would call me insane since I'm shunning their beloved OS. I ended upgrading it to an Asus UX which is about the same size but twice as powerful with a discrete gfx card.
          But yeah.. you can bootcamp or install Parallels/VMWare/Virtualbox it really.

      • -6

        Many reasons - one of which is that Windows only games can be designed to make the most of a mouse and keyboard configuration (such as RTS, strategy, etc). Secondly, the developers aren't limited by the performance of the current generation of consoles - they can design a game to run best on current top end hardware.

        • +13

          You know Windows does not mean PCs right? I have 1 mac, 1 linux machines. They both have mouse and keyboards. Right now I mainly game on my Linux machine… if you do not have a Linux version you do not get my moneys…. (or no money in this case).

        • +7

          You do realise this game was released in 2001, don't you? "current top end hardware" hardly seems relevant, does it? :P

        • +3


          This is so wrong it's laughable. I mean you can certainly make an argument that consoles may be a better value proposition, i.e you can play similar games at for less investment.

          But from a grunt perspective a mid-range PC will cost a tad more but will outperform a console and be usable for many more things.

          See this https://www.gamespot.com/articles/we-built-a-pc-using-ps4-pr… for context. I'm being generous and assuming you mean "current" to include, about to be released.

        • +1


          I mean, he's definitely correct… looking at Steam's "most popular" statistics (http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey), the hardware looks quite comparable to a PS4.

          Then you have to consider the fact that Steam users are almost certainly going to have higher end equipment than the average person, so that average drops, and hence you have an average PC being less able than the average console to run games.

          When you factor in that it's cheaper as well, it does suggest you're better off with consoles if you want to game.

          But yeah, ideally you'd just have both. Consoles have their place and have some great exclusives. PC's are good for gaming and for watching adult content.

        • -1

          Any developer will always be limited by the current generation of systems.
          Your argument is invalid.

          The console and PC war will never end but you have to understand that comparing dollar for dollar (not a tad more) the console is better value. No need to upgrade every 3 months and games always work.

        • +1


          I guess with that "generous" link of info you are insinuating that your idea of performance comes down to mips/flops, video frequency and how much ram runs through it.
          Valid point if comparing on these finer specs :) And you would be correct. (Nice article btw, good read)

          But, you cannot make the claim that it is "So wrong" unless taking everything into consideration.
          There are just too many points that would tilt the argument either way.
          Almost like asking what tastes better in a milkshake, Chocolate or Strawberry?

          I do love high end gaming, hence why i own an Alienware M17.
          But that is not to say that my consoles do not get smashed by the family too.
          Different styles of gaming.

          Will it just be for gaming? Yes, then console better
          Will you be running a 4K TV or monitor? TV, then console is better
          Will Children be using it regularly? Yes, then console is better
          Longer life expectancy.. Console is better.
          Ease of use.. Console is better
          Gamepad or keyboard/mouse.. (if using gamepads and other devices on PC, price starts going up throwing out the $$ comparison)
          High end gaming.. PC is better
          Up-gradable.. PC is better
          Other use.. PC is better
          Like Malware and Viruses.. PC is better :)

          Lets just say they are all great depending what you want it for. :)
          Now I'm off to scratch an itch and play FORTNITE. Peace! :)

        • @PhilipJWitow:

          He said the average current gen console is better at running games than the average current gen pc, not all pc's.

          For a current gen pc, that means pcs with current i5 or ryzen processes and amd rx4xx/5xx or 10xx nvidia cards.

          Will it just be for gaming? Yes, then console better

          Consoles miss out on way too many games, unless you happen to own every single one, then the exclusives might outweigh all the PC only multiplayer games and exclusives. Right now, a PC + PS4 is the best choice, xbox one is a bit of a joke, and switch is niche.

    • +1

      There was console version was called Civilization Revolution that was released a few years later

  • +1

    A free game is a free game, i'll take it (and stash it).

  • Thanks OP

  • +12

    Note: You must redeem your free Sid Meier's Civilization® III: Complete key by 10AM Pacific on Saturday, October 21st, 2017!

    And you can activate from a browser now. link

  • +1

    I miss building Leonardo's Workshop

  • +1

    Darn, OP is quick! Just about to post and see you've done it already! Good stuff

  • Redeemed. Thanks for heads up!

  • Is III the one introduced resources on the map ?

    • I believe so. It was also the last civ that allowed stacking of troops.

      • Thanks. It is always very hard to resist the temptation to reveal map before committing to a new game.

      • +3

        Civ IV also allows stacking of troops.

    • Resources have been part of the game since the original Civilization.

      • +1

        Not in the same way. Civ III introduced concepts like having to have oil in your territory (or trade for it, but fat chance) to build tanks.

  • Thanks.

  • +3

    Good luck finishing a game!
    I'm on a 13 hour epic between 4 mates….this game is bloody good to pass long periods of time! You'll look at the clock at 8pm then all of a sudden it's 3am
    Great offer! This game is similar to Age Of Empires I guess. So if you like that, you'll love this.

    • +5

      I hate it. I end up in bed at 4 am and turn up to work tired and looking hung over. When people ask me what's wrong I have to admit that I was on my way to bed but I just had to invade Russia. They sadly know what I am talking about :(

      • +1

        hahahahahahaha PerthGuy - I'm completely with you on that one. Have been given a drug test because HR thought I was out partying….nope just an epic civ match

        • That's epic! Which Civ were you playing?

          I never got into Civ IV. I have Civ V sitting on my desk to install but cbf.

      • +2

        When Starcraft first came out, I would look at my wall clock, and then I would have to look outside to see if it was AM or PM.

        • That doesn't happen anymore. No games would make you do that neither do Starcraft 2

        • @neonlight:

          I started command and conquer 3 again on Friday. I finished up at 3 AM on Friday night, 4 AM on saturday night and 2 AM last night. At work today and struggling to stay awake.

      • +1

        Good that you didn't say you want to invade USA or North Korea. Surely you will be investigated

        • haha, but naa. This was before "the war on terror"

  • Thank you OP, always wanted to try a Civ game but was always hesitant to pay the entry fee (more of an RTS guy).

  • +1

    I always feel like a North Korea when playing. I’d have catapaults and my enemies would have stealth bombers. Feels bad man.

    • North Korea has nukes, bruh.

      • They won't use them though :(

        America on the other hand… assuming they still work OFC.

      • +5

        Launched by catapult

  • TY

  • Cheers!

  • +1

    Thanks OP, my other half will probably murder me by the end of the weekend.

  • Thanks OP =)

  • +2

    In browser activation steam link:


  • +1

    Wasted Devoted so many hours to this game over the years.

  • Thanks activated in browser.

  • +1

    216 likes. Good bargain especially for someone like me who has never played a civilization game.

    • especially for someone like me who has never played a civilization game.

      Even I owned it now, I will never play anyway XD

    • +1

      Out of all of them it is my favourite. If you have never played before it's a bit of a steep learning curve. Just be prepared for it to seem boring at the start but once you get into it, it can be super addictive.

      • +1

        It's my favourite too but I think it's because it was my first Civ game and I played a lot of it during high school.

        • +1

          I played Civ I, Civ II, Civ III then Civ IV. Civ I was a bit simple and Civ IV was a bit complex. Civ III got the balance right for me.

  • Thanks

  • +4

    Anyone else redeem key to find it already in their library? Duh

  • Added to my Steam Account :)

    Thank you very much!

  • +1

    Crap. Redeemed the key only to find that I already got it in my Steam Library.

    Here is a free key for those that want to save a few clicks of the mouse:

    • Thanks m8. Claimed.

  • Thanks OP. This is fantastic. I have this on disc but it is a PITA to load when I want to play. Civ III is my favourite of the series so far. Redeemed! That's awesome. Thanks

  • +1

    Already have the game!

    Free code for anyone who wants it :)

    • +1

      Someone has taken this and not posted :(

  • +1

    Don't touch this game or any Civilization game unless you have thousands of free hours, too easy to get addicted to.

  • Having trouble logging onto Humble site on my phone. Need a key :(

  • Mfw redeemed to the wrong steam account -_-

  • +2

    Didnt realise I owned it as part of the lot that I didnt know i owned…

    CF9YF-JVYAV-V0F33 for anyone that needs it

    • Legend thanks man, claimed.

  • Thanks, I've previously played Civ 1,2,4,5, Call to Power 1, and Alpha Centauri but never this one so it fits in nicely.

    • Call to Power 1

      I still remember the trailer for that game. It blew me away at the time and I still sometimes look it up on youtube. I never played the game though. What was it like?

  • +4

    Thanks op.

    I cannot tell you how many hours me and my 2 bros spent playing Civ IV in hot seat on a Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, 80GB HDD, Radeon HD 3630? PC, we would loose track of time and look out the window to discover that it's day/night, it was always just one more turn.
    The amount of fun times Civ gave us is unbelievable, we'd laugh so hard that our stomachs would hurt and tears would come rolling down, once while taking a bite from a chocolate bar I laughed so hard that the chocolate shot up to my nose, had bits of chocolate coming out of my nose…. Throat and nose felt better in a few days.
    Almost every game Shaka and Montezuma would forge an alliance and start declaring war, and just as many times as they did this Cyrus would be trying to trade bananas for uranium, we nicknamed him the banana man.
    Good times.

    Thanks kamoi, love you :)

    • +1

      one more turn

      lol. the story of my life.

  • +1

    Also already own so here's another key:

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