Main link is for Valkrya Chronicles( a popular PS3 strategy game that's turn based shooting.
Binary Domain is also selling for $5 AUD. Pretty cheap game and good for a bit of mindless 3rd person shooting fun(
Killer is dead( $3.82 AUD
Redout Enhanced Edition( $14.51 AUD.
Games Catalogue
SEGA Games sale( includes Aliens Isolation base game for $10 USD, Bayonetta for $14 USD, Company of Heroes for $5 USD,
Ok prices, Nothing special
2k Games Sale( includes Bioshock Inf for US$7.50 and Borderlands for around $5 and Borderlands 2 GOTY for $8.79 USD
Nothing special.
Highly recommend checking out killer is dead, one of the few games lve replayed several times