Currently $89 at David Jones
Smells pretty damn good…can't go wrong for $28.99 shipped !!
Free shipping code: FS7824 thank you kindly to dear nismo for the original post
Currently $89 at David Jones
Smells pretty damn good…can't go wrong for $28.99 shipped !!
Free shipping code: FS7824 thank you kindly to dear nismo for the original post
thank you, just brought two of them :D
where did you bring them to?
Any recommendations for strong perfume at Chemist Warehouse?
Male or female? Price range? Will it be for everyday wear or special occasions?
For male, under $50, everyday
Farenheight is super strong and masculine, doesnt take much at all. Dont see it at Chemist Warehouse anymore though. I like the Hugo Boss or Armani Black Code.
@aliocroc:+1 For Hugo Boss (Night) and Armani Code. the Aqua Armani 200 ml is good value for money when on special at My Beauty Spot.
My favourite go-to cheap everyday perfume for around ~$50 is Dunhill Blue (150 ml), super goof value for money and smells nice. Add a touch of CK Encounter and you'll be turning heads ;)
If you want something more unique you can get Dunhill Black, but it's not for everyone.
@Tuftsdude: For Hugo Boss (Night) and Armani Code. the Aqua Armani 200 ml is good value for money when on special at My Beauty Spot.
how much $ is it on special?
the versace range is really good i normally go eros.
Been meaning to get some more of this, thanks for the free shipping coupon as well.
For just $10 more you can get CK One 200mL
If you are not in a rush you can get CK One 200 ml "regularly" for $29.99. Caveat is, you need to constantly scan CWH catalogue regularly too, or just join their mailing list. These prices are good but I've got the OP product for $24.99 - $26.99.
Just this morning I got a lot of positive feedback from CK Free. I've only started wearing it recently and it's already a favourite.
I am currently using CK Free
Not very strong and not long-lasting. I would never get that again.
I wouldn't even recommend it.
I used Police TO BE in past - That was so good. I got many compliments when I had it.
What's Police TO BE?
The original fragrance ……
… of what is now a range of To Be fragrances.…
I remember buying it for $25 not long ago form the same retailer.
Thanks, great time as my Mortein is running low.
Don't mean to be a snob or anything, but the EDP is definitely worth the extra $$$, EDT's really fade after a few hours in the real world. Still a great price especially with the free delivery!
Please tell me an example of something: which smells nice for men in the EDP dept.
Can anyone comment on the authenticity of perfumes from Chemist warehouse? I have bought from them previously and wasn't too impressed! The ones from DJ or Myers are more expensive but they always tend to last much longer… least for me. But would definitely like to hear everyone's thoughts on buying from CW.
I have bought Ralph Lauren Black in the past from CW, and it has been the same just like the others from Myer/DavidJones. Maybe it's just a placebo effect lol
These chemicals need to be stored under certain conditions and have limited shelf life. Perhaps CW is sloppier than DJ or Myers.
i was going to post the same thing..i feel the same. perfumes from DJ and myers are more effective. Not sure if chemist warehouse stocks genuine perfumes and why r they so cheap ?
They are the same thing. DJ/Myer just have much bigger markups. Have a look at any electronic product compared to JB/Goodguys and you will see a difference in price.
Any proof? I've always felt they are of lesser quality.
I can vouch that they are real, but I dont know what sort of proof you want to see?
@boxycelery: Yeah stupid question really. Next time I'm near a myer or something and a CW I'll do one on one wrist and one on the other to see. I just don't believe it.
Try buying something that is overpriced at Cw and feel the feel of wearing an expensive perfume :P It might impress you and stays longer. :P JK
For those who aren't multilingual, Eau De Toilette in French means Water from the Toilet.
Any back story as to why it is called toilet water??
toilet is smelly. spray few drops of this and you'll smell nice again. hence EDT, from toilet:)
When the phrase originated toilette had a different meaning than it does today. It didn't explicitly mean "Toilet" but more "Personal Grooming". It differs from colgne or parfum in that it is meant to be not as intense.
Source: I'm french :)
Always on this price at Chemist Warehouse. Nothing new about it. Free shipping code easily available 2 times in a month for more than $20 shopping.
Does anyone know of any Masculine smelling EDP at Chemist Warehouse? Price below $60 thanks.
B.O usually the most Masculine, but the ladies prefer my MUSK.
Does anyone feel the difference in perfumes bought from Chemist Warehouse or other retailers like Myer or David jones?
Chemist Warehouse says they buy in bulk from wholesales thats why its cheaper… but some or most are grey imports… so there is a chance that the supplier is mixing the supply with good fake perfumes… same thing happen with Target Aus, where they were buying MAC Cosmetic from USA wholesale and MAC Aus proved them they are fake and Target paid $1 Million for damages.
● Fake perfumes might have a similar top note to the original, but smell different as time goes on
● The scent will not last very long, wearing off after an hour instead of the six or more hours that they are supposed to last
● Fake scents often have a bitter smell, and tests have allegedly found traces of urine in some products
● Telltale signs of a fake include misspelled brand names on the packaging
● If the price is extremely low, it might be too good to be true. Choice claims that even if the perfume is authentic, a lower price “may indicate that it’s passed its use-by date or has been stored incorrectly or for too long”
● You can only be sure a perfume is real if you buy it through an authorised distributor. Check with the seller that they guarantee authenticity and source their stock through approved channels.…
What is your source for Chemist Warehouse stocking grey imports?
Email from the CW Customer Service …. Its cheap but I bought cool water for someone but came without plastic wrapping and the box doesn't look original.
Please be advised this fragrance does not come with wrapping.
We are the largest Fragrance Retailer in Australia and we source many fragrances from Distributors both in Australia and Overseas.
The overseas Suppliers are registered Wholesales that supply Duty Free and many other Major retailers.
We buy directly and are not bound by their Recommended Retail Price which is why you are able to buy at such a great price.
Customer Service Officer
Just bought three. One for each toilet. Thanks OP.
i only got two, one for each bum cheek.
Can someone please recommend a Fragrance for children? My little one likes to smell the scented stationery so I would rather to buy her something "proper". I love the scent of Bvlgari Petits et Mamans but those from the perfume shops smells different to the one that I used to buy from David Jones.
Inexpensive possibilities ………
… unusually for Chemist Warehouse, these can be currently ordered online.
Inexpensive high quality ……
Tea rose looks great! Thank you :D
Did you get some?
No. In the end I bought pure rose water from a middle eastern shop for $3-$4). Natural smells + Bonus: super smooth skin
J'adore Dior.
Thank you :D
Will I have to wait an eternity for them to ship it?
Yeah. Why? Is it an Obsession for you? Try Coolwater if you’re getting hot under the collar about it. Definitely try staying below 100 Fahrenheit.
Lame, but dad's might like it.
I'm a dad and I don't like it.
If i open it and i don't like the smell, can i still return and refund?
This is why testers exist I suppose.
Haha, yes i know. I should have said that a bit clearer..
I was thinking to buy online not in the store. Probably i should go to a store and find out.
Because with smell, someone will like it very much, other people will probably dislike..
Would highly recommend this
Been using it for the past 8 years or so. Smell is quite strong and lasts a whole day for me.
But bought this one to try it out. Thanks OP!
You cheap bastard
I don't think Chemist Warehouse stock You Cheap Bastard EDP.
I have purchased these for $ 24.99 from CW before during Christmas
I brought free of these
Eternity doesn't have a great smell in my opinion. CK One and Davidoff Coolwater are much better smelling perfumes for similar/ slightly higher price.
great idea.
Cool Water is actually a little cheaper
Thanks OP,
Now hopefully I will smell as good as I look
Was that a positive comment of a negative one? Eternity also has an image as a 'cheap, branded perfume'. ;-)
Good price. I'm surprised that code still works.