Espied a hive in whose honeycomb hung like stalagmites and threw my water bottle and was promptly bitten viciously by a squadron. I am having trouble casting the honeycomb from my minds eye. Should I move on?
Beehive: Risk/Reward?

I thought this thread was going to be all about the
Beehive Corner Building… and… and the Honeycomb'd… (Chocolate) on display in the Haigh's Window.Sure it were warm today and if you are going to lob a water bottle towards the shoppers, you might get an angry mob or squadron come after you…
Happy to have been able to assist you with this complex matter. lol
Are you a bear?
Winne the pooh?
doesn't look like it, check the username….
As someone who suffers an allergic reaction to bee stings 🐝 that is quite severe, I say buy your honey/honeycomb and do not go back to the hive.
What you should do in this situation is buy a Bose QC35.
Oh BEEhave
set the hive on fire
I thought this thread was about procuring advice for buying a bee hive. I want my minute back.
Should I move on?
Only if you beehive.
Fixated by the honeycomb?
Master the skills of taming the bees.Aside, if Psychedelic Honey is your cuppa, watch this slightly longer video for inspiration…
Nope, clearly you should stay for another drink…..