This was posted 7 years 5 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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PS4 / XB1: Big W - Assassin's Creed: Origins $64

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Big W will have Assassin's Creed: Origins for $64 on PS4/Xbox One at launch.


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closed Comments

  • +9

    Mario Odyssey and now AC: Origins. Big W really is smashing these prices. Any news on Wolfenstein 2 yet?

    • +6

      Wait a month and it will be $40 like all recent Bethesda games.

      • +1

        To be fair all the recent Bethesda games have been good.

        People just are not buying single player games anymore unless they are big names like Fallout/ AC.

        I plan on getting AC:origins when its $20-$30

        • +1

          I'll tell you how it is after I've thoroughly played it through. I like they've included a cool loot system (e.g. picking up a rare bow, legendary bow, epic bow etc.)

          Considering they've had 2 years off, I am hoping this is an Assassins Creed to remember.

        • +1


          Considering I just finished black flag after 2 years I have a few left to complete :P

          I wonder if you have to finish the others to make sense of them

        • +1

          @mavis30551: I too wonder the same thing.. There may be those sneaky references to the other games but I've researched this one a little and this game is based around the beginning of the Brotherhood, so essentially this is the first one?

          I'm just keen on slaying some lions and shit haha

  • +2

    Buy cashrewards gift card for $64 and you get them 5% off, soo essentially get the game for $60.80.

    • Do the evouchers get delivered straight away?

      • Usually within a few hours.

      • 2hours exactly.

  • +1

    Wolfenstein 2 price? Need that game!

  • Niiice

    $64 I'll be picking that up.

  • It's times like these where I wish there was a Big W near me…

  • +4

    Another day, another Assassin's Creed game. I didn't even know about this one.

    • +3

      This is the first one since Syndicate. That came out in 2015 ;)

      • -5

        That's not true. There were the two Chronicles games (India and Russia).

        • +7

          There were actually three Chronicles titles (China too), but they can't really be compared to a full AAA release AC title. Totally different style of game.

        • -4

          @Puff Braddy:

          I know there were three. Seon said there had been nothing since Syndicate so I referenced the two games that came out after Syndicate. China came out before Syndicate so I didn't mention it.

          Different style or not, they are still Assassin's Creed games as per my original comment.

        • +3


          Breathe, relax & chill. Read between* the lines.

        • +2

          @Drifter: As per your original comment you're still comparing totally different genres. It's like saying "I'm looking forward to the new Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" and someone saying "But there's Tom Clancy games every year, Rainbow Six Siege came out last year". Sharing a series name doesn't mean it's the same type of game. Chronicles was an offshoot branch of the AC series. There hasn't been an open world AC game since 2015.

        • -7

          @Puff Braddy:

          Genre is irrelevant to my original comment. There have been two Assassin's Creed games since 2016.

        • +3

          @Drifter: Genre actually means everything and wholly relevant when you're comparing an open world free roaming game to a side scrolling arcade style game. Your original comment, while technically correct, is misleading. This is the first open world AC game since 2015.

          I wonder if you think Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros are also the same type of game…

        • -1

          @Puff Braddy:

          I wonder if you think Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros are also the same type of game

          Now you're putting words in my mouth. I never said that Chronicles is the same type of game as the other AC games. The type of game is irrelevant to me in this discussion. What's relevant is that they are all AC games. We won't agree on this so it's pointless to keep bringing it up.

        • @Drifter: I'm not bringing anything up, merely replying to your comments. If you're over the discussion, then don't reply. Simple.

          I'm also not putting words in your mouth. The fact they're under the AC title is irrelevant to me in this discussion. What's relevant is that they are a vastly different genre of games, thus based on what people are expecting with this title gameplay wise, it's the first title since 2015. Cases in point, the Tom Clancy and the Mario examples. One umbrella, different branches i.e. different games. Not sure how one can dispute that, and am keen to hear how one would.

        • -1

          @Puff Braddy:
          You're both right. Happy?

    • -4

      AC needs a fresh reboot or something. Last few games feel same old.

      • +7

        This game is pretty much a reboot.

    • Normally I would agree ( for the most recent releases), but this looks like they actually put some thought into making it not another skin job. Check out some of the released gameplay, much better combat mechanics (no.more button mashing) and more natural open world events. As for story and performance gotta wait. Decent price though!

    • +3

      In the context of what you said, I thought you were linking to this image or this image. The infamous faceless glitch from Unity.

      • +3

        In hindsight I have missed an opportunity.

    • +1

      Pre-ordering is dumb, particularly with a AC game

  • +8

    I find this pricing hostile. Hostile to other retailers. To me it's quite agreeable though. Thank-you OP for sharing.

  • Any deals on south park and mordor shadow

  • +1

    Great deal but honestly just wait for the reviews and most likely a price drop. I haven't played a good Assassins Creed since Black Flag and that game was more of a spin off in some ways… besides being a Ubisoft employee haha.

    • Can I ask what's it like working for Ubi? (Not a trap)

      • +1

        i think he meant how you could be working for Absergo which made Animus, the in-game tech that lets you relieve genetic memories.

      • haha I wish I worked for them, I just meant in the Black Flag game you are literally an employee.

        • +1

          Sorry, Palm to face. Now I get it. Haha I'm just too keen to get some gossip on Ubisoft, heard some bad rumours

        • @Goremans: that's okay the English language can mean many things at the same time haha.

  • +1

    Damn was hoping they would have PC version as well

  • Buy, don’t open, if reviews are average - return it

  • Just Price match at EB and if it sucks you have 7 days to return it

    • -2

      u could try…..but..
      the trouble is eb dont seem to stock the bade game currently onlythe deluxe or gold version.
      so im guessing rhey will say they cant or wont price match as they do t have the baseversion for sale.
      smart way toget around their price matching or sorta sneeky.
      mind u the deluxe only has about $10 of extra content if u look atthe xbox live price difference.
      i cant see them dropping deluxe price to 64$.

      personally it looks like a great game so at $64 less ent book 5% its a bargain.
      u can prob trade it in for $50 a week or 2 later or on gumtree.

      looks like similar strategy on the new call of duty too. currently cheapest at jb hifi and effective $10 off that with card deal

      • I can confirm for you that if and a MAJOR IF EB Games do not stock a base version of a game but their 'Deluxe Edition' is the same price as their standard would have been (i.e $99.95 RRP) they will price match for you. It will be the same story as South Park though, prior to release there was only Deluxe and Gold Editions, now that it has launched there are indeed Standard Editions.

        • thx bro.
          i only see deluxe on their website but they may well stick base game at some stage.

  • +2

    I'm personally hoping that this game really delivers. I think I join the rest of the world in saying that AC: Black Flag was awesome and it's the last AC game I enjoyed. I thought Unity was a little underwhelming but I didn't mind Syndicate. Has anyone done extensive research into Origins? What can we expect?

    • im just wondering if u can actually hawkdive off a pyramid?
      i mean from a tall straight building straight down into a hay bale fair enough.
      but from the apex of a pyramid u need to not just go down but outwards as well / hirizontally as obviously the base is extended.
      having climed the outside ( illegally) of the great pyramid of giza i know this from experience, tho i didnt jump off the top!

      • Probably has a wingsuit this game for gliding from non vertical structures.

  • The only AC game that I've enjoyed recently was the last one but all before that i really disliked. I will be waiting on reviews for this game even though that's an awesome price for a release day game.

  • $64 at jb now too

  • Too bad Assassins Creed is a repetitive borefest

  • +3

    I haven't really enjoyed an Assassins Creed game since Black Flag, watching a few walkthrough videos of Origins on Youtube it looks pretty sweet. Should looks awesome on the Xbox One X in 4k too.

    • +1

      I have to totally agree with you mate. I wish I could upvote your comment 100 times, Black Flag was a treasure (see what I did there) and I think Origins may prove to be a gem!

    • +1

      I’m with you. Black Flag was the ONLY AC game I enjoyed, & I loved it.

      I do love Ancient Egypt so let’s see..

      • +1

        IMO Origins is way better than Black Flag :), and if u got a PS4 Pro (or gonna get XB 1X) then this game definitely blows Black Flag out of the water. I'm playing it on PS4 Pro and it's just amazing…

        • I just bought it but I’m going to wait till next week for my Xbox one x to arrive before firing it up.

        • @Nikovegna: Yeah there is no point playing it on XBox One isn't it ^_^. I think it's gonna look even better than the PS4 Pro version due to HDR support.

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