Received an email with a 20% off voucher DNA diet test that analyses your genes and expires at the end of October and seems to work for anyone.
20% off Diet DNA Kit

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It's true that the greasy hamburger diet pictured above does not suit all body types ;)
It suits my body type, I'm genetically predisposed to fast food.
until you hit 30…
Overall your body will adapt to whatever you give it over time.
You can do any diet anyone else can if you do it the same as them.
This DNA test would be mostly lies if not completely lies.
Person A: Ancestors evolved over several thousand years in Ireland eating primarily potatoes and other tubers.
Person B: Ancestors evolved over several thousand years on the plains of the Serengeti eating primarily antelope and other meat.
You really think if you put these two people on the same diet their body would react identically? Really? Really? FOH
That's not how evolution works.
Google evolutionary biology, read for 5 minutes and come back when you have a basic understanding.
Actually, it is.
Take lactose intolerance for example. If you don't have the genes to produce the enzyme lactase in a good quantity, then you will have trouble digesting diary products unless you use lactase supplements. Users can write that "the body will get used to it over time" all they want, but the truth is that if they don't have the genes or lactase in pill to breakdown lactose, then they will never get used to it over time.
"The majority of people around the world remain lactase nonpersistent, and consequently are affected by varying degrees of lactose intolerance as adults."
"Lactase persistence is a text-book example of natural selection in humans: it has been reported to present stronger selection pressure than any other known human gene."
European populations have a much lower rate of lactose intolerance than African, or Native American populations for instance. There was a selective pressure over time for Europeans to digest lactose as it was produced in great quantities, whereas it wasn't really there for African or Native American populations - which is why today ~75% of people in those populations have problems digesting diary.
@orangetrain: use every part of the animal.
animal milk is rich in fat and protein (or something like) - we get it from grass eating animals. so an easy source of "food". plus we can eat the animals if we want to (if we want to). and use the animal as a beast of burden for pulling plows or carts. use their manure as fertilizer or combustible material. the hide for clothing/protection.
cows (one of the most domesticated of animals) just stand around and eat grass. they are easy to maintain.
Lactose is different though.
Some people just stop producing the enzymes to digest it, this has nothing to do with your body adapting to the food.
Also there is no direct evidence that a person that is lactose intolerant got that through genes.
Funnily enough I was lactose intolerent for 12 months many years ago, now I'm not.
Person A: Ancestors evolved over several thousand years in Ireland eating primarily potatoes and other tubers.
potatoes were introduced to Ireland in the 16th century.
Spend 30 seconds learning some history.
Nice strawman avoiding the salient point that humans on opposite sides of the globe evolved consuming radically different diets. Cling to your feeble technicalities and continue ignoring the salient point.
@airal3rt: I'm simply pointing out you were wrong on potatoes. wrong. I'm not even entering the discussing about the localized dietary adaption.
@airal3rt: to be fair, if you base your argument on factual inaccuracies….
the salient point that humans on opposite sides of the globe evolved consuming radically different diets.
Funny thing with potatoes, their origins are from the opposite sides of the globe.
you might want to find a better example.
Don't potatoes originate from North America? (beaten to it by Member altomic)
Toy Story taught me that Mr Potatoes are Jewish.
So are you saying "eat what your grandma did"?
Dripping butties and dust from the bomb-sites here I come.
Saw an article about this type of thing if you do different tests you get varied results or answers.
Rip off, they just make up the results.
You don't need this to know how to exercise.I don't exercise so I definitely don't need this.
I don't believe that they make up the results. From what I can gather they actually do analyse certain parts of your genome, like your gene expression or what not. But to infer that this is even close to conclusive evidence on your diet choices seems sketchy. There is still too much we don't know.
the rip off is that they're on selling your DNA information & you're actually paying it!
Would be interested in this if it actually had some sort of merit. My metabolism is absolutely ruined from years of yo-yo dieting, insulin resistance is real…
yo-yo dieting
Why are you trying to give up yo-yos?
You can't "ruin your metabolism" from dieting. Insulin resistance is absolutely a thing, look into intermittent fasting and/or carbohydrate restriction to fast-track insulin sensitivity. Honestly though, if you eat a vaguely appropriate diet you won't encounter any issues with insulin resistance, insulin resistance occurs as a result of treating your body like an amusement park on a daily/hourly basis for an extended period of time.
All aboard the rollercoaster.. I already do intermittent fasting and have done so on and off for the last couple of years. I lost a large amount of weight in a short period of time a few years back (35kg), with heavy carb restriction and a lot of exercise. Since then weight fluctuations of +/- 10kgs every 6 months. So yes i have treated it a bit like a amusement park. At the moment its struggle city getting rid of 10kg even though im following the same procedure that has worked in the past.. anyways not the place for such a conversation :D lol
That's ok I understand where you're coming from, everyone has their own challenges and their own journey. It's simply that I have to take exception when I see comments like "My metabolism is absolutely ruined from years of yo-yo dieting" because fat people see this and think "oh that one time I did a juice fast for 3 days" or "that one time I didn't eat anything out of a packet for 2 weeks" and it perpetuates this notion that people can have a quote unquote broken metabolisms, which is just patently false. I wish you success in your endeavors, and given you've successfully lost 35kgs previously you have the blueprint there :)
Cool. i was after a test to analyse my jeans- lately they seem to disagree that KFC is the best diet for my body.
I'm starting a new diet company where you send me the money you would normally spend on groceries, I call it the '(profanity) we've got nothing to eat' and I guarantee that after a few weeks you'll have lost weight or we can move you up to a more extreme plan.
From the comments thus far it seems like people don't understand the purpose of this test. If you're overweight/obese stop shoveling calorific food into your mouth 24/7. If you're unhealthy(skinnyfat) substitute the potato chips and hamburgers for cruciferous vegetables and lean protein sources.
This test is designed to assist people with OPTIMIZING an already effective diet. If you're the kind of person who looks at what you've eaten in the last two weeks and thinks "I'm deficient in magnesium and suloraphane" so you start chowing down on bananas and broccoli sprouts this could be very useful for you. If you eat anything remotely resembling a typical western diet and your eyes light up when you see a Domino's coupon on the front page of OzBargain, this has nothing to do with you.
"your eyes light up when you see a Domino's coupon"
I immediately discarded it due to the photo of a lean woman eating a hamburger on a diet website illustrating that it may be a solution to some as 'not all diets suit everyone'.
A couple of fairly simple facts - leaner, healthier eating, over multiple small meals with lower caloric intake as well as increased movement such as maintaining 12,000+ steps a day and minor exercise will make any obese person lose weight.
Anyone that claims that it doesn't work cheated.
That is a bold claim. How do everything you said is true? Have you published a peer reviewed study with many obese people using the 'simple facts' you stated and they all had a 100% success rate?
A lot of the things you said are completely untrue.
"over multiple small meals" is false. It's a common fitness myth that eating multiple small meals per day boosts your metabolism but that has been proven to be untrue. One study below.
"leaner, healther eating". Very vague statement. Especially leaner. I guess you mean less fat? There are plenty of diets that work which incorporate high amounts of saturated fat. Most in vogue at the moment being the keto diet. The 'healthiness' of your diet doesn't have a good correlation with weight loss. You could eat really healthy food but if you are eating 6000 calories of wholegrains, salmon, chicken breast and veggies per day you will still not be able to lose weight. If you eat only McDonalds every day but stick to 1300 calories you will lose weight.
Sounds like you did something that works for you and now you know it all. Try to keep an open mind.
The fact is not all diets suit everyone. For example my body responds well to carbs. I eat 450g of carbs every day which is 1800 cals per day just in carbs and I am 180cm, 75kg lean. I have a friend who is 180cm 87kg (big strong guy) and if he is cutting he basically has to eat no carbs.
Having said that, I agree with most of the posts in this thread that this genetic test is BS. Best way to find out what works for you is to try it out. For example the frequent small meals vs less large meals thing. I have personally tried it out myself. 8 meals per day vs 2 meals per day. 4 months each, same caloric intake. No noticeable difference on the scales or mirror. I know at least for me, it makes no difference. Maybe to someone else it might make a difference. Try it out.
"This test" is a baseless and transparent attempt to leverage people's gullibility. Were it to be a credentialed laboratory test with any diagnostic value there would be citation to checkable peer-reviewed studies regarding the methodologies and accuracy and validity of results and it would be directed to credentialed allied health professionals with the education and training to assess and make any recommendation on such results.
It would also need to be a test involving your family history for at least three generations, information regarding your childhood diet, socio-economic status and what part of the world you were brought up in, a full list of childhood diseases, pharmacological history and a full medical assessment to begin to be even a small untested part of any dietary advice and regime.
As I said, it's bullshit.
Negging until you can provide proper peer reviewed research. We're only just uncovering how polymorphisms and genetic differences affect drug metabolism and cancer, how can you accurately determine what someone should be eating? The fact that microbiome isn't even considered makes me question your "science" and ethics.
"We're only just uncovering how…"
Maybe your behind the times then?
What do you mean?
We have only scratched the surface of pharmacogenomics, we still have a long way to go. While I question the diet side of things, personalised medicine is definitely where health is going so we shouldn't discredit that.I think this deal would discredit and stigmatise personalised medicine at this rate…
It would also involve analysis of the flora of our digestive tract, not just genes.
And yes, we're only starting to scratch the surface.
The best example of how changing the field is is epigenetics. The idea, that ten+ years ago would have had you laughed out of any serious discussions on genetics, that what we do in life affects how the genes we pass onto our children are expressed.
I'd say s/he wasn't. Have you ever come across the terms "phenotypic expression"? I doubt very much whether this vaunted "gene test" would begin to address such minor confounding variability, let alone pick up any variation due to epigenetic affects.
ObHint: If you needed to refresh yourself on either of those two dated terms, quit while you are behind.
Rookie Mistake: OP forgot to say to take it easy on me, it is my first deal.
That has the opposite effect here.
If you check out their website, their is so many caveats why the results and recommendations might not work.
They say they won't sell your information but cover their asses in terms and conditions just in case their databases are hacked.
This is currently pseudo science.…
Brought to you from the Karl Pilkington School of Evolutionary Studies
They'll be collecting data which can be onsold to pharma companies to market new medicines and gene therapies to you in the future. This is a data collection exercise, and data is money.
This is just ridiculous. Posting so I can neg the moronic idea that anyone can currently give you a diet based on anything they analyse.