Besides 57% off, another 7.5A$ coupon can be used, when you are ready to pay for the order
Besides 57% off, another 7.5A$ coupon can be used, when you are ready to pay for the order
If you are keen on updates and not worried about taking a small risk, this may be of help :
You haven't exercised your neg rights yet ;)
The mother company of this product is under severe financial crisis.
I do believe that you will not get the product grantee services if anything happen for that phone.
Aliexpress has them for US$199 all the time, around $250AUD.
57% off?lol
Looked at this phone for the camera, but the reviews weren't good. Went the Mi5 Instead.
keep in mind LeTV aka LeeCo is bankrupt
Dont expect any updates.
I wouldn't buy this.