TPG Huawei HG659 - Setting for Buzz Telco

Hi guys,

I'm having difficulty setting up my TPG provided Huawei HG659 for Buzz Telco.

Does anyone know what settings I should use?

I have superadmin rights to the modem and I'm FTTB.

I tried turning off VLAN and then using PPPoE. I got a flashing internet light but no internet.



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Buzz Telco


  • How's Buzztelco doing nowadays ?

    Last time they required VLAN Tagging. Not sure if still required after moving over to new service.

    • Not sure how they are doing as I haven't been able to connect with them. I'm sure it will be all fine once I do get connected. Similar issues experienced when I joined TPG over a decade ago. I like giving small businesses ago as more competition is always good.

      I'm FTTB and from what I have read on here and Whirlpool, I don't.

      But I did read somewhere that instead of PPPoE, I should try IPoE.

  • I don't know anything about your modem but the settings should be:
    PPPoE (no vlan tag)
    Username: 14 digit [email protected]
    Password: 14 digit number

    • Yeap tried all good. My modem is showing connected, although the times I stay connected arent very long so it seems unstable at the moment.

      Just no data packets coming through and when I got to sites such as I get the following:

      "Please contact your ISP regarding your Account
      You have been redirected to this page as there is a problem with your authentication details.

      Please contact your ISP to resolve the situation. "

      Not sure if that means it's an issue from their end or how I set my modem up from my end.

      • You need to call them. Your service may not have been activated from their end.

        • really?

          shows up as activate when I log into my account.

          Okay I'll give them a buzz.

        • @johnthepg:

          let us know how it goes.

          how long did it take you from sign up to activation.

          thinking to sign up myself.

        • @phunkydude:

          I signed back in late Aug but wasn't ready to move over till now.

  • You'll need superadmin access. See this thread for how to get in:

    edit: Sorry, see that you have superadmin access already.

  • Update: Finally connected with them. They gave me the wrong password.

    • Password is the same as the 14 digit username.

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