Just moved to this new place. I'm pretty young and stupid.
Is This a Powerpoint? if Yes, Where Are The Holes?

Last edited 16/10/2017 - 07:38 by 1 other user
put a wireless charging phone on it
Yep, it's one of those new wireless power points. :p
Yeah that's a blanking plate.
There may have been a powerpoint there at some point, and the previous tennant/owner had the wiring moved for another use.
Or they just had the powerpoint removed.
They wiring could still be behind that plate.
pretty young and stupid.
Ripe sushi, pretty, young and stupid. Anything else?
It's for stashing your weed. Anyone who looks in there may get a shock.
It's for stashing your ricin
Open it up and find rolled up pineapples
Looking at the photo, the wall is pretty rough, and the paint on the box, as well as the point being mounted on the outside of the wall, which indicates a much older flat. (60 plus years old)
That would say to me that there is a likelihood the wiring is old and faulty and they have removed the powerpoint because of the fault rather than replace it.
The blanking plate looks rather new
Do not even consider anyone other than an electrician (which the owner would have to authorise) looking at this or installing a powerpoint.
doesn't look like ppt - more like a word
That doesn't help him though. He wants to know how to Access it.
and if he takes a different outlook he may well excel, or find a new career as a publisher.
But will OP find the suite spot?
swap it for a gpo.
There is no such thing as a stupid question if you truly don't no the answer, people that don't ask questions on the point of being afraid of looking stupid remain stupid. RockyRacoon has answered you question spot on and with good follow up advice. Good luck and enjoy your flat.
It's a bit like how in the UK appliances used to be sold without plugs and you had to wire in your own - what you need to do is drill the holes for whatever you want to plug into that socket using a dremel or similar tool.
You are joking…..right…..aren't you……seriously????
You are joking…..right…..aren't you……seriously????
…. you really need to ask?
Down voting just in case someone thinks you're being serious and actually electrocutes themselves!
Anybody who is basic enough to take that comment seriously doesn't deserve a place in the gene pool…
Down voting just in case someone thinks you're being serious and actually electrocutes themselves!
Agreeing mostly with the general consensus. It is a DGPO mounting box, and at some stage, the DGPO - Double General Power Outlet was removed, and a blanking plate installed to cover the opening. You could ask the owner/landlord……
Opening the cover itself is not a problem if you have the smarts, 2 screws, but BUT do not touch any wiring inside if there is any. A cover plate is easy to R & R, correctly and safely terminating any old wiring is the worry if not done by experienced/licensed tradesman. You only need to concern yourself if the mounting block is damaged, in your way and or you need a power point back in that location, otherwise no dramas.
If you have to ask what it is, you don't have the knowledge to open it and look inside.
Get a sparky, or leave it alone.
It's just a wall box with no socket panel installed. And there may or may not be wiring leading to it.