Hi, I need to pick roof lining and seats for my Ford Falcon from a wrecker.But I don't know how can I fit all these things in my Falcon car.If anyone and idea please feel free to comment, waiting for some bash also :)
Bringing Roof Lining with Front and Rear Seats in Ford Falcon

Last edited 16/10/2017 - 07:42 by 1 other user
Why do you need to take the Falcon? Beg, borrow or
steala van/ute...or a trailer
Yeah , I think i will hire a trailer.What a stupid question I asked😅
What would have been stupid is if you didn't ask it, and then tried to rope all that shit onto the roof of your ford falcon
@outlander: literally first option was in mind was this.I forgot my car has tow bar .Sorry mate eventing is new for me , didnt face problem like this.
Rip out rooflining and passenger seats at home. Go to the wreckers and install the rooflining, chuck the seats in the car loose and drive home.
Another great option.
How are you going to attach the roof lining inside your car? The roof lining on my BA Falcon is f%cked and needs to be replaced or reglued.
I am not going to attach roof lining by myself.I will just buy it and pay someone to fix it.
The roof lining on my BA Falcon is f%cked and needs to be replaced or reglued.
So common it's not funny!
If anyone mentions a BA Falcon trade-in, first question I ask/joke about - Roof lining sagging yet? The usual response is "Funny you say that, …"
So many car makes and models have the same problem and the same with faded peeling paint & clear over fails. There are just some years of manufacture that failed in the Automotive supply line, but sadly they usually lasted until out of warranty.
If it's not worth paying to fix I just use drawing pins to stick it up, the drawing pins on my last falcon that went off to the wreckers lasted a good five years without incident. Glue doesn't work because the problem is the foam disintegrating.
Professional repair was a couple of hundred bucks from memory, more than the car is worth (without rego).
I've managed to do some Tetris crap and get 2 front seats and rear seats into my old VX before. Also managed to purchase and bring home a new roof lining for my VY before. Not both at the same time though.
Might I recommend, take the back seat cushions out, take passenger seat out, drive to wreckers, put new rear seat in, bolt new passenger seat in, lay it flat, unwind the new driver's seat to flat, place it on the passenger seat or across the back seat (but put something down so that the rails don't damage the seat material), and then slot the roof lining in accepting the fact it may be laying on your head for the drive.
Lucky it's Monday morning and everyone feels fine!
Otherwise there would be a suggestion of just leaving your Falcon at the wreckers.
I'm assuming it's a BA/BF Falcon, given the sagging roof lining…?
- I wouldn't be paying anyone to fix/install the roof lining. Throw a few staples in or something to get it back up.
- How bad are your seats that you need new ones? Have fun with ~10yo factory bolts holding them in.
Cost/value of the Falcon probably doesn't make your repairs cost-effective, unless you're talking about an XR8/GT or something. a BA/BF XR6 just isn't worth that sort of work.
Do you mean literally get an office stapler and try to staple it back to the roof? Or are there some kind of fabric staples?
Lol I don't know I'm not a trimmer. I probably would've gone option a!
That said, there's probably tons of Youtube vids on it
or spray adhesive?
Mine is BA Ghia.It roof ling was damage when I purchased one year ago and have sunglass holder missing from starting.It doesn't look nice, that way thinking of replacing it.My leather seat is in good condition.I want that leather seat for my brother he has BA XT Falcon since I have leather seat he also wants in his car.
Two seats and roof lining need replacing? Wouldn’t that be an economic write off?
Would be cheaper to buy the whole car and drive it back to the old car.
+1 for staples. 5~10 staples would still cost more than an old Falcon. :D