This was posted 7 years 4 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

30 Rock 20 DVD Set, Seasons 1 - 7 (All), Amazon UK, GBP 20.24 ~ AUD 41.00 (Shipped to AU)


Great price for great series. Bought it myself.

JB Hi-FI has this for $75…

Other sellers for GBP30+

From Amazon:

Product Description
Every episode from all seven seasons of the US comedy set in the offices of an American TV network. Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) is head scriptwriter for comedy sketch show 'The Girlie Show' who has to use all her political skills to keep her eccentric star Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) and arrogant, new-ideas boss Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) in check.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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Amazon UK

closed Comments

  • Should have noted: VAT comes off at checkout and they are region 2/4 discs.

    • Do DVD players still have region locks?

      • Does not matter in this instance since UK DVDs can be played in AU (region 4).

        • -1

          These are stared to be region 2. Aust is region 4.

        • I have the disks and all of them are region 2&4. Some are 2, 4 & 5.

  • +2

    Includes Harvey Weinstein jokes.

  • -1

    Or this great special deal….
    Download on your computer in 1080p for free!

    • -1

      Stealing is not a deal, be it physical or intellectual property.

      • -1

        Aren't you a hero for spending money on outdated technology. Do you think all these ISPs offer 500gb, 1TB or even unlimited data per month just to browse the internet?!? I used to own blockbuster stores and I have spent hundreds of thousands on DVDs, blurays and games. You can get something for free with no consequence (there are no laws that will actually prosecute you for downloading in Australia currently) that's why they are trying to block the sites around the country because they can't officially charge you with anything. You are living in the 1980s!

        • -1

          I doubt you are right about legality of downloading from suspect sources. Although I do agree that there may not be the resources to enforce it.

          As for 80s technology, I PAID the content creator for what they have invested time, money and talent into. If it was on Blu-ray or streaming from Netflix it does not matter - content producers are getting PAID.

          If it was from Pirate Bay or the like, they would not.

          The download limits I would argue are there for legitimate services.

          You say that you owned Blockbuster stores. I note that it is in the past tense. They closed down because of attitudes like you stated where no one wanted to pay for the content and downloaded for free.

        • @kgb007:
          Yes they are not making too much money from blurays anymore but are still making astronomical amounts from the theatre as prices are so high for a ticket! I still go constantly to see movies there and obviously support the industry for titles I want to see. Even if there is a collectors set on bluray of a preferred movie or show I still buy it. I have amassed a huge collection of DVDs, blurays and games. Literally over 10,000 I have in my home. So don't tell me I haven't paid my share! You wouldn't spend that much in three lifetimes. It's the way of the world that everything has to go digital and companies are acknowledging that by charging extra in the cinema and still making hefty profits. Also if watch it on Netflix the studio gets nothing, Netflix pays a fee for the rights to broadcast for a limited time. There is a only a handful of shows and movies they help produce themselves that would benefit them. If you think the download limits are there for other reasons then you are completely naive and deluded. Downloading from suspect sources, well it's only suspect if you never done it before. They talked about getting laws in for downloading but decided to go with blocking the torrent sites instead. So no there are no laws from downloading from torrent sites. The media put the term out there it's stealing. But legally you can download to your hearts content. I've been stung with downloading when I owned my stores, now embrace it to get my share.

  • +2

    might as well add this here….

    another VERY cheap complete season box set - from Amazon US

    Parks and Recreation - 21 discs $U18.99 plus shipping…

    sadly though NTSC - then again the later seasons sold in Oz were the NTSC version.

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